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A popular vote this month, and it ran long but I'm pleased with how it came out. When monsters decided  to go public, they went theatrical and used a pro wrestling league to make their debut to soften the blow on humans. Just another episode of that nonsense!

The Monstergirl Wrestling League was a much appreciated tool. On the one hand, it had become an excellent outlet for the assorted supernaturals to make themselves known the the world. The world seemed more accepting of their reveal if the first open vampire was in a public stadium wearing spandex and wrestling with a werewolf. The rest of the appeal... was basically that last sentence again. Just for sexy reasons. The trend of recent animes and their appeal to monstergirls made the whole transition into the public a whole lot easier now that monsters were fetishized rather than feared.

The crowd was buzzing, humans and supernaturals alike crammed together to enjoy the show of strange and sexy women. With the audience in little need of warming up, the hosts started things up.

"Goooood evening, ladies, gentlemen, and everything in between!" the deep voice welcomed. Benson adjusted his microphone, a delicate procedure since the low stand was just as tall as he was. The bearded gnome leaned back into his seat, which was itself also mounted on the table to let him see. "The MWL is back for another show and we are on the way for more beautiful ladies dishing out some of the most amazing wrestling you've ever seen. As always, I'm Benson Bricabrak with my lovely co-host."

"Hey, y'all. This is Jamie Yaga, third generation witch." The rather modernly-dressed woman in her twenties with black hair could have easily passed for a normal person in her twenties if not for the pointy hat. "And have we got a lineup for you tonight!"

"Our first fight tonight will be for the number one contender slot! We're pitting two beauties of beasts against each other as the dragoness Meta throws down with Layla the werewolf," Jamie went on. The screens showed a serious-looking woman in a gold bikini, a thin and scaled tail poking out just above the bottoms. Strong but graceful wings poked out from between her shoulders, and a couple of short horns were visible just through her short yet wild red hair. Her opponent was a short woman with brown pigtails, but as the screen went through a few seconds of animation, smoke trickled out of Meta's nostrils and Layla swiftly transformed into a hulking, hunched figure of shaggy fur over a curvy female figure, the dress barely covering some particular bits.

"From there we take a break from the ring to go and check on our 'Kauju-weight' league. Fifty-foot Francine crosses paths with Reptilla the super-naga." The screen showed a towering blonde woman wearing what might have just been some modified boat sails wrapped around her instead of clothes facing off with what appeared to be an Asian woman crossed with snake DNA, stretching her features while lining her back and tail with scales. "Naturally, they'll be fighting in the replica abandoned city ring."

"I'm easy enough for the regular wrestlers to step on," Benson chortled. "I'm not going anywhere near the kaiju ring."

"After that, we have Countess Drakkon throwing down with Maria Van Helsing. Drakkon being the highest ranking vampire in the league while Maria remains the only human on the roster." The chalky-skinned vampiress appeared onscreen in a black one piece with a cloak across her shoulders while Maria stood across from her. She wore a lucha mask that covered the bridge of her nose and everything above, wearing a slightly more revealing one piece of her own.

Benson piped up again. "Maria's been making a real impact on the league. She may lack any supernatural powers, but her skills and knowledge about her opponents makes her earn the nickname of 'Assassino,' or 'The Slayer."

"And for our last fight of the night, the tag team title is on the line. The defending champions of the Arabian Nightmares will take on Sherry and Enga, the goblin-ogre duo." A projection of the title belts (a two-headed snake in this case) were shown over the Arabian Nightmares. The sphinx Riddell acted as the brains of the team, the lean catgirl with a classic Egyptian-style toga posing cutely for the camera in her similarly stylized headdress and singlet. Bigatiti was her busty mummy partner, the haughty woman barely half-wrapped in bandages.

Their foes were made up of a tall and thickly-built brown-skinned ogre, fairly human apart from a more bulky and boney structure. Perched proudly on her shoulder was a bottom-heavy goblin girl, long rust-red hair running from her head down to her chest. The hulking ogre wore some tanned furs that made her look like a barbarian while Sherry wore a leather biker jacket over a tiny bikini top (complete with explosions and the word “BOOM!” on each cup) and jean shorts.

With the setup complete, they cut to the runway where some metal music announced Meta. The she-dragon was passably human at her core, a slim-built woman with some curve in her hips. Scaly wings and tail and reptilian horns stood out, and as her hips and gold bikini bobbed with her confident stride, a hint of smooth reptilian skin could be seen at the edges of her inner thigh. Her expression remained serious and resolute as she slid under the ropes and into the ring. 

She stood upright once she was in the ring, flaring out her wings and giving a short flash of fire from her mouth. It got a big pop from the crowd, even if the fire breath was expressly against the rules of using your powers.

As she settled into her corner, Jamie talked over the fading music. "Meta's always been a proud and talented wrestler. She'd been gunning for this title for a long time, and she's said in interviews that she'll do whatever it takes to win it."

"Well let's see if she can in the first place," Bricabrack added. "She says she'll do whatever it takes, but it turns out that 'whatever' is Layla Fangsly, our resident werewolf with a savage streak."

"That's right, Brick. Layla put Karda the orc out with an injury just last week at the Lord of the Ring pay-per-view. Stepping into the ring with the she-wolf is a real gamble, even for the best of them."

The expected howl came over the loudspeakers before transitioning to Layla's theme music. "Well, speak of the devil..." the gnome nodded.

"No, Sabine the she-devil isn't on until next week," Jamie joked back.

Layla came out in her casual attire of a plain dress dress and her lightly curly hair. She smiled and waved to the audience politely before suddenly shuddering. With several orgasmic noises that turned into snarls, she doubled her weight in muscle and bulked up another two feet until she was even taller than Meta. The dress tore as planned by the wardrobe department in all the right places to deliver some modesty while still flashing some large and fluffy breasts and thighs for the fans.

Meta remained cool in the face of the beastly woman entering the ring, and at the bell she moved in just as fearlessly. "It might be overconfidence or it might mean she has a plan," Benson observed. "But Meta is by no means phased by her opponent. Let's go to our referee 'Creepie' Carie to get things going."

Carie was a plainly dressed woman, wearing an old and withered nightgown that was progressively skimpy for the time when she'd died. The ghost referee had pulled on a black and white shirt over her dress, still baring some cleavage while being the only physical object on her person.

Layla grabbed for Meta, but the winged woman ducked under and around the clawed grappler. The dragoness showed her superior speed early on by landing high kicks and tail slaps to Layla's chest and legs, but the werewolf ultimately lunged for her with a gnashing of her teeth. Meta leapt back to dodge the bite, but it had feinted her as Layla grabbed her by the leg and tripped her to the ground. Layla dragged her closer to take both of her legs and bend them around into a bostom crab, her powerful arms and heavy body brought to bear on the screaming dragon.

"Incredible! Fangsly has grounded the winged beauty!" Jamie said excitedly. "It's her first real attack and this could already be the move that breaks her!"

Meta didn't stay down so easily, managing to flex her wings under Fangsly's arms and push upward to loosen up her hold. She pressed her weight onto her chest and shoved both of her legs upward, acrobatically kicking the beastly beauty in the chin. Layla tumbled off, pushing herself up on all fours while Meta ran into the ropes, bouncing back and delivering another high-powered kick into the bigger woman's head. Fangsly went down while Meta kept going into the other side of the ring, bouncing once more and hopping high up before she stomped squarely on Layla's breasts, which had grown bigger with the rest of her. She flopped and grunted as Meta finally slowed her pace, raising her fists to the cheering crowd like an ancient gladiator.

She went in for the kill as she climbed up the corner ropes, but the crowd failed to warn her that the she-wolf was proving how quickly she could recover from that heavy of a beating. Meta was squatting on the top rope facing the audience when Layla crawled behind her and punched the turnbuckle hard enough to dent the metal. The ropes quivered and sent Meta off balance, falling and crotching herself on the turnbuckle's pads. The padding didn't seem to do much to comfort her as the dragoness gasped loudly and froze with her mouth hanging open.

Layla put a few fierce forearms into her back between the wings before viciously pulling on her horns, bending her over backward so that she hung by her knees on the top ropes. The big bad she-wolf stomped at her stomach and chest a few times before she raked her claws down Meta's thighs, drawing a drawn out scream of pain and rage from her victim as her tail whipped around wildly. Layla's claws were dull enough that they didn't pierce the flesh, but they still hurt like mad. Both converged at Meta's crotch, a brief but shocking sting to her pussy before Layla raised one meaty fist and bashed it down onto her groin.

That rattled Meta enough to knock her from the corner, curling up holding her aching thighs and crotch. Layla howled in preemptive triumph before lifting up Meta by the hair, drawing a long and humiliating lick up her chest and face. Meta's face soured, managing a quick forearm to Layla's chest in defiance. The brawny wolf staggered from the blow, but she slammed her own brawny forearm that knocked Meta back to the mats coughing for air. The dragoness tried to pull herself back up, but Fangsly took her by the aching legs. She twisted one into a hold before she went for the Full Moon Rise, her patented powerhouse of a leaping powerbomb finisher. As she lifted Meta into the air, however, the dragoness managed to catch the werewolf by the ears and blow a quick burst of smoke into her face. The fire breath was out of the question, and it made Meta cough afterward, but it effectively blinded and startled the wolf and her sensitive nose.

She coughed and pawed at her face as she let Meta drop, but the nimble dragoness caught herself on her hands and flipped back to her feet. The crowd went wild at the last minute save from the dooming move, but Meta hurried to counter rather than bask in their praises. She ran to the nearest corner, forcing her aching and clawed up legs to run up the ropes and kick off, spin-kicking the blinded Fangsly in the face. She staggered drunkenly from the hit, but Meta had barely landed before she took off for the next ringpost. The crowd caught on and cheered out "Two!" as she bounced off the second post and kicked her in the head from another direction, sprinting to all four ring posts and delivering a flying kick from each one to the bigger foe. When she went off the fourth post, she wrapped her strong but now agonizingly overworked legs around the werewolf's head, spinning around swiftly before her flying head-scissor took her down to the mats head first. Meta forced herself to straddle the stunned she-wolfs chin, knees on either side of her face as she let the ref count her down for a 3-second pin. Meta was clearly sweating and exhausted as she fell off of Layla, but she made herself rise to her knees as the ref lifted up her hand (after phasing through it a few times).

"A lot of close calls there, but looks like speed beat strength tonight," Jamie commented as the screen ran some highlight replays.

"Both girls took a licking, but they're healed back from worse. Best part of being a monster wrestler, I say," Benson added.

"Well if you thought that was a huge performance, sit tight as we go to our second match of the night. This one goes out to those of you who like them tall and beautiful."

"They're all tall to me, so I don't have a choice. Not that I'm complaining!" the gnome said with a grin.

The kaiju arena was a quickly replicated city, made up of cheap and flimsy materials. Nobody was going to live in them anyway, because they were specifically created for the wrestlers that were over 2 stories tall. There were a few intricate subdivisions, but generally anything that was genuinely giant was tossed into the kaiju category and pitted against each other. When both fighters were in the mile-long battlefield, there was the hum of high-powered generators that illuminated the powerful laser-like ropes that surrounded the area. 

Francine was technically human, the trophy wife of some mad scientist who had accidentally stumbled over one of his projects. The overgrown valley girl was bleached blonde and wearing her makeshift dress made of massive sheets of cloth, folded into a crude loincloth and top that showed off plenty of skin. 

Reptilla was naturally more on the feral side. Her lower body was a snake, while her upper body had green skin and scale along the back of her torso and arms. Strings green hair came from her head, and narrow eyes seemed a mix of sheer reptilian and the vaguely Asian features that must have come from her emergence from the sea around Japan. Short fangs and claws were apparent as she slithered into the arena, baring them in a standoffish grin towards Fran. The blonde mockingly showed her teeth right back with a curling of her fingers and the pink-painted nails. 

A clocktower nearby rang to cue the start of their fight, the women trampling pavement and cars beneath them. Fran delivered the first blow, a slap to Reptilla's face that could have crushed a tank. It only rattled the serpentine woman, who raked her nails down Francine's breasts as the more apparent targets.

"Oww! Those were expensive!" Fran snapped as she grabbed and yanked on Reptila's oily hair. "Do you know how much it costs for a boobjob when you're a double-X cup!?" She swung the handful of hair to smash Reptilla's head into the nearest 10-story building, creating a blast of rubble as Reptilla let out a crude grunt. The colossal catfight went on as Fran bashed her face into the walls twice more, then threw Reptilla onto the street below. She gave the building one more hard shove, sending it toppling over with a resounding BOOM on top of the giant naga.

When the dust cleared, the tip of the snake tail was thrashing from beneath the tower's rubble. Fran sneered confidently as she went over to grab and drag it out, only to find it to be just that: the tip of her tail had come off like a salamander.

"It looks like Reptilla is slippery in more ways than one!" Jamie narrated as the snake woman slithered in low behind Fran and leapt onto her back. She lashed her long tail (minus a few feet at the end where she'd detached it) around Fran's waist as she clawed and bit at her neck and upper body. Francine screamed and flailed around as she stumbled through the city, bouncing off the buildings and crushing prop cars as the cold-blooded wrestler buried her needly fangs into her shoulder. Fran swung an elbow up into Reptilla's jaw, making her bite down harder for a moment before releasing with a groan. Fran grabbed the tail around her slender stomach, unwinding it before turning sharply and swinging her around like a hammer throw.

"That's it, ugly! Time for your facial!" Fran boasted as she suddenly let go, sending Reptilla flying and smashing through several huge buildings before she landed in a dizzy heap. Francine had to stomp her way over to her, giving her some time to get back on her... well, tail.

"Looks can definitely be deceiving. A trophy wife against a giant snake: you'd think it'd be pretty clear cut who would win that one," Jamie pointed out.

"Well think about the simply physics of it all. The ladies have a whole different world of biology to adhere to, but the basics are that the bigger they are, the more muscle and bone density they need to hold themselves up. With legs rather than a snake tail, Fran just might be holding more density from the factor of having just two legs to stand on."

"You know a lot about this size stuff, Benson."

"That's because I have issues, Jamie... and fetishes."

Francine managed to grab Reptilla by the hair again, kneeing her in the face before taking her by the tail and dragging her along the rough and cracking pavement. Reptilla suddenly flexed her tail to rise up and headbutt Fran in the face. The big blonde shrieked and staggered by the surprise hit, letting Reptilla bury her claws into her breast and crotch before lifting her into the air and body slamming her hard into the pavement. It left cracks in the ground for blocks as their combined tons shook the earth, dazing Fran as Reptilla lashed her tail around her neck and started to slither off. The forcefield kept them in the city limits, but it was also built next to the ocean. She went a few hundred yards out before she drunked Fran's face under the water, holding her there to sputter and flail.

"Fran can't see and can't breathe!" Benson declared. "No matter how big you are, you gotta have those."

"That's one advantage that Brea the Beholder has to be sure," Jamie agreed as Francine groped around her foe's lower body helplessly. She was too low on the raised naga's body to reach her face or chest, but she fumbled around a bit until she felt something soft and warm. Right where the human body turned to snake, she felt an unprotected slit that was her demi-reptilian pussy. She started to rub it, clearly confusing and distracting the snake for a few seconds. The more beastial wrestler and the only of her kind wasn't used to such attention, and the big drowning blonde thought fast as she spread and started to finger her... just before she buried her painted nails into the naga's pussy.

Reptilla shrieked inhumanly as she released her in an attempt to get away. Fran held onto the strange cunt claw as she pulled Reptilla back to her, bearhugging her upper body and rising up to her feet before jumping and body slamming her into the water. A huge wave washed over half the city, stunning them both but with Fran pressing her huge knockers into the snake-woman's face. Reptilla did some clumsy clawing and biting, but she couldn't last long in the face of the bustier woman's tit smother. The serpent fell limp at last before the bell rang again to cue her to stop.

Fran pushed herself up, her hair and crude clothing wet and sticky but she smiled confidently as she reached behind her ear, took out the cell-phone nestled safely back there, and smiled for a distorted selfie of her over her fallen foe.

Back at the arena, Countess Drakkon was making her way to the ring. The black singlet and cape she wore contrasted her especially pale skin and bright white fangs that poked out just beyond her lips. Her dark purple hair hung down just past her shoulders, swaying like a midnight wave across the top of her cape. At her side was Arela, one of the dark elf drow from the underground realms. While not a vampire, she was rather famously enthralled by the vampiress, serving her blindly and being her general corner girl. Her purple-black skin was beautiful and smooth as a former drow princess, its only blemish being two pen-sized marks on the side of her throat and bat-shaped earrings. She removed Drakkon’s cloak for her before letting her enter the ring, herself only wearing an embarrassingly revealing red leather thong bikini, as if marking her as she was now: nothing but a blood-carrying slave for Drakkon.

Maria Van Helsing entered to a lively Spanish guitar solo, her mixed South-American heritage apparent in her richly tan skin. There was had gold and silver lining over her black mask, and her long dark hair tamed into a short ponytail with several blond streaks running through it. Her red and black one piece bore deep line of cleavage before giving way to fishnet leggings and dark purple boots.

"Let's see if this is another surprise like our last bout, because Maria is famous for those," Benson brought up. "As a human, she's made a point to defeat much stronger and faster enemies using her extensive monster-wrestling techniques. She may be the best technical wrestler in the league, but in raw stats, Drakkon's definitely got the upper hand." Back in the ring, Maria was glaring at Drakkon bitterly while Drakkon gave her a condescending smile.

The bell rang and both women started circling with each other. Both moved in as if for a lockup, but Drakkon instead put her hands on Maria's breasts and shoved her a few paces back. She laughed wimsically at her little fakeout, but Maria jerked forward and delivered a crop across the pale woman's tits right back. Drakkon only faltered by a step, but the Spanish wrestler booted her right in the belly and used that to slam her to the mats with a swift stunner.

Maria tried to keep up her momentum by running back and slingshotting off the ropes, but she saw that Drakkon was already getting back up. Drakkon tried to intercept her with a spear, but the acrobatic luchadora flipped over her head and shoulders and landed right behind her. She didn't have the time to turn around when the quicker vampire threw her leg backward. It kicked Maria squarely in the ass and sent her to all fours, Drakkon whirling and rising just to stomp the human wrestler hard on the back.

"You don't belong here, human," she gloated loudly before stomping again on the huntress' head to bring her down properly on the mats. "You are too weak."

Maria swiftly rammed her head into the boasting vampire's stomach, knocking the wind out of her and springing to her feet. The luchadora caught Drakkon in a headlock, grinding her neck and skull under her arm as she forced her to marsh around the ring with her ass out in the air. "Maybe I should do something about those fangs, then!" Maria taunted before rushing and banging Drakkon's pale face into a turnbuckle. The vampiress bounced back off, landing flat on her back and rubbing her nose. She was too stunned to stop Maria from scaling to the second rope and jumping off to stomp right onto Drakkon's stomach with both boots.

"Who's weak now, huh?" Maria demanded of the moaning vampire. She sat down behind her stunned head, lifting Drakkon by the hair and forcing her head in between her legs before sealing on a tight head scissor with her muscular legs. Drakkon reacted almost immediately, coughing and flailing at the air in front of her.

"I've seen that kind of reaction before on vampires! It looks like Helsing rubbed garlic between her legs!" Jamie pointed out.

"It's not gonna get you a lot of dates, but it will sure give you an advantage against a vampire," Benson agreed casually. Rather than going for the ropes, Drakkon's thrashing was actually just pushing Maria back in the opposite direction. Arela had managed to stalk close to the action and grabbed Maria's dark hair, pulling back into the ring apron in a long and painful yank. Maria let out a long cry before she elbowed back into the enthralled drow's bouncing boobs. It was still enough distraction that Drakkon could escape and rake her nails down the front of Maria's costume, tearing a hunk of the fabric off of her and exposing one of her milk coffee-colored breasts.

Maria stood up in shock as Drakkon laughed and rose herself. "Aww, poor huntress. Is the human shy about her scrawny little body?" Drakkon got a huge pop from the crowd as she tugged on the shoulder straps of her outfit and leaned over to flash her tits for them in a quick and jiggly show before slipping it back into place.

"I'm not afraid of you, monster," Maria defied, getting back into her ready grappler's stance and ignoring her exposure to the crowd. Drakkon just smirked and move towards her with surprising speed, but just as surprising was Maria's quick drop to the mats as she locked her ankles around Drakkon's. Whatever her speed, the vampiress was still caught and tripped to the mats. Maria quickly mounted her and rained punches down over her head, but Drakkon shielded herself in surprise and slid out under the ropes to escape the fight. Her elven pet was quick to check on her, the crowd booing her fleeing tactics.

It still didn't deter Maria as she climbed to the top rope. As soon as they looked up, she leapt off and cross-body splashed into both her opponent and her pathetic thrall. They all crumbled to the hard floor outside the ring as the haunting ref floated out to count the pin. She only reached two when Drakkon rose from the floor and lifted Helsing over her head in an impressive display. The lucha flailed and kicked, but Drakkon mercilessly power bombed her onto the announcer's table.

Maria remained conscious, but she could barely move beyond holding her aching back. Drakkon and Arela stood over her, raining stomps to her head and groin in particular before the ref drove off the dark elf. While she did that, Drakkon took the human by the throat and lifted her up again, just to chokeslam her onto the table. This time it split in half beneath her in a cracking of wood, leaving Maria spasming in pain like a fish on a dock (much to Drakkon's sadistic amusement).

She took Maria by the legs and bent them into a knot before pressing her into a figure four leglock. Maria screamed in agony as the super strong woman pushed all her weight down on her legs and thighs. "Just give up, mortal. Admit you don't belong in the ring with the real monsters," she gloated with a sharp-edged grin. Arela started to clap to try to fire up the crowd behind her mistress, but Maria grit her teeth and still fought back. She groped through the remains of the table that had busted her back, grabbing one of the wooden legs and swinging it back to crack into Drakkon's knee. The vampiress shouted in pain, her hold weakening but remaining. Maria swung many more times as quick as she could on the same spot, the loud blows finally forcing her to relent on the hold and retreat. She regrouped and tried to charge Maria, but the luchadora rose and swung it right into her pale and pretty face. Drakkon hit the ground hard while Maria gathered a folding chair from nearby, most of the matches relatively hardcore in general to let others keep up with the various super strength and tails that were already involved. Maria stuck her chair leg through the middle of the chair and took Drakkon by the hair, forcing her back upright.

First she lifted her up high and suplexed the vampiress, smashing her back perfectly across the iron guard rail. Drakkon flopped back to the ground in pain once again, but Maria quickly dragged her up the steps towards the ring. Drakkon threw a few last minute punches into Maria's face, looking like she was going to knock her back down the stairs, but Maria finally ignored the blows and grabbed her by the legs, lifting her up by he thighs and leaping off the top step. A last minute pull on the crotch of Drakkon's one piece let the table leg sink right into her pussy, even staying in there a Drakkon bounced off in absolute agony.

"She's staked her! La Assassino has impaled the impaler!" Benson blew up from behind the demolished announcer booth. Maria gave a kick squarely into the tip of the wooden weapon, driving it a bit deeper before she kicked Drakkon squarely in the face. Arela tried to distract the ref, but the ghost ignored her and made the 3-count.

Maria rose up and let her hand be raised before she paused long enough to pull on her outfit, doing her best to cover up her boob. Arela went to feed Drakkon some more blood while the officials came to pull the wood back out of her snatch.

"One hell of a fight, Brick! We'll be right back folks," Jamie explained. "We need some quick cleanup, some sloppy extraction, and a new table."

With the rivalry settled (or just built up stronger, more likely), the night’s championship fight was on. The Arabian Nightmares were the first to come out, Bigatiti continuing her trend of wearing nothing but a few loose layers of bandages around her arms, legs, breasts and hips. Straight and short black hair went just above her dark-skinned shoulders, framing her black-lined green eyes. She topped it all off with a classic Pharaoh's headdress with a crocodile’s head at the front. Ridell was taller than her partner, a brown-haired woman with fur that ran down the sides of her body. Feline ears poked out from the hair and a tail waggled behind her hips. She wore a more modern look than her partner, a bright pink wrestling singlet that ran a deep V down between her breasts and ending suggestively just below her belly. Her hands and feet ended in paws, but her torso remained clearly human as the edges of her costume just covered her big and wide F-cup breasts. 

“This is going to be a classic matchup of brains and brawn,” Jamie explained. “It’s going to come down to how well each side can use which.”

"Well Sherry and Enga, who I'm hearing are calling themselves the Dungeon Masters backstage, are more radical differences between them while the Nightmares are more about preferences in styles. We'll see if that pays off or just acts as more of a handicap."

The goblin and ogre came out, the barbarically-dressed giantess standing a thickly-built seven and a half feet, more than twice the size of her teammate. Her breasts were big and wide like the rest of her, a grizzled scowl on her face. A loincloth and what appeared to be lion hides did a reasonable job of covering up the important pieces. Sherry walked in front of her with a proud and confident stride, bouncing her thick hips side to side in her jean shorts as she clearly played up her sex appeal to the crowd rather than her strength. While her boobs weren't especially mind blowing, they did jiggle plenty. C cups went a lot farther than they were nearly the size of your head and you only had three feet of body to attach them to. She had long and slender pointed ears and a wide nose to go with her big pink eyes and thick lips of the same color.

Enga boosted Sherry onto the ring apron before climbing up herself, both teams strategizing briefly. Queen Bigatiti started for the Nightmares, but to the crowd's surprise Sherry went in to meet her.

"Bold move from Sherry," Jamie Yaga narrated. Not that there's much for weak wrestlers in this kind of a league, especially with the title on the line, but if Bigatiti gets her hands on Sherry the match could be over quick."

"We've seen Sherry fight, and she's got her share of tricks and moves. She hasn't been riding on Enga's talent through this season... well, literally yes, but..."

The bell sounded and Sherry went out with the queen in the middle of the ring. "Hope you brought your A-game, sarcophocunt," Sherry taunted up at the tall Egyptian.

Bigatiti smirked down at her with her arms raised and ready to lock up. "I appreciate your height, vermin. It will make it easier for you to kiss my feet when I'm through with you."

Bigatiti lunged in to grab her, but her height worked against her as Sherry bolted past and under her arms. She spun around and slapped the dark-skinned woman on the ass, getting a hoot from the crowd as Sherry laughed herself at the jiggling sight. "At least it's not as dried up as your twat! And your wrestling game!"

The queen turned sharply and threw a kick behind her, nailing the trash talking goblin in her pronounced nose. The shortstack went down hard from the power blow, the mummy haughtily striding over to her and grabbing her by the legs. The powerful wrestler easily flipped over the goblin, forcing her disproportionate boobs to squash out from under her chest. Bigatiti leaned back, pressing her ass down on top of Sherry's while pulling her stubby legs up behind her back in a simple but effective boston crab.

Sherry squealed and clawed for the ropes, but the much bigger woman made that pretty impossible. "Such a big mouth on such a little commoner. Now surrender!"

"Eat jackel dick, ya Band Aid-covered boob!" Sherry yelped back as she beat her little fists on her captor's shins.

"I stand corrected," Bigatiti huffed with a roll of her eyes. She held the boston crab a bit longer before simply standing up, lifting Sherry by her legs and spiking her face first into the mats. The goblin groaned nasally and rolled around, holding her face as Bigatiti grabbed her by the hair after a bit of showboating. "I was a generous queen. I'll see that you get your end quickly."

Bigatiti grabbed Sherry around the waist, lifting her up for a power bomb. On her way up, though, Sherry grabbed onto the bandages that wrapped around her chest and pulled up with the rest of her. Bigatiti's own strength leant to stripping her of her own scarce top, bouncing her big brown boobs into view. The queen yelped in surprise, letting go of Sherry to try to cover herself up. Sherry's stubby but strong thighs wrapped around the mummy's head instead, twisting sharply and using the headscissor to bring Bigatiti crashing to the mats. The mummy rose to her hands and knees, rubbing her dizzied head, but Sherry was quick to rush and bounce off the ropes. By the time Bigatiti got to her knees, Sherry launched herself right at her and dropkicked her right in the tits.

The mummy let out a howl of pain and curled into a near fetal position, cradling her hefty chest as her partner called for a tag out. Bigatiti tried to crawl back to Ridell, but as soon as she removed her hand from her breast and let it hang near the mats, Sherry came over and stomped a booted foot down on one of her nipples and ground it into the mat. Bigatiti let out another pained wail as the sadistic goblin grinned.

"I ain't done with you yet, sister. Now come on!" She delivered a kick into Bigatiti's stomach before dragging her back to her corner. Enga's long limbs more than made up for Sherry's shortcomings, tagging her quickly and moving to scale the turnbuckle. Enga wasn't the fastest for that kind of thing, but Sherry held the sitting Bigatiti in a chokehold for the giantess to take her time in her flying knee drop onto the mummy's guts.

"Go get 'er, big girl," Sherry laughed, patting her partner on the thigh before the ref finally made her step out. Enga went for the pin, pressing her big bare foot on the mummy's chest, but it barely reached two when the durable queen jerked an arm up. Enga grabbed the arm in question, growling as she lifted Bigatiti to her feet. She threw her into the ropes, swinging a brawny arm at her return that caught the mummy right in her enormous chest again.

"Talk about tempting targets," Benson chuckled outside the ring as Enga lifted Bigatiti into a headlock. The mummy finally managed to mount some offensive as she punched the giantess in the ribs. Enga jolted, but flexed her arm harder around her head. Bigatiti delivered another and another, and soon was sending a berserk pummeling into both of her sides. When Enga finally released her, deciding it was no longer an even trade, Bigatiti grabbed the taller ogre by her hair and pulled down as she rose up, headbutting her in the chin.

The counter was enough to stun the biggest of the four wrestlers, and enough that the mummy could finally tag out. The sphinx burst in and quickly let her teammate escape, rushing to slam Enga in the chest with a clothesline. While nowhere near as small as Sherry, Ridell was on the slim side of the wrestlers. Enga barely wobbled from the blow before glaring down at the Egyptian catgirl. She didn't falter and threw a chop across Enga's chest, but she barely budged again.

"Gotta do a lot better than that," Enga growled, grabbing the catgirl by her ears and hair. Ridell squealed as she was thrown into the ropes, bouncing back as Enga swung another powerful clothesline. The repeated move didn't work on the quicker and sharper sphinx, who ducked under the arm and spun around, forcing the powerful limb behind her back in a hammerlock.

"How's that for a lot better, biggie!?" Ridell laughed, leaning back hard to use the leverage against the ogre's strength. Enga snarled and pulled back, finding herself able to move but unable to shake the sphinx's grip. Ridell kept cranking it on to bend her thick shoulder painfully, manipulating her around the ring and back into their corner. Bigatiti gave the trapped Enga a few heavy punches into her gut. Enga grunted as she was forced to endure them, but then forced herself backward. The stomping ogress was bound in the hold, but her weight and power let Enga ram her back into the corner.

The flattened catgirl let out a yelp, wriggling in the position but unable to push her way past the brutish wrestler. Enga grabbed the surrounding ropes, using them to lean her thick ass and broad back into her foe. While Ridell was trying to break free, Sherry stood on the middle rope to grab and pull back on her hair. Ridell kicked and screamed, only worse when Sherry grabbed and wrung her ears until the ref stepped in again to break up the double team.

Enga finally pulled back from the corner, leaving Ridell slumping against the ropes. The ogre tagged in her partner, taking Ridell by the throat while Sherry grabbed the sphinx in a vicious crotch claw. They both lifted and slammed her over Sherry's head into the mats with a double-teaming chokeslam, leaving the catgirl squirming on the mats clutching her crotch and neck.

"Guess I'm not so short when you keep getting knocked on your ass," Sherry gloated, stomping the sphinx's stomach before she straddled Ridell's chest and slapped her face back and forth. The catgirl threw up her arms to shield her face, then set her claws upon Shelly's big green boobs.

"I know thousands of riddles and I still don't know when you'll learn to keep your big mouth shut!" Ridell snapped as she threw Shelly off of her. Ridell crawled towards her corner quickly, but Shelly caught her by the tail and yanked hard enough to make her wipe out short of making the tag. The goblin tugged on her tail, trying to drag her back for another ganged up attack, but their tug of war was finally cut off when Ridell raked her clawed feet across the goblin's chest. Her nails sliced open her top, making her jugs bounce off while she gingerly held the shallow scratches across her boobs. While Bigatiti had taken the time to stuff herself back into her wrappings, Shelly seemed to ignore it in place of the scratches. As Ridell tagged in her mummy partner, Shelly darted in the other direction and tagged in Enga as well.

"Holy shit! All four women are in the ring!" Jamie shouted as the two sides clashed. The ogre and the mummy immediately went for each other and started trading heavy blows. Shelly came rushing right for Ridell, tackling the sphinx around the middle like a little green cannonball. They went rolling under the ropes to brawl outside while their powerhouses went on fighting within. Enga ate another two smacks to the face from the powerful mummy, but she shoved her hard in the chest to send her onto her ass just before slamming a huge foot into her face. Bigatiti went down groaning and holding her nose, waving a hand as Enga loomed over.

"No! Not the tits again!" she blurted desperately.

"Okay." Enga shrugged and grabbed her by the ankles, the mummy realizing how badly she'd walked into that one. Enga stomped down on her crotch, grinding her heel onto her snatch like she was she was snuffing out a cigarette. The mummy flopped and screamed in pain while the crowd went wild, reduced to a kicking mess on the mats. Enga grinned down at her and took hold of her bandaged body, lifting her up by the wraps before turning her around and lifting it up to her neck. Bigatiti gagged as it clamped on her throat like a collar, the ogress turning and starting to spin her around by the same choking wraps.

Shelly and Ridell landed outside the ring and bounced apart, pulling themselves back up by the ring apron and guard rail. Shelly charged the sphinx, but she sidestepped and bounced her green face off the ring edge of the ring. With her left reeling, Ridell grabbed the goblin and lifted her up into a quick but effective body slam onto the hard floor. Shelly winced from the rough landing, but she braced her back on the floor and kicked up into Ridell's chest. It only pushed her back, but it was enough for her to clumsily climb back to her feet. Ridell charged her for a spearing tackle, but the shorter girl ducked under and caught her legs to flip her over the railing into the crowd. The ref couldn't keep track of them enough to care with the battle going on in the ring, but it was enough that Shelly could run to her corner while Ridell struggled to get out of the cluster of handsy fans and metal chairs.

Shelly arrived just as Enga let go to, making Bigatiti fly through the air and crash roughly to the ground and nearly flying through the ropes. She ended up slumped against the bottom rope, dizzy with her legs spread sloppily wide and her breasts hanging back out of the loosened wrappings. With her downed, Enga tagged Shelly and reached over the ropes to lift her partner high overhead. Using a hammer-like swing, she took Sherry around the waist and bashed her booty-first onto Bigatiti's face. The gobbling bounced her butt up and down to force the mummy's head to go between her thick ass and the elastic ropes, finally standing up and kicking the ropes to send her flopping off in a sweaty and battered heap. The goblin caught her by the legs, rolling them up so that her breasts shoved into her face and the ref could make the final count while Enga fended off Ridell's attempts to cut it off.

"That's it!" Benson declared. "It's all over! It's official! Shelly and Enga are the new tag team monstergirl wrestling champions!" The audience erupted as the mismatched duo were handed the gold belts with the two-headed dragon on the emblem, waving them proudly for the crowd. The audience took particular interest in Shelly's bit of showboating, since the little champ hadn't bothered to do anything about her shredded top.

"There you have it! Tides are turning all over with our latest set of matches!" Katie Yaga updated. "New tag team champs, new number one contender, and Frankenstein' Wrestler waiting holding the title belt to take on that contender next week."

"A special thanks to our ladies in the ring tonight, and throughout the league, and of course, to you loyal fans!" Benson added. "You're the REAL monsters for enjoying this kind of stuff!"



This is like something out of Ultimate Muscle, and I mean that as a compliment.