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I'm not sure how I feel about this one. Something that came to me watching Little Witch Academia. It definitely works, but the sheer amount of fighting and the sort of immersion and story took over for a lot of the sexiness while I did some puzzle solving to figure out how the girls would get around the "no magic" rule. More a fun read than a hot catfight, but lots of clothes tearing and a few transformation scenes.

The Outsmouth School For Young Witches and Wizards had a long line of training spellcasting youths, though perhaps not the most noble of histories. With a lot of talk of cults and unfortunate summonings, the school was always trying to keep itself modern and up to date. It was cutting edge, even for an American school, having wifi instead of owls and tablets instead of scrolls. It was partly practical, but also to avoid any of their embarrassing history.

The students were largely pleased by this after their parents' talks of no technology and sitting in on Cryptids and Fiends lectures titled "Everything Wrong With Twilight in 60 minutes." The only real complaint some of them had was their emphasis on physical fitness.

"Gone is the day of pasty necromancers huddled away in basements," Dean Helen Heatherby had lectured while most of the male students just paid attention to her huge and wobbling bosom. "We want healthy, socially active sorcerers with low blood pressure and healthy tans!" She had pushed the phys ed program, becoming the first wizarding school to require running laps and basic self defense courses. It was also them who proposed the first ever wrestling tournament to ever be held inside a magic school.

"Don't you think we're a bit... above that?" offered Professor Fenton. The skinny, redheaded teacher hurried along after the dean, becoming her default secretary by right of being the only one that hadn't refused at the meeting. "We are teaching curses and enchantments, not... headlocks and suplexes."

"And why is that?" Helen demanded. "What if they're caught without a wand or a staff? No simple Disarm spell is going to take out a Outsmouth graduate like those British pansies on my watch!" Fenton winced at the bit of racism despite all the dean's modern thinking ways, but she described it as just a friendly rivalry. "Now take this down: all students are to compete in at least one match apiece. Boys and girls in separate divisions." Again, even with that modern thinking, some old fashioned ways stayed rooted in the old school.

"There's to be no magic in the ring. No summoning, potions or rituals either, and no interference by anyone magical or otherwise. The winner is whoever can PHYSICALLY pin the other for 5 seconds, knock them out, or knock them out of the matted areas. No submissions, and anyone caught staging or wussing out and quitting their fight too early will have to fight in two more matches! Students will fight in their uniforms, so the usual skirts and blouses on the girls and slacks and shirts for the boys. I doubt anyone wants to fight in their robes, for all the dead weight that'll be. And here." Helen produced a clipboard from her robes and thrust it back at the sheepish professor. "I've made a list of the most promising students based on what I've seen in their performance in the Physical Arts courses. Send them a message to let them know they'll be in the actual tournament. I think they'll be convinced by the prize."

“Oh… oh! I see. Yes, Dean Heathersby!”

"You are fucking me!" Emma blurted. The tall and lean girl sat upright from her table in the cafeteria. She was checking her school email on her phone while the table summoned her meatloaf with mac and cheese, her friends looking up at her expectantly.

"I mean... I kind of am," Jeremy admitted quietly, her scruffy blonde boyfriend blushing.

"Oh, you two got together? That's sweet!" Amy chimed as she ate some more of her fries.

"No, not that. I got an invitation to a fucking MMA tournament in the school!" Emma Kripes sat back down and slid her phone into the middle of the group.

"Yea, but fuck that, right?" Rhonda, her chubby half-giant friend, popped half of a potato into her mouth in one bite. "Physical Arts classes suck. I'd rather just take a week in the dungeon than have to do more exercise than that."

"And it says the winner gets an instant A in any class of their choice!" Amy added as she read over the email.

"Wait, what?" Rhonda almost choked on her potato. She grabbed her phone and checked it quickly for any signs of an invitation. "Ah man. I should have tried harder on track. It's not my fault I'm big-boned. But you could get out of Phys class for the whole year!"

"Or Alchemy! And get out of those stinky classes!" Amy added.

Emma saw a few more girls popping up around the cafeteria with raised voices, knowing that there were naturally more girls being invited to compete as well. "I just played softball when I was younger," Emma muttered. "I wasn't exactly planning on fist-fighting for my grades."

"Well it looks like THEY sure are," Amy said, nodding a few tables over. Fran Underson from the broom riding team was on the table, pumping her fists and doing an excited little victory dance. "You've got a pretty good chance to win, though!"

“Yea, you can do it, babe!” Jeremy agreed, even if he just wanted to see her in a magical catfight.

"Really?" Emma said with a frown. "Cuz I don't like these odds, girls..."

Meanwhile, Vanessa Holmes was a fairly average girl apart from her glasses and dark blue hair from some distant mermaid heritage. She went over the email with her short and cute friend Katie from the alchemy club.

"I mean, it says right here in the rules. No potions or magic of any kind can be used in the ring," Katie pointed out.

"So anything we use BEFORE the match... that's fair game," Vanessa said with a knowing grin.

"Of course! We're witches! They had to know we'd prepare for this somehow! It's a test of strategy, not muscle!"

"You're right! I'll send my reply! You get the bunsen burners and some murkwood. We need to cook!"

Dawn Mendez got a buzz on her phone, the Spanish-American girl checking her email. Thinking quickly, she flipped through her notebook on polymorphs before looking to the druidic section. The next room over, Helga Ulrich was already scrawling chalk runes on the floor. The girls were all starting to prepare, the same thoughts on their mind: to win by any means that they could.

The stands usually used for the brooming competitions were filled with the students in their own uniforms waiting for the fight. The roster had been announced a couple days ago while the other students had their mandatory battles. They were dressed in what was more or less fancier and magically comfortable private school uniforms. They weren't the most practical for combat, but the girls were over that by now. All of the fighters were among the senior students, so they were all 18 or 19 despite the flashy uniforms.

Emma Kripes popped a quick pill into her mouth and chewed it up before she stepped out onto the field. The tall blonde was in the same skirt and blouse as everyone else. Her wand and broom and anything remotely magical were left behind in the locker room, but she felt the effects of her last minute pill remaining as she hopped nimbly into the ring. On the other side of the small stadium, Helga Ulrich stepped out of the hall. She was another blonde girl, but with a hint of red to it rather than Emma's bright gold. Her long hair was bundled up into a thick bun behind her head to keep it out of the way. The German exchange student was of a thicker build than Emma, in terms of both muscle and curves, but Emma wasn't afraid of that.  After all, she had her boost on her side.

Dean Heatherby was at ringside to judge the proceedings, her voice magically enhanced to echo to everyone in the arena. The girls stepped on either side of the mats, giving a quick bow like they did for all manner of duels and contests at Outsmouth. There had actually been a time before the school's revamping when the entire grounds had curses on them that kept any of the faculty from attacking each other when assassinations got out of control in their cultish origins.

"Emma Kripes and Helga Ulrich: you may begin!"

Emma kicked off of the mats and went rocketing forward. She had considered a few more complex potions or enchantments, but the one that stood out to her was flight. Actual flight spells were advanced for their level, but there was an easier copycat that was just called Featherweight. With her body containing the same amount of strength as always but feeling she weighed 5 pounds let her move like she was on the moon. She delivered a swift kick to Helga's stomach, making the German girl stumble back and clutch her stomach.

"Too slow, chunky!" Emma laughed confidently as she jumped and kicked her again in the chest. The startled blonde staggered another step closer to the edge of the mats while Emma bounced off of her and floated lazily back to the ground.

Helga glared back at her and stood back upright, rubbing her boobs while she growled. "I'll teach you for being so cocky," she said in her usual slow and stilted accent. Emma braced herself for another sky-high jump, but she was surprised when Helga rolled up her sleeve. There was an ornate series of white runes along her upper arm, and she pinched the skin until they lit up for a moment and Helga's eyes went wide. They were instantly fiercer and shone with a golden color compared to the blue-green from before.

"Long have I craved for combat with a mortal! On your guard, you insignificant child!" Helga's voice came out louder and clearer than ever, her accent all but gone and speaking with absolute confidence. It was enough to make Emma cut off her attack to stare at the changed German girl. While she wasn't any stronger, her summoning from the other night had gone perfectly. It would still be her body and her abilities, but the soul of a Valkyrie had been permitted to take over her mind.

Emma overcame her hesitation and sprang at Helga, but the ancient warrior's strategies already had a counter ready. She grabbed Emma by the leg and flung her behind her, the lightweight witch sent flying out of the matted ring. Emma yelped as she went soaring towards the stands, tumbling head over heels as she struggled (and failed) to hold down her skirt. Deciding that got her nowhere, she simply twisted to right herself and thrust her legs back at the air. The minor bit of pressure on the air was enough to push her back towards the ring, a couple more mid-air "double jumps" getting her floating back down to the mats.

"Not bad, sorceress," Helga's adult voice continued. "But I'm sorry to say you're no worthy opponent."

"Oh get bent, Helga's great great grandma!" Emma mocked back, flipping her off as she turned to face her again.

"I may not know what that means, but I don't care for it in the least!" Helga charged for Emma, but she leapt quickly into the air. She threw a kick down at Helga's head, but the valkyrie's instincts let her catch the foot and squeeze tightly.

"Uh oh," Emma muttered just before Helga swung her like a club into the ground. The floating potion seemed to make her fly through the air easier by any means, so she whacked hard into the mats as the classmates variously cheered or groaned in sympathy pain. Emma groaned as her face was flattened onto the mats, just for Helga to lift her up with her unrelenting grip. The weightless Emma made it easy for her to shove the witch's head between her legs and deliver a piledriver so powerful that sent her bouncing off the mats, her dazed body floating to the ground outside the mats.

"Ring out! Helga is the winner!" Dean Heathersby declared.

"I can't believe she lost," Amy sighed from her seat in the stadium.

"Well, she looked good doing it," Jeremy added as he tried to memorize the look of his unconscious girlfriend for future use.

Vanessa Holmes gave another testing squeeze of her hands, ensuring that the potion was still holding up. It should last until sundown, but she wanted to be sure that he edge remained. It seemed especially important now, since Emma and Helga had similar ideas. All of the girls would have their own tricks up their sleeves. The blue-haired girl went to the mats from her stadium door, getting a fair amount of cheers for the cute but geeky girl. She brushed back her long blue hair and set her glasses by the ringside before she stepped in.

Her opponent was Alex Vera, a girl with short but thick black curls and a thick chest for her otherwise middling build. There was a faint pull as the unseen field forced any natural magic from their bodies, but the effects of their potions still remained.

"Vanessa Holmes and Alex Veran: you may begin!"

Both girls circled briefly before they came out swinging. Vanessa threw a punch that Alex ducked under, tackling the bookish girl around the stomach. They went to the ground, Vanessa grabbing at her but Alex slipped behind the blue-haired witch and hugged her arms around her neck. Vanessa gagged briefly, but it didn't seem to be Alex's real plan to choke her out. She raised her fingers and triggered her stored spell, turning the top half of her fingers into barb-like claws and scratching them across Vanessa's smaller chest.

Vanessa shrieked in pain as it tore open the front of her blouse, leaving shallow but stinging cuts across her breasts. The top was quickly ruined as the crowd hooted and laughed at the sight of her purple bra. Alex went on to squeeze her boobs, the pricking claws digging into her skin but fortunately, it left her hands right where she wanted them. Vanessa grabbed her by the wrists and squeezed, the strength potion finally pulling its weight as Alex was easily yanked away and screamed at the pain in her wrists. Vanessa flipped her over her head, letting the scream get cut off as Alex landed flat on her face. She groaned and tried to push herself back up, but her claws made that a little more difficult than she'd planned.

It left Vanessa with enough time to grab the edge of her opponent's skirt, delivering a fierce kick right between her legs. The crowd burst into cheers and laughter again, this time in Vanessa's favor as Alex rocketed out of the ring and smacked into the far wall of the stadium.

"Ringout! Vanessa wins!"

Vanessa covered up her chest as she gave the crowd another bow and hurried back off the battlefield. She had hoped to savor in her first victory longer, but not with her tits hanging out.

Dawn Mendez came out past her for the third match (pausing to glance back at the topless Vanessa). The second-generation Spanish witch had long hair that was dotted with various clips and beads. She was tall but thin, with a small chest but long legs. She approached with a look of purposeful focus, clearly psyching herself up for the task at hand.

Her opponent, on the other hand, came out waving and grinning to the cheering audience. Francine Underson was used to this kind of a setup as one of the stars of the brooming club. She had an athletic build, muscled without being especially bulky. She was the wizard equivalent of a track runner, her chin-length hair a bright red that was just long enough to bounce and flow around when she jumped or flew.

"Hope you came ready for this one," Dawn warned her as she cracked her knuckles.

"Well I hope YOU called the nurses ahead of time!" Fran laughed cockily as she hopped from foot to foot. "Just cuz you let me copy your notes doesn't mean I'll go easy on you."

"Fighters at the ready... begin!"

Fran had been one of the few students with a positive reaction to the Physical Arts program. She had been running laps around the school before they had enforced it, both as a hobby and to keep her legs in shape for gripping her broom. She quickly set the pace for the match as she sprinted into Dawn's grill and threw a punch int her cheek.

"YOWWW!" Fran pulled back clutching her hand with the scraped knuckles. "What the hell was that?!"

"Stone Hide potion," Dawn smirked back. She rapped her own knuckle against her jaw, which caused a few brittle tapping noises. "What are you packing?"

"What do you mean?" Fran asked with a puzzled look.

"I mean I told you mine. What kind of curse or potion are you using?"

"Uh, none!" Fran said dismissively. "They said no magic in the ring, dumbass."

"I didn't. I just drank a potion before I even got in the stadium."

"...well shit." Dawn threw another punch at her, but this time Fran knew to throw herself backward. The Spanish girl's fist hit the mats hard enough to tear through some of the fabric while Fran skidded to a stop.

"Hey! Next one to wreck a mat, I'm going to box your ears! In an actual box!" called Professor Fenton, but Dean Heathersby just folded her arms and smiled.

"It just means they're getting into it. Let em be," she assured her makeshift secretary. Dawn took a few more swings at Fran, but she was too quick to let her dense fists catch her. Fran tried to throw a low kick into Dawn's calf, but that barely slowed her and hurt her foot.

"Okay. No more mister nice girl!" Fran growled as she was forced back by the edge of the mats. She let Dawn lunge for her again, this time jumping in to meet her halfway. She grabbed her by the arm in midair and twisted, bringing Dawn's enhanced body down with her. Fran had wrapped both of her arms and legs around the arm and bent it backward while Dawn was left flat on her back. The girls audibly grunted and struggled, but neither of them could budge more than a couple inches.

"What the hell?" Dawn growled at her.

"Just because you've got your stupid armor doesn't mean you're super strong. You're just super hard," Fran said with a confident smirk. She leaned back to stay out of reach of Dawn's grasping hand, but pressed her sneaker against the Spanish witch's throat. "So I don't have to beat you up when I can just choke you out.

"Wha... wait! You canghkk!" Dawn sputtered out the last part as Fran put her judo classes to good use. It was a short, frantic struggle before the rocky fighter went limp and Heathersby called the fight. Fran leapt to her feet with another wordless whoop, jumping up and down while (again, as a practiced broomer) ignoring what it did to her bouncing skirt.

Natalya Rhodes came out next, a short and pale girl with her hair pulled back in a braid. Her hair was carefully dyed to be half purple, half blonde, creating an almost candy-cane pattern to her braid. She gave an uncaring roll of her eyes as she stepped onto the mats, shifting her weight impatiently.

She was up against Michelle Sanders, a tall and solid black girl and seen as a general overachiever around the school. While well behaved and scoring high on her tests, she had talked trash about Nat every now and then for being such a slacker. Michelle stepped onto the mats, which gave off a bit of steam and bubbled under Michelle's feet. It was enough to get Nat to raise an eyebrow.

Natalya Rhodes and Michelle Sanders! You may begin!"

"I think it's time you learned what actual effort and skill can do, loser," Michelle taunted as she stepped closer. The steam kept coming off of the mats a Natalya moved to circle with her.

"Shows what you know," Nat smirked back lazily. "I didn't do shit for training. I did finish watching Bob's Burgers on my crystal ball, though. Good season."

Nat tried to juke left, but Michelle was too ready and too fast. She caught Nat by her hair and pulled her into a simple chokehold. "Well I called some favors at the dueling club and got to practice actual fighting!" Michelle taunted as Nat was quickly proving unable to escape the hold. She was already sweating, though it was a combination of effort and Michelle's alchemy that had raised her body temperature by a good twenty degrees. What was meant to combat certain fevers and arctic weather made her overbearingly hot to the touch, to the point where Michelle grabbed the front of Nat's blouse and let the strings burn off. It soon popped open, exposing Natalya's sweaty chest to the cheering crowd.

"And here I always knew I was hot shit," Michelle laughed. Natalya struggled and pulled out of the hold, but Michelle was quick to snatch her again and pull her into a headlock instead.

"Nah, you're just the shit part," Nat growled, but she could only keep pushing at Michelle's arm and pulling at her head. She was caked in sweat now, dripping off of her or drying into a sticky mess on her skin. Her clothes stuck to her skin with it, making her body easy for the audience to see as her panties clung to her ass.

While Michelle drove a few knees into Nat's stomach, the punk witch kept at it. Michelle had started to move towards the edge of the mats just to throw her off, but at the last minute Nat popped out. She had shoved at just the right angle at the right moment, with her sweaty hair letting her slip loose from the hold. Nat felt that tingle in her skin again. The goosebumps that sprang up when her magical luck charm kicked in. It was reliable, if not terribly consistent or predictable.

"Slippery little bitch!" Michelle hissed, turning and hitting Nat with a backhand slap to the cheek. The blow and the stinging heat left a red mark on Nat's face in its wake, but she stumbled towards the edge of the ring. Michelle went in for the kill, just as the tingle reached Nat's skin again. She stepped onto a small pool of her sweat, slipping and falling to the ground right as Michelle's punch came in. The accidental dodge not only avoided the blow, but the charging Michelle's legs ran right into her falling foe. With a quick shout, Michelle tripped and tumbled off the mats. She landed with her face in the grass and her ass up in the air (to everyone's amusement).

"Ring out! Natalya wins!"

"What?!" Michelle got back to her knees with an angry scowl. "She just got lucky!"

"Yea. Real lucky," Natalya smirked back at her. "And luck beats skill, bitch. Now keep walking." The crowd hooted and cheered at her defiant trash talk as Michelle stormed back to the locker rooms.

The girls were given a few minutes to refresh their spells and drink their healing potions before the matches continued. Vanessa and Helga were fighting next, Vanessa still digesting her strength potion while Helga still visibly had her runes painted on her arm. Vanessa didn't know enough about the runes to know if they were still working, but she knew her trick by now. All she had to do was overpower her. Valkyrie or not, she was still the same body.

"Vanessa Holmes, Helga Ulrich... you may begin!"

While Helga tried to circle away, Vanessa moved right in with her plan to blitz her. Helga hopped aside to avoid being pushed off the mats, but Vanessa still caught her by the collar and lifted her off her feet. She slammed the bigger blonde in a chokeslam to the mats, even the crowd able to hear the noisy impact of her move. Vanessa grabbed her by the hair next, lifting her into the air and punching her in the belly. Her lifted shirt made it an easy target for her powerful fist to dig in deep, making her German girl cough weakly before Vanessa let her drop to her knees. While she was getting confident, the blue-haired girl kept up her attack by grabbing the blonde's impressive boobs and squeezing hard, lifting her off her feet again. Helga kicked in the air and screamed as her entire bodyweight was focused on her aching breasts, grabbing and pulling at Vanessa's wrists.

"Now this is getting fun," Vanessa sneered, lifting and slamming Helga down once again. This time she held onto her shirt, ripping it open and exposing her breasts. She stomped on Helga's big, enviable boobs for good measure, knowing the wind out of her while making them jiggle for the crowd. "I'd like to squash those fat bags some more, but I've got a match to win!"

Vanessa gave Helga one more kick in the ribs before tossing herself on top of her. She showed off for the crowd by grabbing Helga's boob and toying with it as Dean Helen started to count the pinfall. She had started to assume that Helga had used up her one-shot rune, but she started to mutter something in her low tone.

"I'm not done yet," she growled as the count reached three and a second rune started to glow on her breast. Vanessa was too busy attacking them to look for any such marking. There was a pushing sensation from Helga's body, and suddenly Vanessa was an extra foot or so off the ground... and on top of a black bear.

"Oh what the shit?!" Vanessa screamed in surprise, jumping back as the beast rolled over to all fours.

"I am a fucking bear," Helga replied in her natural voice. "It was a Germanic rune for bear. Deal with it, bitch." Vanessa was still as strong as ever, but she was flustered by the turn of events. It let Helga barge into her on all fours, knocking the strong but still exactly as stable girl off her feet. She threw up her hands as Helga roared and drooled over her, the musky smell of her fur overpowering her senses.

Helga only batted at Vanessa's head, since the longstanding rule of "stop fucking killing and betraying each other, you guys!" still stood in the Outsmouth records. It was still enough to knock her head around with her paw, bruising her up before she rakes her heavy claws down Vanessa's chest. The pretty demi-mermaid screamed as it tore off her clothes, scratching up her skin while leaving her totally naked in the middle of the mats. The crowd reached a new pitch of excitement, especially as Vanessa shoved the bear in the chest and finally forced her off.

Vanessa grabbed onto one of her opponent's paws, trying to drag or throw her out of the ring. Helga responded by leaning up and biting her squarely on the ass, getting a startled shriek out of Vanessa as she leapt into the air and flew out of the ring. She landed with her red and visibly bitten ass up in the air. She rubbed her sore butt and whined as Helen declared the obvious winner.

Fran came out for her match and jerked her thumb over her shoulder. "Jeez, did you see that? That bitch turned into a bear. That's wild, huh?"

Natalya smirked and nodded. The gothy girl was pretty solitary, but she considered Fran to be pretty chill. The girl was too excited about everything to hate anyone for long and she reached out to everybody. "Yea, nuts. Did you figure out any kind of magic for this one?"

"Uh... sorta. I'm working on it," Fran muttered as she itched at her neck. "I only had a couple minutes to break, so y'know..."

"So no?"

"Nah, not yet."

"Shame," Natalya said with a shrug. "If anybody won besides me, I'd think it was you."

"Oh, well it's on now, girl! You can't get lucky forever!"

"Do you not even know how magic works?" Nat said with a roll of her eyes. "I literally can."

"Fran Underson and Natalya Rhodes! You may start the match!"

Fran came quickly for Nat, but when the goth raised her guard the broomer stopped short. Nat looked surprised as Fran grinned and shoved her in the chest, sending her towards the edge of the mats. Nat yelped and flailed around, ending up tripping over her own feet and falling back into the matted area without quite crossing the threshold.

Fran snapped her fingers with annoyance before she went after her again. Nat curled up defensively, but Fran just grabbed her by the foot and pulled her back into the middle of the arena. Nat gave her a puzzled look before she started kicking at her.

"Hey, I'm not going near the edge so you can just slip me up when a bug gets in my nose or something," Fran insisted. She happened to pull at the wrong angle, catching Nat's shoe instead of her foot and tumbling backward with the lost footwear in hand. She flailed her arms to keep her balance, but Nat tackled the athletic girl around her knees.

"No offence!" Nat insisted as she flipped up Fran's skirt and punched her in the groin. Even the athletic girl had to grunt and sit upright, cupping her crotch as the crowd gave a sympathizing "oooh!"

"Yea. None taken," Fran grunted, twisting suddenly and kicking her foot into the same spot on Natalya. The "OOH!" came louder this time as the payback was delivered, the already pale Nat looking paler as she fell over to her side. Both girls were left nursing their embarrassing injuries for a moment until Fran got her by the leg again, if moving sluggishly.

"If you wanna play dirty then..." Fran moved to sit on Nat's back, flipping up her skirt and pulling up her panties in a sharp, invasive wedgie. Most of it vanished up her ass like a thong as Nat squealed, kicking her feet and flailing at the air to try to pull herself free. The goth seemed like she was stuck in the position, but there came a tearing noise as her underwear finally gave way. The elastic ripped noisily as came off in Fran's hands, making her fall off from the sudden give in resistance.

Nat hurried up to her knees, ignoring that she'd flashed her bare ass to her fellow students and that her skirt was all there was keeping them from seeing it again. That thought sparked an idea as she leapt on top of Fran, pinning her arms down and sitting right on her face. Fran gagged and sputtered around her mouthful of ass cheeks while Helen started the count. It made it to 4 before Fran bit down on her inner thigh, making Nat yelp and spring off instinctively.

Fran pushed her off and started to rise, but Nat happened to have her leg splayed out. It flashed the crowd her poorly trimmed pussy, but it also luckily left her foot right where Fran's went for balance as she rose too quickly. The tomboy went tumbling head over heels as she flew into the air, sailing towards the grass outside the ring. The crowd went wild, but even in her falling, Fran moved with a strange and fluid grace. She twisted herself in midair, just as if her broom were going out of control. Nat's luck had just blown its load, so as she was sitting up there wasn't anything to stop a counter attack. Fran was able to twist and kick Nat right in the chest, knocking her back and making her upper body flop outside the ring a second or two before Fran hit the ground on the other side of the corner.

"Natalya was the first to fall out of the ring! Francine is the winner!" Helen declared rather proudly. The class erupted in clapping and cheers at the flashy, last minute finish.

"Sorry about that!" Fran laughed as she brushed herself off. "Looks like your luck ran out!"

"You were saving that," Nat grunted, but she smirked anyway.

"Damn right I was!"

The last match gave them a bit longer of a break, since Fran would be coming right off of her previous fight. She gulped down her potion as she ran back to her brooming teammate watching over a makeshift bunsen burner using a lighter and a coffee can.

"How's it going?" Fran asked as she choked down the last of her healing tonic.

Cassie Flowers looked into the can and dipped a stick into the pink fluid. It came out thick, but melted the end of the stick a moment later. "Looks good," she reported, pouring it out into a foam coffee cup. "Just make sure you time it right. It'll work, but I don't know how much kick will be in something we made this quick. And without proper tools."

"Yea, we're ghetto maging this," Fran admitted as she gulped it down. She pursed her lips thoughtfully. "Y'know, that tastes a lot better than I thought. Unless that's just aftertaste from the coffee mixed in there..." She finished the rest of it and threw the cup away before hugging Cass. "Thanks again. I think this is gonna work."

Cass blushed but nodded. "I mean, she did turn into a bear last time..."

"Yea, that was pretty hardcore. I'll see what I can do about that when it comes up. Seeya, Cass!"

The husky blonde and the athletic redhead met out on the mats for the final fight. Fran stretched out while Helga brushed back her hair, the German girl staring back seriously while Fran kept up her usual smirk.

“Helga Ulrich and Francine Underson. This is for the 1st place in the competition, so give it your best. Begin!”

The girls both took off towards each other, Helga quick to trigger her Valkyrie tattoo before they made contact. The blonde's eyes glowed as the ancient spirit took over, grabbing Fran by the collar of her blouse. Helga landed a quick punch to Fran's face, but the redhead plucked off one of the buttons from her top. With a precise twist of her upper body, she slid out of her top and left the valhallan Helga confused with nothing but a handful of shirt. Fran rose back up with a headbutt to her chin, jarring the bigger girl and knocking her onto her ass.

"By Fenrir's teeth," Hilda's possessed body cursed as she rubbed her jaw. Fran kept up her counter attack as she grabbed Hilda by the arms and slid behind her, pulling them backward as she buried her knee into the chesty blonde's back. Helga gave a pained cry as she tried to pull herself free of the back-bending submission.

"Let me go, you honorless harlot!" the valkyrie threatened.

"Face it, granny. Your style's way outdated. Street fights don't happen in your fancy wars, and you sure as hell didn't learn the Rocket Driver from wrestling on tv like I did!"

It turned out that her guess had been right. The valkyrie was a master of ancient battles, but she didn't know how to counter modern martial arts or pro wrestling moves that had been invented ages after her time. Even if Fran was let in just her skirt and bra, Helga was mentally out of her element.

The glow faded as Fran felt a surge of triumph before the next rune glowed. Helga's arms yanked free from Fran's as she went through her previous transformation to become a full grown bear. Rather than backing off, Fran jumped onto Helga's back while she was still on all fours. Fran's grandmother used to wrestle alligators (despite her previous accusations concerning grandmas), so she hoped the same principle applied. She wrapped her arms to choke out the big shaggy Helga, who growled and thrashed around but couldn't reach the smaller (now much smaller) girl.

"Looks like you shoulda worked on your wrestling rather than your bodypaint, Helga!" Fran called into her ear.

"Do you ever shut up!?" Helga snarled, bucking and swinging at Fran. Her thick paws weren't able to reach the broomer beyond literally clawing at her skirt while Fran kneed the beastly Helga in the ribs whenever she had a solid enough grip. Helga felt herself running short of breath, so she finally shoved herself to one side. She crashed to the mats, trying to squash Fran beneath her, but she expectantly shifted to the far side of her body and kept up the choke.

"Come on, Goldilocks. I know bears can tap out!" Fran demanded as Helga's struggles grew weaker. With no other choice left, Helga changed back into a human and slid out of the hold. She had waited to change back behind closed doors before, but now she was left wearing nothing but a few scraps of her clothes that had survived the transformation. Even with Fran topless and with several slashes in her skirt, she was wearing more than the blonde.

Even though she escaped, Fran saw the opening and charged in for a finishing blow. Helga scowled back at her and ran a fingernail quickly along one last rune marked on her thigh. Her other hand clasped into a fist and drove into Fran's midsection, flashing with lightning and booming with thunder. Fran went flying back and tumbled along the mats, fresh burns marking the edges of her skirt and bra while she coughed for air. Her black-smudged abs bounced as she tried to breathe again, the surprise thunder punch knocking the wind right out of her. Even with her variety, she had doubted Helga would have something for every match.

Helga stormed after Fran, grasping one hand into a crackling ball of electricity. "For all the one-trick ponies," she huffed. "I'm surprised you made it so far for a no-trick pony."

"I might have picked up one or two on the way," Fran managed to grunt out. Helga raised a fist to bring the thunder once more, but Fran dove past her legs with all the strength she could muster. The punch was absorbed harmlessly by the rubber mats, but Fran touched the center of her chest as she landed in the middle of the ring.

"It's big time!" she called out, feeling her body stretch and expand. The giant growth potion kicked in at her trigger word, even if it wasn't quite as much vertical boost as she'd wanted. Rather than simply turning into a giant, the swelled mostly pushed outward as her boobs, butt and gut swelled outward, leaving her arms too short to do much good. She had hoped Cassie had made it more of an Ant Man than The Blob, but it served its purpose. She had planned to stick out a giant leg or an arm, but the growing wall of stomach and boobs pushed Helga right out of the ring before she could even consider evading the inescapable wall of flesh.

"Helga has been knocked out of the ring! Francine is the winner!"

The students cheered and whistled, or at least those that didn't let out confused or disgusted groans and mutterings. "Hoo! Hot damn!" Fran cheered, her voice coming out normal despite the non-stop jiggling to her body. "Hey, can somebody get uh... me down? I'm sorta... shit, thanks!" One of her teammates from the broom team flew out on her broomstick, flicking a wand at Fran so that she shrank back to normal size. Fran tapped her chest with a small burp as she kicked off the torn panties that barely hung onto one leg after being stretched out beyond recognition. She smiled with a hand modestly in front of her crotch as she waved to the crowd. Putting on a few hundred pounds had ruined her clothes and left her entirely naked before the audience, just doing her best to cover up what she could. Then Dean Heathersby took her by her covering hand and raised it up, getting Fran to whoop as it exposed the rest of her privates to the audience. There were some laughs while Fran blushed, but she laughed along with them and waved back, naked or not.

In the aftermath of it all, the girls didn't hold any real grudges. They were all after the same thing, even if Fran was the one who pulled it off with a single, one-shot spell. Even with her free A pass, she decided to bank it for next semester and skip over Advanced Mathemagics. She enjoyed going on all these jogs anyway. Even if it was mostly the athletic girls and perverted boys who had shown any actual interest in the contest, the number of girls looking for another shot at easy grades spoke highly of the dean's tournament and mentioned how they were waiting for another.


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