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Following up on a patron’s request from earlier this month. Just wanted Wonder Woman fighting and then humiliated by Cheetah, so a pretty easy delivery. Got another WW commission I’m working on so this worked pretty quickly. So watch your messages in a few days in case I reach out to someone for more ideas.

Barbara (the villainess best known as Cheetah) went bounding across the ancient rooftops, grinning as she held her prize within her claws. The golden idol of a curvy woman was tucked securely into her travel bag, bouncing against her hip. Her plan was nearly complete; it was her second of the three sacred relics that would fill her with unstoppable power of Bastet, the Egyptian cat goddess. They had been hidden in temples around the world, but the ancient Mayan city had contained one of them. She only needed the last one in China to finish her ritual... or so it seemed.

She didn't realize she was being followed until it was too late. The golden-furred supervillain heard the whizzing of something in the air and looked up to see a tiara flying right at her. She gasped and dodged with her lightning speed, but her bag wasn't as quick as the rest of her. The tiara cut right through the strap, letting it and the idol fall from her arms and down to the jungle floor. "NO!" Cheetah cried out. Even her cat-like reflexes couldn't move fast enough before the bag hit the ground and shattered into pieces.

"So much for your ritual, Cheetah." Princess Diana, aka Wonder Woman, landed on the other side of the ancient temple's roof. She caught her returning tiara and fit it back into place, smirking at the foiled feline. "The amazons have watched over these relics for generations. I'm impressed you managed to collect the two before I stopped you."

"You ruinous, upright bitch. How dare you interfere?" Cheetah snarled, baring her fangs as she glared at her archenemy. Cheetah was completely covered in her yellow fur, long red hair coming down her back. She would sometimes wear shorts and a shirt, but her prowl through the jungle left her deciding that traveling nude would be the most practical in her feral form. Apart from her obviously feminine curves to her sleek body, it wasn't as if there was much to see through all of her fur. Diana, meanwhile had her usual armored red white and blue one piece with the high red boots and long, slightly curly black hair.

"I do apologize for interrupting your string of priceless thefts and attempts to ascend to godhood," Diana said with a shameless smirk. "But I do have my duty to protect my people."

"Protect this, you self-righteous cow!" Cheetah reached into her remaining pouch and drew a submachine gun, opening fire on Wonder Woman. The brunette crouched low and raised her arms, moving them at incredible speeds so that her bracelets deflected every one of Cheetah's rapid-fire shots.

The villainess had clashed with her enough times that she didn't expect the simple weapon to do much to her, but it distracted Diana enough that she could go sprinting across the rooftop. While the demigoddess heroine had caught her by surprise, even she had trouble keeping up with Cheetah's feline agility. She tackled the rising Wonder Woman around the waist and sent both of them hurtling off the ruins. They bounced off of a few stone pillars and high, moss-covered statues, but Cheetah kept using her cat-like reflexes to contort and ensure that Diana's head or back took the brunt of the impact. The two of them finally splashed into the shallow river below. Cheetah shook herself bodily, spraying the water from her fur while the gasping Diana wiped her wet hair from her face.

The amazon princess reached for her hip, only to find that her golden lariat was missing. It and her tiara had been swept up by the river, caught against a cluster of rocks further downstream. She didn't dare turn her back on the vengeful villainess, taking up a fighting stand in the knee-high waters instead. "I won't need weapons to take down a cowardly beast like you," Diana declared.

"Fine then." Cheetah tossed away her last pack, letting it land on the shore. "Then let it be your fists against my claws."

Cheetah stomped towards Wonder Woman, the water slowing both of their stride. Diana had plenty of time to prepare, but their blows still came fast and powerful. Diana blocked a pair of jabs from the speedy villainess, countering with a quick uppercut to her jaw. The furry archeologist's head snapped but she lashed back with a swipe of her short, sharp claws. Wonder Woman wisely ducked back, feeling the air and water shift as Cheetah's claws barely missed slicing along her breasts. Wonder Woman threw a kick back at her foe, but Cheetah caught her booted ankle and swept her feet out from under her. Diana gave a short shout of surprise just before she vanished under the water, the only thing above the surface being Cheetah's tightly grasped leg. Diana struggled to get back above the water, flailing as the river pushed up her nose and in her eyes as Cheetah helped hold her under.

"I guess goddesses need to breathe!" Barbara laughed before turning on her heel. She swung Diana's leg like a clumsy club, the princess' body swinging right after it. Diana gave a brief cough, spitting out river water to replace it with air when her skull smashed into a narrow tree by the bank. It snapped against her thick skin and Cheetah's mighty strength, but it still made the heroine's eyes roll as it momentarily knocked her silly. Cheetah swung hard to crash her through another few small trees, dirt and leaves sticking in her wet hair before the cat woman let her go flying through the air. Diana landed roughly in the grass, trying to cough out the last of the water as Cheetah leapt into one of the higher trees. She bounded nimbly from branch to branch before suddenly diving down, spiking her heels into Diana's vulnerable belly. Wonder Woman arched her back, letting out one more choking wheeze as the last of the water spray out from her lips like some beautiful fountain.

"Still with us, bitch?" Cheetah asked mockingly. The breathless Wonder Woman only rolled onto all fours as Cheetah stepped off of her. She tried to rise as Cheetah slammed her with a knee to the face, knocking her on her back once again. Diana was still trying to see straight when Cheetah pounced and straddled her stomach, raising her clawed fingers menacingly.

"Oh no you don't!" As Cheetah swung her claws at her face, Diana reached up and caught her by the wrists. Even in her dazed and weakened state, the heroine was a powerhouse between her amazon training and divine bloodline. She slowly but surely pushed back Cheetah's claws forcing them back towards her body. With some quick and desperate thinking, Cheetah shifted her wrists and struck straight down instead of up, gouging her claws into Diana's tits. It wasn't deep enough to draw blood on the invulnerable princess, but it left long red scratches down her ivory skin.

"AHHHH!" Diana screeched in agony as Cheetah flashed her a fanged smile, savoring the pain of her nemesis.

"Not so tough without your toys, Wonder Cunt?" Cheetah jeered. Diana pulled back on her wrists, removing her claws from her and headbutting Cheetah right in the face. She let out a yowl and recoiled, allowing Wonder Woman to sit up and tackle her to the ground. With some tumbling around, Diana caught her by the hair and shoved the feline face into the grass.

"I'm tired of your disrespect, you lunatic!" Diana was seething mad, her breasts still throbbing dully from her rival's claws. Cheetah threw an elbow back into her ribs, making Diana grunt before she caught the offending limb. With a practiced and acrobatic tumble, Diana rolled over onto her hips and pulled Cheetah into a submission hold. Her face was buried between Diana's thighs as the princess wrenched on her arm, trapping her in the pinning position.

"Yield, Barbara!" Diana demanded. "Struggle not and I'll finish you quickly."

"Not to you I won’t!" Cheetah grunted as she struggled between Diana's iron-like leg muscles. "At least I have enough dignity that I won't run around in a star spangled bikini!" Diana squeezed her tighter to cut off her insults, but Cheetah bit her fangs into Diana's inner thigh. The princess immediately shrieked as she released the hold and pulled away. Diana's hand went to her thigh to check the damage, but by the time she glared at Cheetah the villainess had already lunged forward. She pounded Wonder Woman in the pussy with a low uppercut, making her cross her legs and give a long, pathetic moan. To Cheetah, Diana had never looked as enticing as she did right when she was stunned in pain.

Barbara let Diana cradle her injured groin, laughing at her expense before the furry woman moved to all fours in a predatory stance. She sprinted forward, and while Diana made a feeble attempt to grab her, Cheetah surprised her by shooting right between her legs. Instead of clawing or tackling her, she dodged right past her and caught her around the legs with her tail. Diana gave a short grunt as she was tripped to the grass, landing on her proud and bulging chest. It bounced off the ground, leaving the heroine moaning as Cheetah squatted playfully behind her.

"Still fat and slow. You royal amazon cows make for such easy prey." Cheetah gloated as she grabbed the back of Wonder Woman's costume and pinned her to the ground. She wasn't going far, her hands still cupping her crotch that was throbbing from the surprise uppercut. "But at least there's always plenty of meat on you..."

The feral-looking woman smacked Diana on the ass, the muscled but juicy rear wobbling in her star-spangled bottoms. Diana started to let out a miserable moan that suddenly turned into a scream as Cheetah held onto one of her cheeks, kneading the soft flesh while letting her claws dig into the princess' pale skin. "OWWW! STOP! Let GO, you monster!" Diana howled, thrashing and squirming to try to get free. She was one of the strongest women alive, but Cheetah had her trapped by leverage alone. The feline villainess was free to smack and claw Diana's ass until the pale skin was turning red and the brunette princess had tears coming down her face from the constant numbing pain in her rear.

"I always did love playing with my food... I bet nobody's spanked your bratty royal ass in a hundred years, you fat hag!" Cheetah lifted Diana off the grassy ground by her costume, twisting and suddenly hurling her away while keeping her claws buried into her costume. Diana let out a wail that trailed behind her as her body tried to go flying away but her costume stayed in Cheetah's grip. With a loud and dread-inducing rip, the heroine's costume was torn off and her naked body went soaring through the air. Diana screamed until she smacked into a tree, cutting herself off with a grunt as her breasts were flattened against the rough bark. She fell limply for a few feet until her loosely spread legs landed on top of a tree branch, her pussy freshly smashed against it as her grunt of pain turned into a howl. The limb cracked beneath her weight and she bounced off a few more before landing in a graceless, naked heap at the base of the tree, moaning with her face buried in a pile of leaves and dirt.

"Well now! I knew I would see the fall of Princess Diana someday! I just didn't think it would be this literal." The fuzzy villainess walked confidently over to the miserable amazon, her regal beauty now spoiled with grass, twigs and leaves that had stuck to her sweaty hair and skin. Cheetah caught her by the messy hair and lifted Diana up to her feet, or at least as high as she could go with her limp legs clumsily fumbling beneath her. She shoved Diana into the tree and threw her stunned and listless limbs across a pair of branches, forcing her to stay on her feet as the princess was still seeing stars. Content with the few painful and irritated scratches she'd left in Diana's rack already, Barbara balled her hands into fists and started to work the amazons tits like her personal speedbags.

A firm straight flattened Diana's right breast into her ribs, followed quickly by a cross that smacked her left orb into the right. Diana let out some feeble grunts and moans with each strike, but before long her voice couldn't even keep up with the incredible speed behind the superman punches. Cheetah punched so fast that she landed a hook into the right and then the left, letting the plump and proud boobs smack into each other as they met in the center. Bruises started to pop up across her already aching breasts, each bounce of her bountiful tits sending fresh shots of pain through their catty scratches. Cheetah added the finishing touch to her flurry of blows with a massive uppercut, hitting Diana's tit so hard that it flew up and smacked her in the hanging face like a boxing glove. The titty blow echoed her first strike, knocking Diana silly as her bruised and naked body crumbled into a sitting position, back feebly slumped against the tree.

Diana groaned and slumped there weakly until Cheetah brought her heel stomping down on the battered heroine's crotch. Wonder Woman shrieked in agony as her womanhood was crushed once again. She fumbled to protect herself but the dominating feline had her foot planted too firmly already. "I really do have no idea how you amazons came to be so proud," Cheetah jeered. She lifted her foot off of her, just to ram her knee into Diana's jaw. It knocked her for a loop as Barbara brought her toned and furry hips closer to her fallen foe. Diana let out a pathetic wail as Cheetah grabbed her by the hair with both hands, letting her claws scrape against the scalp beneath.

"If you don't want me to leave you bald or scalped, you cocky little bitch, you'd better start making yourself useful." Diana shivered, hurt and afraid as the villainess extended one of her legs. It spread her thighs and pressed her fuzzy snatch into her rival's face, aggressively humping Wonder Woman's nose and mouth. She moaned and tried to push her hips away, but a quick pull of her hair and prick of Cheetah's claws made the teary-eyed heroine fall back in line. She whimpered as Cheetah brazenly humped her face, hearing the darkly content purrs of Cheetah above as she towered over her. The heroine had been defeated here and there, but never to such degrading extents as being face-fucked in the middle of the jungle.

"Such a cooperative little bitch," Cheetah hissed as she started to grind her furry, musky crotch over Diana's face. "You really should behave like this more often." Diana couldn't reply, only groan as her head was repeatedly bumped into the tree trunk by Cheetah's humping. She gave some muffled protests, but the dominant villainess' pussy was always there to cut her off. Her pathetic struggles only seemed to arouse Cheetah further, making her grind against the princess' face with longer, slower thrusts. Soon Diana could feel Cheetah's swelling clitoris pressing against her face, shocked and disgusted at how aroused she was by her cruelty (and just how much bigger her clit was than hers). Cheetah was clearly reaching the peak of her arousal as she pulled harder on Diana's hair. The princess let out a miserable whimper as her scalp burned and her face was dripping with Cheetah's feral pussy juices. The naked Wonder Woman shuddered and gagged as the villainess started to rub herself in shorter, quicker motions, but not before sealing off Diana's mouth and nose with her snatch so she could smell and taste nothing but.

"You make such a good whore... you really are wasting your time as a superhero," Cheetah moaned as she pulled Diana's hair painfully in time with her humping. She suddenly pulled herself back, fingering herself right in front of Diana. "Bark for me, bitch."

"What?!" Diana wasted her first breath of fresh air with another scream. Cheetah started to twist and pull on her dark curls like she was trying to rip them out. "WOOF! BARK BARK!" Diana started to shriek, tears of pain and humiliation running down her face as she grabbed at her hair.

Cheetah slammed her hips back into her face, this time planting her toned ass cheeks over Diana's nose and mouth. "Keep going," Cheetah ordered. "And if you're strong enough to struggle, then finger me while you're at it."

Cheetah's tail curled up and batted at Wonder Woman's sweaty face, taunting her as the heroine did as she was told. She went on barking and whimpering softly, sending extra little vibrations against Cheetah's ass and pussy. She reached between Cheetah's thighs, the villainess still holding her entire hair hostage on top of her missing any of her weapons and entirely sapped of any remaining stamina or strength. Cheetah's hips pumped against her hand, which made her ass grind back on Diana while her excited tail went on slapping and brushing against her mockingly. Diana gasped when the tail suddenly curled around her neck, pulling Diana's head lower between her legs. Cheetah's muscular body tensed and suddenly squirted her cum all over Diana's tits in a sloppy but enthusiastic orgasm. Diana sputtered and recoiled as best she could, but between the pinning tree and Barbara's noose of a tail, she was stuck suffering through the shockingly long and exhaustive orgasm.

"Holy shit... you have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that," Cheetah sighed, sitting up and releasing Diana. The cum-stained and ruined heroine just slumped into the grass, coughing weakly. "It's absolutely worth losing the treasure. We need to do this again sometime." She sized up Diana briefly before taking her by the ankle. She lifted it up to her eye level, leaving most of Diana dangling like a piece of meat before her. She grabbed one of the princess' meaty ass cheeks and buried her fangs into the abundant flesh. Not enough to rip out a hunk of meat, but certainly leaving some deep bite marks that would last for a while. Diana let out a few feeble wails, but she was too exhausted from screaming and crying for so long. Now she was choking on Cheetah's cum as well.

"A little forget-me-not. I look forward to next time," Cheetah chuckled. She was sure it would heal over eventually, but anyone who would see it would certainly ask questions. She gave Diana's ass one last slap before dropping her to the jungle floor, the confused princess staring up at her.

"Wait... you're not...?"

"Killing you? Oh trust me, I was tempted. You're lucky you were so much fun there. How could I bring myself to end such a beneficial relationship as this one?" She threw back her head and laughed at the broken heroine as she started off. "You might want to rest up quicker than that. There's angry natives and some nasty beasts in these jungles. Even a few of my feline friends, and you know that they'd love a pretty little piece of meat like you right about now."


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