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This one took a lot of thinking and a lot of punning. It's really in my writing style of letting a lot of ideas tumble around and then crank it out in a day or two. One of the most popular votes, it was a little down to the wire but glad with how it came out. Doofy, sexy, and a little hardcore sadistic without really getting any blood involved. Cuz y'know... pillows. 

I might sneak in one more before next month but posting up the polls in a few.

The Global Championship Pillowfight was making big strides in the world of modern sports. A lot of money had been tossed around by Casper and Sleepwell and other slumber-related companies to get the sport some respect and it had slowly but surely taken off. There was always a bit of… edge to the competition as it was. The girls who went into the ring and even the league itself had something to prove, and that was that they weren’t doing exactly what 7 year old girls did at slumber parties. This was a real sport, dammit, and they had to toe the line between the cutesy and sexy appeal while remaining rough and competitive enough to not get laughed at when they told someone their profession at a party.

“Welcome back to the big night! You’re here at GCP Slumberparty After Dark 3: Blood On The Sheets!” boomed the announcer, a surprisingly built man with rich, dark skin and a shaved head who looked like he would be working security instead of the announcer’s table. “I’m Ben ‘Longjohns’ Silver here, taking you through tonight’s colossal event! As my special guest announcer, Mama Pajama.”

The chesty, short-haired milf smiled and nodded for the cameras, clad in a pair of tight jeans and a t-shirt that happily held onto her huge and perfectly round orbs. “Nice to see the ring from the outside once in awhile, Benny,” she replied in her warm and smoky voice. 

“Well you certainly seem to belong here, because you’ve got a lot of investment in this matchup tonight. You’re not only seeing your daughter in the title match tonight, but SM got into the title fight by going through you.”

“Everyone gets lucky sometimes,” Mama frowned. “I don’t think Snuggle Monster is championship level lucky, though. I know her moves, I know her tricks, and I’ll show her what having an extra 5 years experience on the oldest in the league can do to some upstart.”

“Well I don’t want to go pushing any buttons…”

“Too late, Benny. Go on.”

“But I wanted to take a look back at what got the girls here to the ring, trying to earn that golden pillowcase that belongs to the one and only champ…”

The cameras flashed with the usual animation of two pillows crashing into each other for a burst of feathers that clouded up the screen before cutting to the old footage. The cryptic, orchestral music played as a few shots of Kate Benson, the woman who only went by  The Snuggle Monster in the ring, took down various opponents. She was a tall and pale figure, hair dyed red and the word “vampiric-looking” sometimes tossed around without being entirely inaccurate. A black leather corset of an outfit covered her main body, often depicted with a Snuggie around her shoulders like a cloak. She had a rather gaunt build and lean, hard arms that she clearly used to smash her victims around the ring. A clip showed her smothering a girl in one corner with her black and red pillow, nailing another from behind with a low swing of it to the crotch, and swinging it hard enough to send two girls flying over the low ropes in a Queen of the Mountain match.

The particular bout that got her to the match showed up on the feed. SM had dodged out of a corner and away from a charging high kick by Mama Pajama, leaving her booted foot stuck over the top rope. The brawler milf panicked as she found herself stuck there, allowing Snuggle Monster to almost knock her silly with a shot to the back of her head. Mama was left defenseless as SM hooked her ankles over the corner and pounded away on her crotch and knees with her fist and weighted pillow. The wicked torment was why Pajama was still wearing her leg brace at the announcer’s table that night.

“The Snuggle Monster’s sadistic streak’s been fueling her through a rampage through the GCP roster,” Benny pointed out. “But she’s not the only one gunning for the top. Standing in her way is Lady Lina Down, the princess of pillows.”

“The girl comes from money, but damn if she can’t pull her own,” Mama mused. “Good for her, I say. Real good sport.”

Lady Down’s logo of a pair of golden pillows crossed with a sound like matching swords. She was a young and pretty fighter, freshly into her 20’s and with olive-colored skin and dark blonde hair. She kept her hair clean and straight, and wore a gold colored leotard and shiny silver boots. Despite her regal theme, the wealthy heiress of the Downy pillow manufacturer was a famously good sport. She was merciful to her enemies, kind to her fans, and quick to make friends and allies. She was shown rushing to the ring to help Tuck-In Taylor when she was getting double teamed by Narceleptica and Kayla “Freak in the Sheets” Johnson, pillowing one across the head before taking out the other’s knees and grabbing her in a headlock. While she seemed to do it out of pure fairness, it resulted in the payback fight with Kayla in an All Nighter match. The hour-long bout had both of them going for as many takedowns as possible until Down squeaked by with a few points, earning her place as the number one contender when she floored Kayla with her Down Town finisher; a whirling homerun smash of her weighted pillow to her foe’s tits from across the ring.

“And as we mentioned, your daughter will be fighting tonight, making this title shot a three-way Nightmare match. Is that right, Mama?”

“Well, me and Dixie never got on the best, but she’s definitely earned her spot up there tonight.”

Dixie “Cushion Pushin’” Parker was an especially thick fighter, famous for being plus-sized and proud. A slightly rounded stomach still gave way to a hefty set of tits and some thick, strong legs that made her hard for the best in the league to bring to her knees. The clips showed her involved in various big-risk and hardcore moves, leaping off the top ropes for pillow-first body slams or bringing the brawl into the audience. She had made her name as one of the toughest in the league when she took on Tammy “The Pillow Fort” Carter, the biggest girl in the league, one of the longest bouts in league history. 

The real kicker had been when Dixie had her own shot at the contender spot, she and Lady Down had a real slugfest of their own. Dixie had her short of breath by putting the heiress into a heavy smother between her huge tits and her pillow, but Lady Down fought her way back out to land some devastating head shots by kicking off the ropes. The fight ended with Dixie knocking Down silly and dragging her up to the top of a ringpost. She lined her up for a powerbomb from hell when Down suddenly grabbed the cleavage of her tanktop and started pounding away with her heavy pillow. Dixie still pulled off the move, but it was clumsy and they both landed badly on the floor at ringside. The crowd went wild for several minutes as neither girl moved to rise, and the ref called it a draw. They would both be going on to the championships.

“So we know where they’re from and where they stand,” Ben went on. “Snuggles has the belt as of now, but who do you think will walk away with it tonight?”

Mama frowned and leaned her heavy tits onto the announcer’s table, to the general hooting of the fans. “I think you can never rely on much during a three-way fight. Snuggle Monster’s made a lot of enemies, including yours truly, so she better watch her back in this match. I’d say it was against her, but Dixie and Down went at each other to get here, so that rivalry’s going to be nice and fresh. Everyone’s a target tonight, so they better bring their A-game.”

The girls all made their way to the ring while the pair of announcers went over the rules for the audience. Tonight would come from 10 second knockouts or 10 seconds without making contact with your pillow. You can fight by any means, not just your pillow, but you can’t attack unless your pillow is in your immediate possession. Hitting when you’re not holding your pillow can vary from penalty shots to disqualification. The pillows themselves were stuffed full, but with some tiny weights mixed into their cores that made them far more effective than the household kind.

The Snuggle Monster came out with her cryptic music and menacing pace, the dark purple snuggie drawn over her head and shoulders like the grim reaper’s cloak. She peeled it off as she stood on the ring apron, holding onto the ropes as she revealed the golden champion’s belt around her corseted waist. She settled into a corner where she passed it off to the ref in the black and white bikini, giving a passing quip of “I’ll be back for that in a minute.”

Dixie came down at a much brisker pace, jogging to the ring with no small amount of her infamous jiggling. Her soft and slightly pudgy belly was easily overlooked for the sake of her huge breasts wrapped in a high-cropped top and tight jeans. Dixie forces the ropes apart to squeeze her plus-sized figure through the middle, just to rapidly stomp towards Snuggles. The ref has to quick to get between them and see that the match started before the fight. Snuggles held her dark-coated pillow tightly in one fist, but stood waiting with an unmoving smirk. Dixie finally slung her red pillow back over her shoulder and strode back to her side of the ring.

Lady Down came out to her triumphantly regal music, taking a short run down each side of the runway to let the fans lean in and get their hands on the champ. Whether it came in the form of a hi five, a squeeze of her pink pillow, or grope of her chest or hips, she left it up to them. When she reached the edge of the ring, she showily reached down her gold-colored top and pulled out a small air gun that launched vouchers for free souvenir pillows into the audience. She grabbed the ropes to backflip into the ring, the ref giving her pillow a last minute check to gauge the weight before she went to her corner to complete the triangle of pillow-wielding powerhouses.

"Good to see that the title shot doesn't seem to be getting to Lady Down's nerves. She's still all about the fans as usual," Ben observed.

Mama Pajama shrugged. "I don't imagine she's exactly distracted though, Longjohn. She's the league's billionaire sweetheart, but she's not afraid to get her hands dirty. Otherwise she wouldn't be in the ring right now."

The bell finally rang and the girls came out warily, shifting a few feet at a time one way or the other. They were clearly gauging for some kind of opening without leaving themselves to be blindsided by the other. Dixie moved first, rushing for Lady Down with a heavy double-handed swing of her pillow. The princess lunged forward and rolled under it, leaving Dixie's bountiful front to mash into the ropes. Snuggles moved to bring her dark pillow down on her head, but Down had expected the attempted cheap shot and rolled in her direction. She threw a punch into the gothic powerhouse's gut, winding her mid-swing and then rising up as she swung her pillow full force into her chin.

"What'd I tell ya?!" Mama laughed as the fan favorite took initial control of the fight. Down turned back around as Daisy spun around, caught off guard as the heavy pillow bashed her in the tits. While not on the same level as Daisy's breasts, the wealthy wrestler still got her share of hoots as she landed flat on her back and clutched her jiggling chest. The weighted pillow cleary did its job quickly, and was no wonder why it was the main means of attack in the league, but Daisy started to stomp away on the good girl's torso.

"Think fast, fatass," Snuggle Monster hissed, suddenly rushing off the ropes and smashing the distracted Daisy across the face. The big girl staggered but stayed up, only for Snuggles to kick her in the knee and bring Daisy down to lean on it. Down was still groaning and rolling slowly, trying to get back in the game when the cryptic wrestler drop kicked her pillow. Down's grip on it and the pink pillow's weight kept it from flying into the audience, but it still slid out under the ropes. A timer appeared on the jumbotron, pink numbers counting down and forcing Lady Down to scramble outside the ring to go after it. Snuggles wanted to kick her wiggling ass on the way out, but she knew her strategy was just to get her out of the way to focus on one victim.

"It looks like Snuggles is pulling every trick in the book tonight. Absolutely cutthroat," Ben pointed out as the goth stripped the case off of her pillow. Daisy pounded a punch from her kneeling position into her ribs, stunning Snuggles and then spearing into her. The bulkier pillowfighter brought her down to the mats beneath her, Snuggles' hands full from the two pieces of her pillow as Daisy gripped hers tightly, wrapping it around her hand like a makeshift boxing glove and pounding the black-clad brawler's face in.

"Big comeback by Daisy! That Cushion nickname isn't just for fun," Ben observed while Mama just smiled quietly, clearly enjoying the payback of her daughter pounding the woman who had injured her. "Though what was Snuggle thinking, removing her case like that?"

"It's a little-used strategy," Mama Pajama mused into the mic. "The case is mostly there as a means of better gripping your weapon, but it also provides padding. She was basically sacrificing grip and leverage for raw weight and damage. Sounds sadistic and ruthless enough to fit her bill. And there's other strategies to go with it..."

"Lady Down recovers her pillow, and she's trying to hurry back in," Ben went on as the time vanished from the big screen. There was technically no hurry, since it was a double knockout match. The last woman standing won, not whoever got the first takedown (since it could be hard to determine who delivered the final blow or who made them drop their pillow sometimes).

The Snuggle Monster's head bounced off the mats a few times before she angled her pillowcase to rake its corner across Dixie's eyes. "Shit!" she cursed, recoiling and grabbing her face out of instinct. Snuggles hit her across the face with another pillow shot, knocking her off completely. Daisy went to all fours, rubbing her watering eyes as the goth dropped her pillow beside her, bracing her foot on it to free up her hands and not risk the DQ. She grabbed her pillow case in both hands, wrapping it around Dixie's neck and pulling back like a makeshift noose, forcing her big chest to thrust out and jiggle for the crowd while her face turned a dark red.

"There's that alternate strategy I was talking about," Mama noted dryly.

"Looks like Snuggle's decided to work around Cushion's thick skin and remind her that even big girls need to breathe."

Lady Down slid into the ring around this time, naturally coming to the rescue. She one-upped everyone's expectations as she snatched the pillow out from under Snuggles' foot, suddenly dual-wielding. She slammed them together on either side of the heel's head like a pair of heavyweight cymbals, leaving the gothic fighter seeing stars. The time didn't start, namely because Down was beating Snuggle Monster with her own pillow.

"Some impressive strategy by Down!" Pajama said in amusement. "I haven't seen double pillow work since we held that Monsters Under the Bed lumberjill match."

The blonde vigorously wailed on the goth, bringing her to her knees and desperately shielding her head. While Lady Down was busy tearing into the heel, Dixie wasn't too proud to turn down that kind of opening. After holding her neck and coughing a while, she stood up and grabbed Down around the waist. She yelped and dropped Snuggles' pillow to send some elbows back into Dixie's face, but she shrugged them off to lift and crush the regal wrestler with a mighty suplex.

"OOF! Dixie's not the kind of girl you want to give that big an opening to," Ben winced as the move left Down propped upside down, her legs spread out as her golden skirt flashed the crowd her panties. This seemed to catch her opponent's interest as well, since Dixie held her in this position as she rolled over and spiked her elbow into the golden girl's twat. Lady Down flopped and squealed on the mats, cupping her crotch while Dixie forced her back to her feet. Down was powerless to stop herself as she was whipped into the ropes, shocked to find out that Snuggles had forced herself back up in front of her. She swung her dark and heavy pillow at Lady Down's head, but she proved her agility once again by ducking under it without even taking her hand off her snatch. The blow went right over her head and smashed hard into the sideboob of the pursuing Dixie, knocking her giant tits right out of her tiny top. The blow even tore the fabric of her shirt, leaving her hefty boobs hanging out for the rest of the fight.

"The crowd goes wild as Cushion's cushions come out into view!" Ben erupted as Dixie was sent spinning out of control, forced to lean over the ropes with her jugs dangling over the top.

"She's her mama's daughter, alright," Mama Pajama noted. Lady Down came bouncing off the ropes, blindsiding the surprised Monster with a flying body splash, crushing chest to chest with her and downing the goth hard.

"Fair's fair, huh, Monster?" Lady Down shouted, slamming her pillow down on the sneaky heel's face. She held it down for a pillow smother while her other hand grabbed and pulled at the chords of Snuggle Monster's corset. The goth thrashed and kicked, finally shoving Lady Down off. She had still been holding onto the threads, so she ripped the last of them away that let Snuggles' pale, perky tits pop out into view. The crowd cheered on the direction the match was taking as Lady Down discarded the threads outside the ring as they all took a moment to catch their breath. They had all taken their share of hits, and were showing their fatigue from fighting off two foes the entire time.

"It looks like Lady Down has the upper hand right now. Both of her opponents have taken some big fresh hits," Benny pointed out.

Mama nodded sagely. "True, but that's something you want to watch out for. The mid-match is like a king of the mountain, and when you're the one on top, everyone wants to bring you down. Especially when you're in the ring with a couple of psychos. No offense, sweetie."

Sure enough, Mama knew her stuff. Dixie and Snuggle Monster traded glances, meeting each other's eyes before staring at their exposed tits. Lady Down being the only one left with her top, they seemed to form an unspoken truce as they turned to corner the smaller blonde. Down didn't go down easily, swinging and tagging them both hard as she tried to fend them off, but she was outmuscled and outnumbered. Monster blocked a swung from the golden girl while Dixie slammed her in the stomach, winding the lean girl and doubling her over her fist. She got her powerful arms around Down's and held her out like a living punching bag, letting Snuggle Monster start to wail on her head and knock her back and forth with her dark pillow. The crowd variously booed and cheered the double teaming until Snuggles tucked the pillow under her arm, using her hands to grab and tear Lady Down's top right down the middle. She shrieked and kicked, and while it looked like panicked thrashing for a moment she suddenly kicked Snuggles right between the legs. She grunted and almost went down, but growled and grabbed one of the good girl's bouncy boobs and bit into the soft and tanned skin.

"And now you know where the 'monster' part of her nickname comes from," Mama called over the high-pitched screams of agony from the tortured Lady Down. Snuggles lifted her head just to spit in the whimpering good girl's face, gesturing to Dixie as they each took an arm. They whipped her into the ropes and threw a double clothesline into her neck, crushing her to the mats between the two fearsome foes. When Lady Down was still rolling, still fighting on against the outnumbered odds, the girls went back to work.

"This is just brutality now," Benny declared as Dixie went to a corner and Snuggle Monster dragged the listless Down to her feet. "They won't even let Down stay down."

"It's part of the game, Benny. Pillowfighting's not for little girls anymore," Mama shrugged casually. "Think of it as giving the rich girl the respect she deserves in the ring." Snuggle monster spun around sharply, throwing Lady Down through the ropes. She would have smashed into the guardrail at her rate, but she nimbly grabbed onto the middle ropes. She acrobatically swung around to land on the ring apron, struggling to hang onto her pillow at the same time. Apparently Snuggles expected as much, since she charged right after and threw a high kick into Down's chin. She flew over backward, landing on the hard outside floor holding her back. She rolled slowly, barely moving as Dixie had finally situated herself on the top ropes. Her tight pants worked hard to contain her squatting ass, the edge of her thong showing just over its waistband. The lady never saw it coming as Dixie leapt off, landing a crushing hip drop right onto her face. Down flopped sharply and then laid totally still, the crowd flipping out as Dixie proudly shook her tits before turning to glare up at Snuggles now that the spunky rich girl was down and out.

"Oh my god! Down's not moving! Do we need a doctor in the house?" Benny flipped out after the devastating combo.

Mama Pajama laughed. "It's no slumber party, son! There's no wussy rules for that when mama's not around. Well... you know what I mean."

Dixie circled the ring, Snuggles smirking back at her as their truce was clearly done. "Still scared to fight me?" the goth snarled in a raspy voice, baring her teeth with a grin.

"Still scared to eat a fuckin' sandwich, torpedo tits?" Dixie shot back, nodding at the goth's fairly cylindrical style of her breasts. The ref urged Dixie to get back in the ring while the time started counting the lifeless princess of pillows out.

Dixie finally came up the ring steps, not willing to lay down in front of the cheating goth by sliding in. They charged as soon as they were both in the ring, slamming fists and pillows into each other as fast as they could. Snuggles beat on Dixie's jiggling belly, ramming into her sides with her knuckles while the pillow went for her head and shoulders. Cushion sent punishing blows to crush back Snuggles' outthrust breasts, their thrashing pillows leaving bruises on both of their hides.

Dixie broke the brutal butting of heads when she stepped back. Snuggles took it as a moment of weakness, trying to dive in after her. Dixie had expected as much, shifting her grip to swing a powerful upswing with her pillow. It smashed into one of Snuggles' tits and then followed through to her jaw, making her stumble back drunkenly until she was leaning back into a corner. 

"BIG counter by Dixie! The girl's got brawn, but don't say she can't think her way around a fight!" Benny boasted as the BBW moved in on the stunned goth. She pressed her hefty pillow across Snuggles' throat, ramming a few knees into her skinny belly while she was trapped in place. With the pale heel fully winded and coughing for air, Dixie backed up and started clapping to wind up the audience. She was a real daredevil of a wrestler, and where was the point in a stunt without the crowd? The hyped audience joined in the rhythm as Dixie charged in for the Mattress Breaker, her full-bodied charge of a finisher. Snuggle Monster lunged aside, awkwardly enough that it wasn't clear if she'd fully planned it or simply fell over, but either way it left Dixie smashing her breasts and gut into the ringpost. She groaned and backed away holding her chest, with the Monster grabbing her by the hair and spiking her head into the metal of the post again. Dixie was dazed as Monster moved to start smashing her breasts into the pads instead.

"Yow! Dixie is lucky she has that cushion. Any other wrestler would be out cold by now!"

"Speaking of..." Mama muttered, looking around the edge of the ring suspiciously. Dixie swung her leg backward, slamming her heel right into Snuggles' twat. She grunted and backed away again, her momentum cut off and reeling from the beating she'd taken so far. Dixie turned and bashed her hard with another pillow to the ribs, the monster fumbling to hold onto her pillow. Her painted nails finally reached what she wanted, though, and she lifted her pillow to squeeze it hard. The feathers blasted out of the tear she'd made in it, blinding Dixie with a sudden shriek. It left her wide open as a sweeping swing of Snuggles' pillow tripped her up, landing Dixie on her wide ass. The sadistic heel mounted her broad belly, grinding her weighted and bared pillow down on the big soft tits. Dixie screamed and shook, even the tough pillowfighter starting to feel the hurt as the rough pressure of the weights started to grind down on her jugs.

Dixie was hurting bad, even having trouble breathing with the heavy pillow and her own breasts being pushed down on her ribs. She coughed and grabbed for the ropes to pull herself up, her other hand desperately hanging onto her pillow.

"Good idea!" Monster cackled, suddenly standing up. Dixie coughed fresh air into her lungs, but Snuggles slung her arm over the bottom rope. She stomped her booted foot on Dixie's hand, holding it suspended as she slammed her pillow down on the big girl's elbow. Dixie screamed and gave a few clumsy swings at the Monster's legs while she went to work trying to cripple the hardcore brawler's arm.

"How's that?!" Snuggle Monster laughed as she kept on her brutal work. A thick, dark bruise was forming around the big pillowfighter's arm where the unfettered weapon was bashing away. "Now you'll be a whole family full of cripples!"

"Excuse me, Ben," Mama Pajama said in her same casual calm as she sat up from the announcer's table.

"Uh... Mama, you can't..."

"I'm just going to the ladies room. I'm not doing anything rash." Mama walked over to ringside, limping with her leg brace and folding her arms to stare down Snuggle Monster. The goth turned from her daughter to smirk over at Mama, leaning over the ropes with her arms out.

"What? You want to start shit?!" she laughed confidently at her. "I could own this whole fuckin' league and still have enough gas in the tank to break every bone you got, ya slut hag!"

"It looks like Snuggle Monster can't help but rub it in on her past opponent while her newest one is down! What's Mama's plan here?" Ben went on, trying to cover the booth.

Mama watched her with her level gaze, letting the sadist gloat in her past and future victory while Dixie managed to drag herself up to her knees. She cradled her bad arm, but she still got up and used her good hand to yank away Monster's pillow. The goth turned in surprise, the chubby girl throwing the dark weapon at her face. While Snuggles caught it in midair, she also held it up in front of her face. Dixie threw all her impressive weight into a high kick, smashing the unsheathed pillow right into Snuggles' face. A spurt of blood stained the fabric from her nose, and the tall heel tripped and fell right through the ropes. She landed hard on her head and shoulder, curling up and holding the aching joint. Her pillow had slid out of her hands, and the timer started but the heel looked paralyzed or at least unconscious from the pain of the rough landing. The bell sounded to cue her elimination, Dixie raising her good arm in triumph.

Mama casually spit on the downed heel and went back to her booth. "See? No rules broken."

"Like mother, like daughter, huh?" Ben asked.

"Oh, that wasn't for her," Mama insisted. "I was just making sure she didn't win. Now let's see how the rest of the fight goes..."

"The rest of... wait! Roll back the tape!" Ben summoned up a replay on the jumbotron, showing the downed and dazed Lady Down. The clock reached 9 out of 10 when she stirred and jolted upright, tears in her eyes and breathing heavily but able to pull herself up. She had been leaning on the guard rail and ring apron for a while, getting supporting pats and sneaky gropes from the audience. She was only now able to pull herself into the ring, exhausted and hurt from her beatdown but still standing.

"Lady Down looks like she's been through hell, but she's still legally in the fight!" Benny blurted.

"Well she wasn't playing possum, that's for sure. It looks like they get a rematch for that tie from last time." Dixie looked up in surprise and then angry to see the pillow princess force herself back into the ring, a determined look on her tear-stained face. The crowd went nuts to see the two injured fan favorites left, dizzy with pain and driven by their want to that belt.

Lady Down came in with a wide and wild swing, seeming like a desperate power attack. Dixie still had to lean away from it and block with her other arm, still unwilling to use the injured one for long. Down was fighting smart, favoring the right side so that Dixie was blocking at too awkward an angle to mount a counter attack. The chubby wrestler was pushed back, but she suddenly charged in and tackled Down around the waist. The blonde caught an arm around the ropes to stay standing, letting her start driving knees up into Dixie's hanging tits.

"Dixie's turning this pillowfight into an all out brawl!" Benny shouted as Dixie lifted the lady's middle, raising her legs off the mats and pounding her pillow into the blonde's exposed midriff. Lady Down gave off a few pained shouts, but she grit her teeth and kicked both of her booted feet into Cushion's big boobs to knock her back. Dixie staggered, but when she tried to move in again Lina launched herself off the ropes and met her forehead to forehead with a charging headbutt.

"Up close grappling and brawling is Dixie's specialty, but the rich girl's showing she'll take her on however she wants it. Not the kind of moves you'd expect from a spoiled goody-goody," Mama agreed.

The women went back and forth, wailing on each other as hard and fast as they could before their own bodies gave out. Their attacks became more desperate, with Lady Down sidestepping a swing from Dixie just to slam the bigger girl in the cunt with an upward swipe. "You did good... but it's time to take you to Down Town!" Lina threatened with her catch phrase, raising her weapon up high. Dixie nearly went down, but she blocked the incoming pillow with her bad arm. It made her grit her teeth and her legs nearly gave out, but she used her other arm to grab Down's leg and swing her over her shoulders.

Lina gave a long shriek that was cut off sharply as her head hit the mats, bouncing roughly and left dazed from her landing. Dixie got to her knees and pulled the blonde back into a headlock, lifting one of her own huge breasts with her fingertips before letting the sweaty orb flop down onto Lina's face. "My ex used to love it when I did this to her!" Dixie grunted. "How are YOU liking it?!"

"It's a headlock tit smother combo! A real rarity in pillowfighting! Dixie knows how to treat her fans as well as how to take down her enemies!" Ben erupted

"But Down is fighting it. She'd not down yet, and she getting some hits into Cushion's ribs. She's clearly feeling that, and it's hard to tell what will last longer; Dixie's endurance, or Down's breath." Dixie seemed secure in her hold, but the golden girl buried her nails into the sides of her big jugs and raked her nails down until they both slashed across her areola. Parker screamed in surprise as she pulled back to cradle her reddened and bruised tit.

"Wow! I'd expect that kind of counter from a Monster, not a Lady!" Ben said in surprise.

"The title can do some ugly things to the best of us," Mama conceded. Lina looked pained and dazed, wiping Dixie's underboob sweat from her face with a look of disgust. Cushion Pushin' finished checking her breast, not bleeding but deeply scratched. She moved in with a raised weapon, winding up for a swing with her pillow like an executioner's axe. Lady Down swung her pillow back at her, but seemed to overextend her swing too far. Dixie's pillow smashed unabated into Lady Down's face, sending her down to the mats in an exhausted heap of sweat and drool.

"That's it! Lady Down is down! I don't think she can get up from this one!" Ben exploded along with the crowd.

"I'm not saying to stop the timer here, but don't count her out just yet! Dixie's not in good shape herself," Mama added. She pointed out the replay, as while Down took a pillow to the face, her own weapon had smashed into Dixie's fingers. Her pillow had been knocked clean from her grasp, sliding entirely across the ring and landing just outside the nearest ringpost. Both timers started overhead.

"It's a literal race to the finish! These girls are looking at another possible tie, but there can only be one champion!"

Dixie clutched her aching hand for a moment, her fingers swollen and agonizing. She started to trudge wearily after her qualifying weapon, not an especially long distance but feeling like it would take forever in her current state. Her vision was blurry and everything on her was bruised and aching, and her pussy was still throbbing from the low blows she'd been put through. They were both down to 5 seconds when Lady Down started to roll over, groaning quietly and starting to stir. Dixie tried to hedge her bets by kicking her pillow away as she passed, but Lina lunged out and grabbed her around the leg. She pulled away Dixie's boot and bit savagely into her ankle, getting Dixie to scream and hop on one leg until she fell with a resounding thud.

"She'd got it! Lina's gone wild, but she'd keeping Dixie from her pillow! This could be...!" Dixie managed to get back on her good foot, hopping and reaching for her pillow, but Lina lifted and shoved on the leg she had a death grip on. It clearly took all she had to lift the heavier woman, but it send her flopping forward and her face smashing against the ringpost as Lina pushed her too far to slip between the ropes. The big girl bounced off with a loud CLANG, as if an ominous precursor to the bell that sounded a second later. Lina had risen and Dixie went down, still without her pillow.

"Incredible! A last second victory for Lady Down!" Ben burst proudly.

"I'm just glad it's not the cheating shit. But a good match all the same," Mama noted with an amused smile.

Lina was in tears of pride, pain and fatigue, staggering just to stand up as the ref held up her arm and handed her the belt. "Here is our new GCP champion, Lady Lina Down!" The golden girl smiled as more tears came to her eyes, being handed a microphone for her immediate reaction.

"I'm sorry," she laughed wearily. "That wasn't very ladylike of me, now was it?" The audience met her with general laughter, but she held up the belt proudly (trusty pillow in her other hand) even as it made her head spin. "But we did it! Thank you everyone for sticking with me! I couldn't have done it without my fans, my family, and the homemade quality pillows of Downy! Now excuse me... but I need a nap." 



You finished this fast!, I checked the google doc this morning. I really expected Dixie to win, Lady Down is still a better champ than SM though.


yea, basics is my work blocked google docs so a lot of my writing is in bulk cut and paste now