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This one is cool and all, but writing it was kind of a shock. Basically I did a ton of writing today between commissions and this baby; from concept to written in about 6 hours. I was listening to an Overwatch parody song (and not liking it) about how nobody plays Mercy (the angel healer). It reminded me of what I’ve heard about from some people, called “healsluts.” It sounds like it spawned from FPS healing classes who jump from person to person rather than sticking with one person. Some kinky souls took this literally upon themselves and either drew the female healers in slutty positions or LITERALLY created sex games based on how they play Overwatch (want to say there was dildos whenever you switched who you’re healing and moaning into the mic? I didn’t look too deep). 

I started designing a genuine healslut character, with the stereotypical “heals by fucking” powers. I built a handful of characters for her to work with, then built up a whole team from there. I made her a self-aware shooter character like I’ve been thinking of for a long time, took some bits from other video game parodies I’ve done, and created a fake Overwatch/TF2-like game for her to be in. 

I have to say, as much rapid-fire sex as there is, I feel for Patcher. I’m proud of her by the end. She just wants to help, and she does. She wants more, and she gets it. I relate to characters who appreciate every little thing they get, even if that means going through some rough patches...

So read this part on -->

The year 2088 (or was it 2099? 2909? Shit, let's go with 2088). The future is today, but with that comes great danger. Infected robots, terrorists, and mad scientists can obtain dangerous weapons and technology that they would use against the world. With the world military bound by its treaties and bureaucracy, a global taskforce of mercenaries, scientists and soldiers was assembled with representatives from all around the globe. An international committee approves threats, dangers and assets important enough for them to be deployed as they see fit. The Frontier Protection Services (or FPS) is their official name, but their team of battle-ready first-responders have taken on a specific nickname:

Merc Squad! To be released on PC, Steam and X-Station this Christmas!

While the level loaded, the blonde tapped her feet and whistled. Bambi Thatcher (codename "Patcher") looked around the otherwise empty room, sitting in her seat and waiting to be deployed. She wasn't a popular character, in the conventional sense; she didn't get much playtime on the field, but she was assured that she was very well-liked. There was apparently a lot of fanart of her on the internet, so that was something! She always liked to look on the bright side, even if that made her come off as sort of bubbly and a ditz. She twirled one of her blonde pigtails with her pink-nailed finger, watching the monitors that showed various news and updates from around the world. There came a ping and a blue light on the wall lit up. She sighed and slumped back into her seat; character selection was done. She wasn't picked for this round either.

She wasn't a BAD character. She had forcefields and healing powers, and could even revive a KOed character. She even had a bunch of cute skins that could be unlocked; the nurse's outfit, the bikini, the Vegas showgirl... she wasn't sure why she wasn't picked more. She had a pretty face with pouty lips and plenty of well-done makeup, and even her default was this skintight bodysuit that started around her armpits (and just at the end of her cleavage) and ended just below her ass, showing some panties when she was at the right angle. An appendage like a kitty tail poked out from beneath her skirt, vaguely planted by her hips. Her high-heeled boots didn't slow her down, and in fact had some jet boosters in the heels to speed her up for a short period. She wondered if it had anything to do with the nickname they'd given her...

She heard the muffled sounds of gunfire and explosions through the walls, watching the player count go up and down on either team. She winced as she saw three players go down at once. "Oof... that's gonna end up on the highlight reel," she groaned. The killing player instantly went down. "Ooh. Or maybe he was a hacker. Still, doesn't look..."

The blue light switched to a bright green. Her matching green eyes lit up as she jumped to her feet. "Ohmigod! Really!?" she squeaked. It had been a while since anyone had played as her. "I get to go heal?!"

"PATCHER!" a mechanical voice declared from the speaker. "GET READY FOR BATTLE!"

"Will do, boss!" Patcher chimed happily. "I'm ready for some action!"

"Patcher, that was a prerecorded message," a much calmer and quieter voice added from another speaker.

"Whoops! My bad!" she giggled. She was so excited she barely remembered to grab her parachute before the floor of her dropship opened up. She flew down and scoured the battlefield quickly (when her pigtails weren't smacking her in the face). It looked like a bunker and some kind of three-story building. Bright red and dark blue landing zones were marked on either rooftop to signify the dropzones. "Okay, and IIIIII..." She looked at her wrist, spotting the blue wristband that matched the higher roof. "Am blue! Neat! Nice to meet youuuu..." She squinted and read the text that appeared on the wristband's holographic display. "Mr. Healslutfan69420! How nice of you to pick me!"

She did a little flip, flashing her panties for anyone nearby before she popped her parachute and landed on the roof. "Healslut! There you are!" a woman called from nearby. Bambi looked up immediately, more than used to the nickname that the other characters and most of the fans had started calling her. Crouching low on the rooftop was a slim woman with a bulky sniper rifle that was longer than she was tall. She had coffee-colored skin to go with her Spanish accent, her hair done up in colorfully beaded dreads. She wore a more tactical outfit than Bambi did, dark blue body armor covering all but her upper arms and her shoulders up. Bambi wasn't jealous, because she knew hers looked more pretty.

"Hiya, Silvia! I got picked!" Bambi said with a big smile and a wave.

"Codenames, you fucking bimbo," Silvia growled, rolling her broad shoulders. "It's Ghost Shot when we're on the field. And get down before someone gets points for your headshot."

"Woopsy! Sorry!" she chirped before squatting down, spreading her legs out to flash even more of her underwear. "So what's up?"

"They're fucking our asses up out there," reported "Ghost" curtly. "I've been able to keep them pinned down a little, so they can't capture the flag... I mean, 'jack our intel." She rolled her eyes at that as she looked down her scope again. "I took some machine gun fire before, but I'm doing ok."

"Aww, that's too bad," Bambi groaned. Her visor popped down from her almost undetectable headset and showed her a rundown on Ghost's stats. "But you're at 75% health! I should patch you up!"

"Really, you don't have to," Ghost Shot grumbled, starting to blush as she tried to focus on her scope.

"Nonsense. I've got a ton of heals left, and you could use a quick heal! C'mere!" Ghost tried to protest, but the squatting Bambi hugged her face into her cleavage. She blushed and her complaints were buried in the bimbo healer's E cups. Her face was finally lifted out so that Bambi could plunge her tongue down her throat, making out with her on the battlefield rooftop. She mumbled and tried to push away, but somehow the ditzy healer's embrace was unbreakable. The sniper shivered as she felt her heart race and her legs weaken, just for her strength to return to her body. Bambi popped her mouth off of hers, leaving a thin trail of spittle between them.

"There! All patched up!" Bambi giggled. The prostitute turned scientist found herself mixing the best of both her jobs as she found the best way to apply her healing salves were through skin to skin contact. Her own body kept the substance warm so she could administer it directly to her patients out on the field. Now if only she could figure out what they meant by "Healslut..."

"Thanks," Ghost muttered, rubbing her forearm across her lips. "But the guys on the street level are getting the worst of it. Those shitheads have the ammo and health packs camped out so they're dropping like flies."

"Aww, we can't have that," Bambi decided as she stood back up. "Well if they're on the streets, I guess I'll have to do some street walking!"

"Do you NEED to call it that?" Ghost groaned. Bambi ignored the foul-mouthed sniper and leapt off the roof, giving another backflip so that her high heels glowed and gave a quick rocket boost before she hit the ground. It slowed her enough for her heels to calmly clack across the pavement, strutting with a wiggle to her hips until she heard the gunfire. A spray from a couple of machine guns flew from the bunker as she squealed and ran for cover. A few cars were nearby to hide behind, so she triggered her rocket heels to sprint off behind one of the thicker ones. She stooped down, just for the car to creak as it was lifted into the air.

"Fack off, ya fockin' camper scum!" barked the familiar and stereotypically Irish voice of the team tank. Gabe was a mountain of an Irishman made even bigger by the bright orange power armor he wore. His ironclad fingers buried into the roof of the car and hurled it like a shot put into the bunker, shattering glass around their attackers. There was no defending against that level of attack, so the fortified red team quickly pulled back.

"Oh, Nerf! You're here too!" Bambi piped up. She scampered over to the 7-foot man in his 9-foot power armor and hugged his leg.

"It's Gladiator, lass," Gabe reminded her gruffly.

"Ooh, not according to the forums," Bambi said with a wince.

"Wot?! What forums!?" He turned his domed helmet to look at her with the permanent scowl of a faceplate.

"The ones that call you Nerfinator. They say everybody plays you because you're basically unstoppable with your Shotput attack." Bambi smiled meekly. "I uh... kind of have a lot of spare time in the dropship, so..."

"Nerinator my bloody arse! The cooldown on that thing's a fockin'-" Another peppering of gunfire bounced off his armor as he snarled and drew the cannon-sized handgun from his belt, firing several roaring plasma blasts at the windows. "Aye, come and fight me like a man, ye nutless bastards!! Ah'm havin' a fockin' conversation about me meta in the future fockin' patch!" he shouted back at them. He shook his head and grabbed a couple of trucks, flipping them single-handedly to form a barrier in front of them. "It's no place fer a wee lass like you out here," the armored giant grumbled.

"But the team's getting hurt! Even you, you're at..." She popped her visor out and scanned him over. "Forty percent! That's still a lot of HP, but still..."

"Th'other lads need it more. Duct Tape and Anarchy went ahead but I don't know what happened to them. Bigbolt keeps tryin' to get in but they've 'parently got a Chainslash and a Lugnut stationed by the flag."

"Well... I'll go help them!" Bambi insisted. She stomped her foot on the ground, which probably didn't sound as impressive with her high heeled hooker boots on. "But I'm going to help everybody while I'm at it." She pressed a button on Gladiator's waist. With a pressurized hiss, the hatch that covered his crotch fell open. The massive man's foot-long cock fell out of his armor, already starting to get stiff as Bambi put her hands on either side of it. She went to her knees and opened her mouth as wide as she could, barely able to get her mouth past the head of the hefty flesh-hammer. Gladiator's face couldn't be seen past his helmet, but the echoing groan and the clanking shift of his boots told her she was doing her job well.

Bambi redoubled her efforts, bobbing her head and smacking her lips along the oversized dick. Her pink lipstick left stamps of her loving lips along the base of its head as proof of her healing attention. It was a step up from her basic Kiss of Life healing, since it applied it closer to the center of the body. The giant merc only grew harder, making her grunt as his head fattened inside her mouth until she nearly choked on it. She popped it back out of her mouth with a noisy swallow, her spit (and healing gel, of course) sliding down his massive erection.

"Hoo! You've been working hard out there," she praised, stroking the cock in her face that was as thick as a soda can. "You deserve a nice buff for that." Bambi pulled down the to of her armor, exposing her big and bouncy tits. It lowered her armor to do so, but with the trucks in the way it wasn't her biggest concern. She nested the oversized dick in between them, bobbing on her toes to titfuck Gladiator while her mouth went to his cockhead.

"Oh, you beautiful bleedin' whore," Gladiator grunted as he leaned a massive arm on the truck to stay standing and avoid crushing her beneath him. Bambi giggled ditzily and licked a full circle around his bulging cockhead, planting a light kiss on the leaking tip.

"You ready to go get 'em, tiger?" Bambi cooed, squeezing her arms closer together so that her tits pressed more firmly into his cock.

"Al... almost... fuck..." He placed an armored hand to the back of her head and pulled her back onto his cock. She gasped and then moaned as she opened up her throat, taking in almost half of the giant man's dick. He grunted and shook with a rattling of armor as his cum shot down her throat. She moaned and swallowed like a pro, sliding him out of her gently as he spurted some globs of his thick semen across her face and chest. Thankfully her visor was still up to block the cum from getting in her eyes.

"There you go," she cooed cutely. "How's that?"

"Feelin' ready ta fight a fockin' army!" Gladiator huffed. "Once I catch me breath a little." Patcher gave his shaft one last kiss goodbye before she helped it back inside his armor and replaced its codpiece. "Were you really serious about helpin' everyone?"

Patcher nodded as she pulled the top of her armor back up. "I'm a healer. I don't even have my own weapons. And I don't want to waste the one time I actually got selected." She gave Gladiator another scan, confirming she'd not only filled up his health but given him a few levels of extra shields on top of that.

"Well, I think that's been enough of a cooldown..." Gladiator grabbed one of the trucks he'd piled up and lifted it over his head. "They went around the west end of the buildin'! I'll cover ya! Don't go wastin' it, missy!"

"Thanks!" Bambi said happily. "But which one is...?"

"RIGHT!" Gladiator barked, almost dropping his truck. "It's on the right, ye daft tart!"

"Thanks again!" She let Gladiator's latest projectile smash through the second floor before she fired up her rocket heels. The blonde blew him a kiss before bolting around the side of the building and slipping into the side entrance.

Bambi went shooting down the halls until there was a clink of metal. She looked down to see a pipebomb bounce out of one of the doorways and land right in front of her. She shrieked and tried to shield her face as it went off in a burst of fire and shrapnel, only to watch as the explosion went right through her with nothing more than a few barely noticeable scratches. "Ohhh phew. It's just friendly fire. Hi, Anarchy!" She was the only one dangerous enough that her explosives actually hurt her teammates, if a fraction of their actual damage.

"For fuck's sake, Healslut! Get your ass in here!" The angry British woman's voice hissed out from the doorway. Bambi darted inside, seeing her teammates positioned carefully in the small office. Anarchy was unmistakable, her black hair done up with a fauxhawk and shaved sides. A number of tattoos were visible beneath her torn sleeves, large studs punched into one nostril and each of her ears. Her spiked leather outfit made her look more like a punk rocker than a mercenary, unless you considered the numerous bombs, grenades and other explosives strapped to her belt.

Slumped against the wall was Big Bolt. The robot was nearly as tall as Gladiator, though he was made entirely of chrome-colored metal and with a simple smiley face made of blinking lights. He wore a business suit into battle (since armor wouldn't do much better than his normal skin and massive metal fists), but it was now blown full of holes and one of his arms was ripped off in the opposite corner. Some of the characters showed minor battle damage as they got hit, but BB was one that actually had his own special rules for blasting his limbs off.

Collapsed completely on the floor was Duct Tape. The scrawny, red-haired New Yorker was dead on the ground, still clutching his combination laptop/shotgun. Some lightweight body armor was thrown on over his street clothes, always more of a mobile utility type than a heavy hitter.

"It's about damn time," Anarchy snapped, glaring at the scantily-clad medic. "You're the best we got for a healer? Not even a Dr. Dragon or Roadblocker?"

"I guess," Bambi chuckled meekly. "So! Uh... two wounded, one respawning. I got this!" Bambi trotted up to and straddled the body of Duct Tape, putting her hands behind her head. She shook her breasts back and forth as she ground in his lap, humping his limp form with her gyrating hips. "Come on, big boy," she cooed in a husky voice. "Don't you wanna get up for me?"

The lifeless body stirred with a quiet groan. Bambi smiled as it started working, turning around to squat and twerk against his crotch. He was definitely waking up, considering the growing bulge against her ass. Starting to feel it pulsing against her hips, she finished the job laying on top of him and rubbing her tits into his face for a nice motivating motorboat.

"You know..." his muffled voice came in. Bambi smiled proudly as she sat back up. "I'm feeling pretty motivated right now. I think I'm willing to fight on a little longer."

"Great! Who's next?" Bambi said. She turned to Anarchy, who was against the wall and already pulling off her pants.

"Shut up and get licking, Healslut," the Brit ordered. Bambi nodded and went to her knees, letting Anarchy pull her by the pigtails and force her healing mouth against her pussy. She moaned and slurped between the explosive expert's slit, looking up at her in a quiet bid for approval. She saw her health bar slowly going up as she moaned and ground against Bambi's face.

She was briefly interrupted when Big Bolt gave a few complex beeps. Bambi smacked her lips, swallowing up Anarchy's pussy juice while looking at her robotic teammate. "I don't know, BB. I'm not sure if my medicines will work on you."

The robot pondered this for a moment, then tapped a few buttons on his chestplate. With a resounding CLONG, a large piston dropped out of his crotch and landed on the floor, cracking several of the tiles with his iron phallus.

"That... looks worth a shot!" Bambi admitted. She slid down her panties and moved to all fours. "Go ahead. Join the circle of healing. MMF!" She was shut up as Anarchy pulled on her handlebar pigtails, burying her face in her snatch once again.

"Just shut up and make yourself useful," the explosive punk growled as she humped the healer's face. Bambi mumbled helplessly as she slurped and sucked at her teammate's pussy. She blindly tried to pull down her panties for Bolt, but his remaining metal arm tore her underwear off in one powerful pull. Bambi squeaked as the fabric briefly snapped against her thighs before being throw away. The robot gave an impressed whistling noise holding her hips with his one arm and thrusting his piston into her pussy. She moaned at the rough and overly rhythmic pumping, which served to shove her face further into Anarchy's snatch. Her uncomfortable groans made her lips vibrate, which just made the punk pull on her hair to pull her face up against her clit.

"That's the good shit," Anarchy grunted as she grew even wetter, smearing her already cum-stained face with more of her juices. Barbi did what she could to ignore Big Bolt's rapid fucking (which wasn't much) and the mechanical humming of his thrusting body. She tried to focus on humping and licking her  gangbanging teammates to heal them as quickly as possible. They had a match to win... and it felt so good to know that they were feeling good because of her. Her eyes rolled back as Big's iron pseudo-cock started pummeling her clit, her tongue lolling out and smearing around inside of Anarchy. The Brit grunted and pulled on her hair until it hurt as she gushed over the healer's face. One her other end, Bob's piston vibrated around inside her until it was too much for her. Barbi shook and collapsed to the floor, the two allies backing off as she laid with her face down and ass up, squirting her sputtering orgasm into the air.

"Go easy on her, dipstick!" Anarchy snapped at the robot. Big Bolt beeps apologetically before picking up his arm and twisting it back into place. Even his suit was somehow patched up and looking better after the healing fuck session. "Let her cool down a little between the buffs or she's gonna overload."

"Uh huhhhhhh..." Bambi moaned wearily, drooling a mix of spit and cum on the floor. Anarchy rolled her eyes and stooped down to help her sit back up.

"For fuck's sake, Healslut... Hey, Duct! What do you got?"

The hacker looked up from his laptop. "I've got radar up. You should be getting their locations on your map about now," he reported. The group raised their wristbands, accessing their menus to spot the few beacons. Most of them were on the second floor, trading shots with Gladiator and Ghost. Two were stalking the halls down here while another was pinned by the other side of the base. One was babysitting the intel in the basement.

"Alright, so we need to push," Anarchy observed as the cummed out Bambi started getting her wits back. "But we need a way back out. If we get the intel, they're gonna dogpile the stairwell. You two." She looked to Big Bolt and Duct Tape. "Can you clear the ground level halls and keep them clear?"

Duct tapped his computer a few times. "Sure... Bolt, I can set them up, you put them down?" BB beeped and nodded. "Sure thing."

"Alright. Slut, you're with me," Anarchy ordered. "That leaves one guy between us. We get that flag and we get back out. No sweat."

Bambi's eyes lit up. "You mean you want me to be a part of the winning play?!" she asked eagerly.

"You babysit me while I make it happen," the Brit corrected sternly. "But I'll watch your back. Cover us, lads."

Big Bolt nodded and stomped out into the hallway. He was instantly hit with a few metal spikes that punched into his body, but he stayed standing. He gave a blaring alarm noise as Duct ducked out of the doorway, slamming a button on his keyboard. Further down the hall came a string of sparks and clattering metal as a feminine-shaped robot fell from the ceiling. Big Bolt raised his arm, a set of large lightning rods popping out of his forearm as firing a huge bolt of electricity down the hall. The disabled Lugnut spasmed in place, paralyzed by the hack as the beam consumed her, blowing up into a mess of metal parts.

"She's down. Go for it!" Duct called. The two women ran down the hall as BB's beam ran out of power. A sickly blue-skinned woman burst out of another side door, a handaxe strapped to her hip and a submachine gun in her hands. Her clothes were in tatters while her limbs were missing several hunks of flesh, moving as simply animated bones. Skullcracker had hardly aimed her weapon when there was a resounding BOOM and she fell limply to the ground, part of her face turning to an exposed skull as a spray of blood shot out behind her.

"I heard the plan," Ghost reported over Bambi's headset. "Keep it moving, puta."

"Thanks, Ghost!" Anarchy hurried down the stairs, smacking Bambi on the ass as she went by.

"She said move, ya harlot," the bomber snapped, grabbing a couple of bombs from her belt to get ready. They burst into the basement, seeing nothing there but a briefcase sitting on a table under a red spotlight. Anarchy checked her right side, but unfortunately, Chainslash had been hiding on the left. The husky, hulking man slammed into her, his roaring chainsaw swinging at full force. Anarchy grunted as she was slammed into the opposite wall.

"Flag, bitch! Get it!" Anarchy shouted as she bit the pin off a grenade and chucked it into her attacker. It went off but the beefy psychopath barely even slowed down. Bambi triggered her boots instead and ran towards Anarchy.

"No, wait! I can heal you!" she insisted, but before she could arrive in reach, Chainslash arrived and rammed his chainsaw into the British bomber's gut. Her body ragdolled around almost comically, surprisingly little blood sputtering out of her now and then. Bambi went pale as she realize why everyone said that Chainslash was the ideal character for edgelords and sadists for his relatively brutal style. He watched her writhe and fall limp, dropping her last bomb through his black hooded head, hairy body rising and falling with his deep, raspy breaths.

There came a mild PAFF as Chain looked down, seeing the bomb had gone off. A large puddle of glue was around his black boots. He tried to lift them up to move away, but the strong adhesive held him in place. "Stinking little witch," Chainslash growled. He lifted his hood enough to spit on Anarchy's respawning body through some scarred lips before he turned to face the stunned Bambi. It was only then that they both realized she'd rushed to be by Anarchy's side before Chainslash slammed into her.

"AHH! Don't kill me!" Bambi shrieked as she tried to bolt for the intel. Chainslash lashed out and caught her by the arm, much too strong for her to break away from. He dragged Bambi back to him, revving his chainsaw in his free hand. "Oh no oh no oh no," Bambi muttered, but a buzzing notification went off on her wristband. She glanced down and saw the notification: "Ultra Attack is fully charged!"

"Well, I wouldn't call it an attack,?" she admitted to herself. Chainslash tilted his head in confusion, Bambi's eyes darting from him down to her wristband. "Okay! Activate!" she decided quickly, figuring it wouldn't do her much good if she was dead. She slapped her wristband as it lit up and she batted her eyes towards Chainslash.

"You don't wanna hurt me, do you, handsome?" she cooed innocently. Chainslash stared at her blankly, but she could hear his breathing growing slower and deeper. He was sniffing as her pheromones were released, taking over his libido and turning it into overdrive. The psycho tossed away his chainsaw (letting it totally fuck up the nearby floor) and took her by her other arm, though much more gently.

"I ain't gonna kill you yet," Chain droned deeply. "I wanna enjoy that piece of meat you got there first."

"Ohhh that sounds so hot," Bambi purred, wiggling her hips seductively. She knew he was telling the truth. As long as nobody interrupted their exchange, the Pheromone Aura was a guaranteed success (according to the patch notes). Only the robot characters could resist it as she essentially stunned him out of the battle. "I bet you've got another nice big weapon down there waiting for me, don't ya?"

"You know it," Chain grunted. He grabbed her top and tore it off, exposing her big jiggling tits and grabbing them with his meaty hands. She bit her lip and moaned as she squirmed in his grip, enduring his painfully strong groping fingers.

"Ooh, I love it rough," she moaned louder, egging on the seduced psycho. "And I love a bad boy! Why don't you get that big bad guy dick out and show this good girl Healslut who's boss?"

"You got a dirty mouth on you for a good girl," Chainslash laughed gruffly. His powerful hand pulled her closer, tugging down his torn jeans. His thick hardon pushed clumsily against her hips, roughly reminding her that she had lost her panties while she was healing Big Bolt.

"E-easy there," Bambi stammered uneasily. "I'm super into big guys, but I don't knooooOOOOHHH!" She broke into a howl as Chainslash lifted her off the ground, pumping his heavy cock into her exposed pussy. Her eyes went wide and her mouth hung open as she shuddered, held up by nothing but his powerful hands and his punishingly huge dick. It rammed so deep that she got to feel every inch of it as she leaned against the chubby killer's chest. Even having just come off from being pounded from behind by Big Bolt, he had at least been steady and predictable. She wasn't ready for the rough and vicious fucking that Chainslash was giving to her. It made Bambi's eyes water and drool spill out over her lips as she couldn't focus on anything but coping with her massive opponent's penetration.

"Mmm! Now ain't you tasty," Chainslash growled. He grabbed one of her tits and squeezed it, stretching out the aching jug as he pushed his hooded face into her chest. His wet mouth sucked on it though his hood as she shuddered with disgust mixed with delight. Her pussy kept clenching and twitching as it tried to find a way to cope with this large of a penetration, jolting each time his heavy balls slapped against her ass and thighs. He pulled on one of her pig tails, the massive fist yanking even harder than Anarchy had earlier. She let out a painful cry as the psycho grunted deeply. "That's the good shit!" he growled, just before his thick and sloppy cum blasted into her pussy. Bambi bit her lip until she tasted blood, feeling the dense sludge spilling inside her and running down her leg.

"That... that was so good," she managed to stammer out, her eyes watering as she gave him a flimsy smile. "You feeling alright, big guy?"

"Huh? Oh... er... y-yea..." Chainslash suddenly stumbled, barely keeping from dropping her. Bambi smirked as she carefully slid off of his shaft, letting out a few tiny "Ooh!" and "Ow!" as she felt her snatch trying to ease back into its natural shape again (instead of a mold of the chunky psychopath's dick).

"You look a little woozy," she pointed out as she adjusted her skirt. "You wanna take a break for a while?"

"Y-uh... yea..." he grumbled back. Chainslash yawned under his hood and collapsed to the ground, snoring loudly. Bambi smiled proudly at her work before doing her best to clean up as she approached the intel. Her Ultra might have been easily interrupted and take a while to pull off, but it was a perfect stealth takedown. If she had them alone, nobody would even notice that Chainslash was down in the first place. He wouldn't show up as a kill, since he was just sleeping it off for the next minute or so. She wiped some of his cum from her thighs, flicking it into his face before she grabbed the briefcase, several alarms going off overhead.

"Oopsy! Time to go!" she realized. She ran with her arms at her side and her rocket heels clacking along in her often parodied bimbo run, but she covered a lot of ground. A Roadblocker tried to rush down the stairs, just for a fire hydrant to be flung through the window and knock him out cold. A few stray bullets from a machine gun rained down from the second floor, but the echoing boom of Ghost's sniper rifle silenced them as she scared them off again. Bambi held the intel over her head proudly, a big dumb grin on her face when she passed Gladiator by.

"Good goin' there, lass!" he praised, smacking her bare ass with a gauntleted hand. Despite the spank and her jiggling jugs going everywhere without her top as she streaked across the street, nothing was breaking her good mood as she delivered the intel into their base. "VICTORY FOR THE BLUE TEAM!!" blasted across the speakers along with celebratory horns and music.

"WOOHOO! We did it!" Bambi hooted, jumping up and down without a care for who saw her wildly bouncing boobs. "Holy crap, I did it! Ohmigod, I totally can't believe it!"

Ghost slid down from the rooftop on a grappling hook as the rest of the group came out of their respective hiding spots. "Nice work, Patcher," the sniper praised.

"OMG, and you used my real name!" Bambi squealed.

"Yea, yea. Well if you want to get used to it, keep up that good work," she said with a smirk. Bambi kissed her excitedly on the cheek and ran around, hugging and kissing everyone around.

"We won! I got picked and we won! I didn't even die!" she squealed. "Imagine what that'll do to my stats!"

"Alright, calm down," Anarchy scoffed, but she smiled as Bambi bear hugged her tightly. "Now get in your victory pose before the cut scene's over."

"Ooh crap! Right! It's been so long since I won anything..." She smiled and looked down at her wristband. "This one's for you, Healslutfan69420," she sighed contently. "Thank you."

The final shot of the game loaded up with the squad taking on variously tough and mocking poses. Gladiator lifted a comically large barbell over his head, Anarchy double flipped off the camera, Big Bolt dabbed on the other team, and so on. Bambi squatted in the front and center of their victory pose, lifting her skirt to flash her tits and pussy for the camera while holding up two fingers, licking in between them in a cunnilingus gesture.

"Now THAT'S how you heal. Get good, motherfuckers." The human only known as Healslutfan69420 dropped out of the game, screenshotting the victory pose so she could finger herself to it later. "Let's see what we got..."

She clicked on her lootbox and sorted through its contents. A couple common skins, a weapon mod for Skullcracker, some more gold... ooh, and a Booty Clap taunt for Patcher. "Bitch, you have all the best drops," Healslutfan sighed, watching her new favorite character enter her dirty dance sequence over and over. "Fuck what the forums say; nobody else heals quite like that. You are about to get a hell of a lot more playtime..."


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