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Something that just sort of happened when I found the old pics of genderswapped Darkseid that were popular on 4chan for a while.

"Congratulations, Anon of Earth, for having been chosen to be taken by me for one of your mortal dates. Naturally, you will commence with appropriate carnal worship of your new date goddess' body. You may begin your primitive "fapping" ritual. Do not disappoint…

"I see you are wise for an Earthling. You clearly recognize superior strength and beauty despite your primitive human instincts. You understand that I chose this form to mimic your females of peak sexual maturity. I shall make your fap ritual an example for your people. Your humiliating display of unbound lust for your goddess shall be a testament to my beauty, that all shall know what comes of those who lust after my perfection. Slower, now. Let me savor your sexual hymnal to my omnipotent curves.

"Oh my! I am very pleased to find that my subject is so willing and loyal to the glory and beauty of Momseid. Rest assured that when you release your seed it will be with my blessing, and that I shall be applying cosmic-scale forces your Earth sciences cannot grasp to contain and absorb every last drop of your creamy leavings. I shall cherish and savor your seeds for eons, allowing you to fuel a fraction of the power of the omniscient Momseid.

"You do seem to be of strong breeding stock. One worthy of serving as a concubine to such perfection. I so adore how your eyes linger on my world-ending breasts. How your puny mouth drools at the jiggle of my fertile hips. And how your hand remains attached to your phallus like the horny, lowly ape that you are. Mmm, and your weak hands are so delicate. Perfect for the worship of these breasts that could crush the skull of a kryptonian. You were wise to come and worship at my feet, my concubine, for I think you will find the view to be most enjoyable from down there.

"Understand that by your pathetic offering, my little follower, I shall create a generation of warriors. I should see that your worship spawns a glorious new breed of voluptuous daughters that shall rule over your planet beneath us. You will, of course, stay at my right hand. A walking testament to my unending attractiveness that spans across galaxies. A declaration that I am lust incarnate. The living wet dream of infinity. I hold greater sway over your phallus than the gravity of a hundred collapsing suns. My bountiful hips could withstand a dozen of your human members and still pleasure them all. I merely pity you, my poor and lusty worshiper. You must be struck dumb to be forced to choose what part of me you will cum to first. I await your answer most... impatiently.

"All,' you say? A wise choice.... I see that you shall serve me well. Yield to me then, mortal. Surrender your sexuality to Momseid through your creamy sacrifice. Let my black hole devour your fragile flesh and shatter your puny mind with the experience of a dark god of sexual mastery. Let your weak human member cower within the powerful ass of Momseid. Then, fertile breeder human, you will have the honor of tending to my front.

"Become engulfed in the glory of your immortal queen. Rest easy knowing that your seed's surrender shall lead to a great rebirth of your world, with my womb as an infinite field within which your world's fate shall grow. You shall be a father to those who would destroy heroes and conquer nations. The heiresses you hold in your balls shall some day call you father as they worship the same tool that spawned them. Come now... dare to enter the warm and powerful embrace of the one who would crush planets in her bare hands.

"Your flowery words are weak, but true. Some have died in the face of my wrath and beauty. Your form may be impractical and frail, but it appeals to me. You are a symbol of your race's weakness and your goddess' worth. The power I hold in my ass cheeks is more than your entire body could muster, human. This rear is that which broke the back of a certain defiant amazonian princess... and now it is yours. Treat it with the care and respect it deserves. Should you survive the lovemaking, know that you experienced a pleasure beyond the comprehension of most other mortals. And while you tempt death by imagining that you could please me... I expect great things of you, worshiper.  Now... ejaculate in adoration for the greatest beauty in the universe, my human lover. Run your body ragged pleasing your goddess so that you unleash our demigoddess spawn... and know that my cries of mortal pleasure herald our future reign over this planet of unworthy apes. All but you of course, my handsome mortal concubine."

