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Caught up on candidate number 2. I feel like I'm going slower than usual this month, but I've got most of the quota out for this month already. This story's interesting, but a level more complicated than a lot of the others so can take some word to do. 


"Such a fertile lord... we thank you..."

Gareth had woke in his salvaged bed with his cock already in the mouth of one of the blue dregs. The lanky, curvy little creatures were insatiable, which had proven invaluable in breeding his army of the creatures. He pulled on one of her ears, pushing her face further onto his shaft as she quietly gagged but quickly adapted to the new position. Two younger ones soon arrived, a brown and a green carrying his water and breakfast. They had even started to pick up on how he liked his eggs and sausage, even if their varied food sources made him choose not to ask what went into the sausage. He had once wolfed down the food, but in his new position as the obvious lord of the "dregs" he maintained an air of poise and power. It made their boundless respect and adoration of him run even more rampant than ever to see him so dignified, even if he was rarely without a dreg hanging off some part of him or another. He calmly ate his breakfast and nodded to the two serving dregs, permitting them to touch him. One ran right between his legs as he sat up in bed, wrapping her warm and wet mouth around his balls to slurp on them encouragingly. The other sat her plump rear on his thigh, tucking her head in under his arm and just sniffing contently as she humped his side.

The race of shortstacks had become obsessed with him in every way they could. Their need for leadership and a male to breed was enough, but Gareth's skill for manipulation and inspiring men (or creatures, he supposed) made him like a god to them. He was perfectly alright to let them think as much. Especially if it was either this treatment or being banished to the snowy mountains. Sheg came loping in, the elder dreg with the wild eyes and long hair his default contact and second in command among the horny little things.

"I have checked with your mates," Sheg reported, completely ignoring the three humping and sucking females on her leader. She held a small slab of stone and scratched out a few things on it in charcoal. "And we seem near capacity. Even with the storage caves and summer dens, we are about ready to burst the mountain from the inside out."

"Good. Then the plan is working." The dreg sucking on his cock started to bore him, so he picked her up by the hair. She let out a short squeal but didn't dare to protest against her lord. He turned her around and stuffed himself up her ass. The gremlin-like creature's eyes rolled and her ears folded back submissively as she cooed. "So what do our numbers look like?"

"Two-thousand, chosen one. Among them, roughly five-hundred are either too young or too pregnant to fight. The rest are ready to serve your every need."

The imp that was grinding on his thigh moved to all fours, licking his cock like some perverse but happy pet until her tongue was shamelessly rubbing both his shaft and his other dreg's asshole. "Clearly," he mused, his cock pulsing. He pulled harder on the dreg until his thick dick went straight into her, pulling her ass into his waist as he emptied his balls inside her.

"OOOH! Thank ya, master!" the serving dreg purred in delight just to have his seed up her juicy booty.

"Serve me well in the fight to come and I'll see you bear another litter for me." He slapped her on the ass and the creature giggled brainlessly, holding and kissing Gareth's hand before she wiggled off of it. The other two instantly started to fight over who got to mount him first.

"About that, sire," Sheg added. The elder approached and held up her list of checks and marks. "We are light on weaponry. We have our spears, slings and knives, but only enough for a fraction of our forces. And armor for even fewer."

"It will be enough for now," Gareth mused, letting the two remaining dregs roll around the floor, grabbing and scratching at each other's crotches to try to deter their hissing rival. "It will be easy to gather more soon enough." He took out the old parchment with his improvised map. It wouldn't be perfectly accurate, but he knew enough of his geography to know all the major neighboring kingdoms, villages and fortresses. "Ryker's Stand," he said, flicking one spot on the map with a small sketched structure. "It was once a fortress against the barbarians of Welk. Since their disappearance, it is little more than a watch tower and a memorial. A place for traveling troops to restock. They will be expecting us even less than the rest of the world. Fresh supplies and a new den for our forces."

"Wise as always, lord," Sheg said with a nod. "Shall I clear your schedule of any further mates today to let you rest?"

"Sheg, I have been at this for a year. It empowers me as much as it exhausts me." Gareth rose and took the two squabbling dregs by the neck. He grew tired of them and tossed them out the flap of his room. "Tell them I'll see them, but no breeding. I want as many as we can light and ready for war tomorrow."

Ryker's Stand was a stout-looking place, three stories tall with a basement while particularly wide. The place was more of a pitstop for patrols than anything. It hadn't seen a real battle in over a hundred years, meaning that the guards were lax and patient. The troops stationed there were often lazy, old or simply failures that the officers couldn't find proper reason to discharge and just wanted them out of sight. A low mist had settled in that night, not that it mattered to Ian. He was high up in the watchtower, leaning on the butt of his spear that he'd carefully positioned so he could look over the valley with minimal effort. Not quite asleep, not quite standing. Just right. There was protocol for this kind of thing, and they technically needed someone on watch at all times. He saw for miles, and there was no sign of any trouble. Just the mountains that no one dared to cross. Even with the fog settling in, it only reached a few feet off the ground. No human being could have fit under that little cover without him noticing. He chuckled at the very thought. Even if they had somehow crawled under the shallow cover, they would have to breach the gates. Even if they were able to scale the walls, they couldn't do it on a quiet night like this without him hearing their grappling hooks.

"Ooh, it's a male!" Ian blinked as he heard the dreamt up voice. He shook his head and went back to staring at the fog. Maybe it would pop into his head again if he daydreamed some more. The voice was high and raspy, but it sounded cute. Like some strange little woman...

Weex and Ty silently hopped over the lip of his perch. The two red dregs had scaled the tower with ease, the stacked bricks and stones making much easier handholds than the snowy mountainside they were used to. Even their heavy breasts weren't enough of a handicap to hinder their climbing that badly. Weex pulled a sharp stone knife from between her tits as Ty bounded off the ground. She had just bore her third batch of children just a week ago, and she was delighted to find the surge of power her lord's seed had given her. Every birth gave the dregs more strength, and she was now among the strongest they had. A loping arm wrapped around Ian's neck, squeezing tightly to choke out any shouts he might have tried. He was quickly dragged down out of sight where Ty trapped his head between her thighs, squeezing until his face turned red.

"Good, male. Good..." Ian stared in horror at the short but otherwise thick-built creature in front of him. His mind raced to that of a red devil from stories as she brandished her knife at him. "Make good use out of you," Weex promised as she thrust her knife. Ian gasped for air, expecting to see how own blood spill out over the stone. Instead he felt Ty humping the back of his helmet with a wet squeaking noise, as if her crotch was polishing it. He felt a cool breeze as Weex's knife cut through his belt and she yanked down his pants. He felt a burst of hot air from the warm little creature laughing at the sight.

"Got a big prize, this one!" Ty giggled, bouncing up and down on her butt. It made Ian's head bob in her lap as her juicy thighs and strong-smelling crotch took over his face.

"Not so big," Weex noted with an amused sneer. "Is all soft and weak."

"But he hasn't even shot us yet! Make him big!" Ty insisted in a low hiss. "How does the lord make it big and hard?"

"He doesn't! He's always big and hard. This one must be a dud!" Weex turned her knife around and prodded Ian's dick with the handle. The wriggling finally made it start to stiffen in the cold night air, even if he was facing down a pair of ambushing imps. His vision kept getting eclipsed when Ty would lean in close enough to bury his face underneath her hanging breasts like a pair of potato sacks.

"There he goes. This one's a slow one, I 'spect," Ty commented, finally sitting back up enough that Ian could gasp for air. It wasn't enough to shout, as he rasped out a soft "Help!" that couldn't have left the range of his lookout point.

"Well this might be as good as he gets," Weex sneered. "He's no master, but he'll do." She pushed her loincloth aside and mounted him without a second thought, her hips shuffling briefly until she had him locked inside her tight pussy. It clenched around him to keep him trapped in her slit, making it pulse and pull as she bucked her hips. Weex let out a bubbling purr as she rode his steadily growing member.

"I hopes the enemy gives good babies," Ty giggled gleefully as if Ian wasn't even there, let alone caught between her thighs.

"Nah, I bet they're slow and fat. Weak humans from living in their comfy castle." Ian wanted to object and point out that the fort was chilly in the fall and stuffy in the summer, but that might have been his mind racing. He was short on air and the mounted monster was doing a surprisingly good job of it. Her heavy ass slapped against his thighs and balls, and her massive breasts had jiggled out of their simple wraps. It was like watching someone swinging some prize-winning pumpkins around on a giant sling. Ian fumbled for his spear as a few of his brain cells finally collided to form the idea, but he had propped it so poorly against the ground that it was stuck where it had fallen. His head spun between the lack of air and the sudden orgasm that shot into Weex, the dreg biting her lip hard to keep from crying out. A stifled squeal still burst from her lips, giggling as she exchanged glances with Ty.

"I gots his litter," Weex boasted quietly, grinning as her skin shifted from red to a charcoal black, showing that the seed had taken root inside her.

"Then I wanna go next!" Ty insisted, sitting up higher so that her legs clenched tighter around Ian's neck. He choked and pushed on her legs, but they were shockingly strong as well as thick.

"Nah, he's gone all limply," Weex corrected as she slid off of him. "There's no time. C'mon." Weex picked up her knife and jabbed it repeatedly into the man's side until he fell limp. "You can get the next one."

Gareth watched from afar, barely beyond the reaches of the banishing mountains. He couldn't see much of the fort, but he knew what to look for; subtle but sudden flickers of movement. Torches being hastily doused or dropped. The gentle clangs of dropped weapons or failed alarms. The fog had been an unexpected blessing, with a lot of 2 to three foot tall flexible women easily crawling through the cover. From there they could climb walls, slip through bars and pipes (their breasts proved quite elastic), or simply tag unexpecting guards with flung projectiles. Of course, they were free to have their pick of the men, but Gareth had no real use for them. He had seen the loyalty of men and it disgusted him after he had met the dregs. He finally started to walk towards the fortress when the activity seemed to die down and their first conquest seemed complete.

Sure enough, his curvy little commandos had made quick work of the place. Sheg walked with him while Klung, his immortal little mutant, kept walking a few paces ahead of him and took his directions. He swept the grounds until he confirmed his suspicions; Klung opened the door to the larder and was quickly met with a loud elasic thrumming sound. She stumbled a few steps back before breaking into giggles, turning to face Gareth with a crossbow bolt buried halfway deep in between her eyes.

"Found one, master!" she gargled before casually pulling the projectile from her skull out. It looked like she was more bothered by the amount of effort it took to remove it than the shot itself. The man inside with his crossbow in his lap stared in horror at the three of them.

"I remember you..." the older soldier said, mouth agape.

"Then you certainly can't survive this," Gareth said plainly. "Klung, enjoy having him to yourself and make sure you finish him off. And spare the food. We'll need it for the troops." He patted the dreg on the head as he felt her skin creeping back into place to seal up her wound.

"Aye, sire!" she chirped, swiftly smacking the crossbow away with a loping arm before she pounced onto his chess, kissing the old man hungrily by the time Gareth shut the door again.

"We should be fine to explore on our own now," the fallen lord explained. "Locking yourself in the vault or the larder is an old tactic, especially for the cowards trying to survive." They didn't encounter any more ambushes, but he did hear some screaming near one of the corner towers as he approached.

"There you are, sire!" one of the young greens came scrambling up to him and smiled proudly as she leaned on her knuckles, squatting to pop out her ass. "We have questions on what to do."

"First, how many did we lose?"

"Only two sir!" she reported. "A brown and a green. Lips tripped over a body onto a spear and Fowla fell off a tower." Gareth smirked. Barely even a fraction of their forces, and mostly by their own mistakes. It showed good signs for their forces. "But what should we do with these ones?" The green trooper pointed towards the room at the end of the hall. Gareth brought himself to step inside, where there were three women in work clothes. They were crudely tied up with sheets and curtains, and while it looked like they could escape if they had tried, they were surrounded by a dozen of his creatures. A red one was even checking under one of their dresses, as if she expected one of them to be hiding a penis from her. They were horny little beasts, and while they would fool around with other females they had little interest when a penis was around.

"You said we should take the men for ourselves and finish off the fighters," the green one reminded him. "Didn't say nothing about the lady ones."

"True," Gareth mused, rubbing his chin. He was chivalrous enough to never have to kill a woman himself, though he'd always known that he would if he had to. His kingdom's code of honor wasn't something he'd sworn himself to because he believed it, after all. It was an obstacle more than a way of life. They had a more traditional beauty than the dregs... but his revenge was more important than that. "Do we have any use for them, Sheg? Besides becoming pack mules for our forces?"

"Ordinarily, no..." the seer mused. Gareth looked at her and she had that faraway gaze that she got when she was looking at things that weren't quite there in the room with them. "I have an idea though. Do you remember Speepa?"

"The pink one," Gareth confirmed with a nod. "The oddity."

"The Singleborn," Sheg reminded him. The dregs normally birthed litters of two or more, and a single one was usually a strange blessing. Ones like Sheg and Klung that did something special. "I think she'll have a use here."

Sheg sent a runner and she soon returned with the only pink dreg that Gareth had ever seen. She had skin like bubblegum and massively wide hips beneath her loincloth. She had smaller breasts like a pair of grapefruits wobbling around in her crude top and long, rust-red hair trailing down to that impressive bottom of hers. Gareth had fucked her several times before, but she never bore children or changed her color.

"And why do you think that Speepa will be of use?" Gareth asked, waiting until she had arrived to ask.

"She can make them cooperate, master," Sheg said with a twisted smirk. "More for the swarm. Utterly loyal."

One of the women spit out her gag and looked desperately at Gareth. "Please! Spare us! We'll bring you no harm!"

"You'd warn my enemies who think me dead," Gareth replied grimly, paying her little mind.

"I'll come with you then! We'll cooperate!"

"You certainly will." Gareth took one of the women by her bonds and pulled her from the room. He pushed her into a neighboring bedroom where Speepa followed. The human was a mature blonde woman who had still kept a youthful face, which looked at him with fear. Gareth tugged her bonds on tighter before pushing her into the bed. "As you will, my dreg."

Speepa licked her lips, an impressive act on its own. Her long tongue ran over her full lips, making them shine in the torchlight as she climbed into bed with her. "May I ruin her clothes, my king?" the dreg asked, her voice smokey and seductive despite the imp's small size.

"Do whatever you need to do to her." Speepa winked at him as she clawed off her dress. The woman's skirts fell away with ease from her rough tugs, leaving it in shreds that exposed her pale thighs and unshaven mound. Speepa giggled as she ran her hands over her hostage's bush, making her try to wriggle away.

"Aww, don't be bashful..." Gareth felt a mild tug in the back of his mind, but he was sharp enough to notice it and dismissed it like a nagging thought. To his surprise, the woman did calm down. She looked with worry at Speepa a she pulled the bits of clothing away from her groin, but she had stopped fighting back. When Speepa rolled out her foot-long tongue, she traced it up the human's slit and Gareth swore he saw her legs spread wider to invite it in deeper.

"There's a good human," Speepa cooed, her voice seeming to echo in the room. She crawled on top of the maid, turning around and planting her hips on top of the motherly woman's chest. The maid breathed in deep, puffing up her already large chest against Speepa's thick ass before she let out a shuddering breath. Her mouth hung open in absolute awe, to the point where she started drooling down her cheek as she stared at Speepa's barely covered rear and pussy.

"You're controlling them," Gareth noted aloud. Saying so seemed to clear his head, shaking off whatever magical or phermonal residue there was to Speepa.

"I change them," Speepa corrected. She scooted back a little further, making her wide ass wobble hypnotically (in more ways than one). The maid moaned and rolled her head back, barely able to keep her eyes open. She pawed clumsily at Speepa's ass, slapping it to make it jiggle more as if trying to encourage her new captor's spell. The wobbling pink flesh must have been tempting because she pushed her still-open mouth into her ass. Gareth could hear the deep, wet squishing sounds as the woman sluggishly but hungrily at her out, never minding her nose buried up the dreg's ass.

"The spell is starting to work," Speepa said quietly, as if sharing her secret with her master. She put her finger to her pouty lips and started to grind her hips, rubbing her dripping wet pussy over the maid's face and chest. Having been with her before, Speepa became soaking wet with almost no provocation. Her thick cream started to form around the human's mouth as she noisily slurped and gulped like a drunkard waiting under an open tap. "Greedy girl," Speepa giggled, rolling out her tongue. She couldn't quite reach the maid's pussy from her position, even when she laid down, but she was able to stretch her tongue the last few inches and bury it inside her. Gareth started to see the symmetry to their position. Not only was it a traditional 69 position, as often depicted by the fertility god and goddess, but Speepa regularly reeled in her tongue. It was glistening with the woman's juices, which she drank up and returned to probing around inside her. It was only a minute or so of this when the woman orgasmed and Speepa's tongue lashed around like a hooked work, drinking up all she could before slurping it down and going back for more.

"So you're exchanging fluids. Is that how you enchant her?"

"So much more than that," Speepa replied once her tongue was momentarily free. She sat upright, leaving her tongue stuck inside her to prove even longer than the normal dreg. She raised her hands behind her head, clearly posing for Gareth as she winked and started bumping her hips harder on the other woman.Speepa's ass cheeks clapped together with the force of her humping, and he could see her abundant juices smearing across her victim's face and tits. Speepa started to moan, not drowning out the squishing sounds of her genitals but somehow mingling with them. Her passionate noises gave Gareth unnerving goosebumps as it seemed to reach deeper than his ear and he had to drive the tempting thoughts back out. He still watched with fascination as Speepa arched her back, burying her strong little fingers into the maid's tits to steady herself as she came buckets on the newly loyal woman. It was no exaggeration either; Speepa came like an upturned water bucket, splashing all over the maid's face. She didn't seem to care that she was drenched in the stuff as she kept on eating.

"Now we see the magic," Speepa purred, smiling listlessly as she slid off the woman. The maid had an almost mad expression on her face. She stared at the ceiling with her eyes wide as saucers, looking high on something as she writhed in the bed. She groped her breasts and rolled her hips as if some unseen force ravished her body. She arched her back off the bed, before crashing back down with a husky grunt. As soon as she landed, she seemed to twitch and her legs and torso shrank a six inches each. Gareth raised an eyebrow as he saw her skin start to turn. A tide of unnatural pinkness spread on her like some cartoonish rash. Her hands and arms stayed the same size while the rest of her body shrank. In fact, her breasts even got a bit bigger as she shriveled up. Her once rough and hard-working skin grew so smooth that it was almost slick. She laughed euphorically as her throat tightened, choking out a ditzy giggle as her pupils turned red and her womanly body grew some taut muscle. Her wide, content smile curled wider as sharp fangs grew from her teeth. With one last, deep moan, she rolled to her side as her ears flopped out wider, grown to the size of one of Gareth's hands in the blink of an eye.

The newly-formed dreg in the same shade of pink as Speepa sat up, smiling dopily as her head lolled around. "That was so good, my lord," the former maid purred, hugging her chest so that her even bigger breasts on her smaller body squished up and plopped back down. She frowned only to squirm out of her ill-fitting human clothes, smiling once again when she was naked.

"So that's what you meant," Gareth mused, stepping up to examine the new recruit. The former maid sniffed the air and purred in this high, chirping noise before she nuzzled her face on his crotch like an overly friendly cat.

"I mate in other ways than most, my lord," Speepa said, giving a low bow. He could hear the plip of her still dripping pussy drooling on the stone floor. "Only with human females, though."

"Perfect." It might not be as common as the other breeders, but Speepa could do the most devastating thing you could in a war; turn an enemy into an ally. Killing a man was one thing, but turning them into one of yours was both a gain for your side and a loss for your enemy. "Every woman we can secure is yours for the taking."

Speepa gasped with delight, jumping up and down in a little dance that made her booty quake all around. "Yesss! Thank you, master! I'll be a very good mate to my future daughters!"

He stepped out of the room and found Sheg again. "Spread the word that every human woman we can capture, they go to Speepa," he ordered. "She turns them into dregs." He glanced up his captives, whose eye went wide as they realized what he was saying. "Bring them to her for treatment."

"What? No!" one of the women blurted.

"Relax. Your friend seemed very happy to go through with it. Once they're through, we loot the fortress, assign watch, and move our people in to live here. Our conquest has just begun, but it begins with a great and devastating step."


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