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Here's the final product! Fan-picked fighters and OCs from all over chosen by followers and backers. Might do it  again some time. Maybe good girls or superheroes, or just whoever.

This was it: the biggest match of the Multiversal Wrestling League had been arranged based on popular vote from fans and fighters from all manner of species and dimensions. The nine most popular combatants now stood in the ring for the main event, now that the fusion of Lara Croft and Dora the Explorer had beaten Mystique, and Jessica Rabbit had gotten a rather sloppy beating from Mrs. Buttersworth.

The fighters were all introduced around the extra large ring, from goddesses to college students. Kukulkan (formerly Quetzalcoatl) stretched in her side of the battlefield, the luchadora humanoid dragon goddess eying her opponents eagerly. She looked forward to the show that would be put on by their battle more than she did actual winning, not that she wouldn't give it her all regardless. Her long pants and mask of green and gold caught the spotlight as her bright red mane bounced along behind her.

The Greek goddess of war Enyo kept her eye on the vaguely mystical wrestler. The braided, war painted lover of Ares wore what was somewhere between a toga and a loincloth, the loose-fitting clothes barely covering what was the management had told her was required to compete.

The black-clad Valentina kept her hands on her hips, or more particularly her new revolvers. They appeared to be made of some kind of pink silver, the freshly reformed bandit queen having picked them off a couple of edgy young cupids who had been trying to shed their image as rosy-cheeked babies. The bullets would sting, though she'd rather rely on her martial arts in a ring match, but the bullets controlled human emotions; lust, fear, trust, and other settings she hadn't quite worked out to perfection. Her dark corset, high boots and long dress and coat completed her bad cowgirl look.

Aida occupied her own corner, the biological android watching her foes with a cold and calculating smirk. She was expected to be the wild card, an unstable and hateful AI put into a sexy artificial human body (a tall looker with long brown hair). The passably biological parts hid that she packed enough hardware to wield bursts of electricity, super strength, teleportation, and other advanced goodies to give her an edge.

Sharona shook out her hair around her horns and stretched her arms overhead. She looked forward to beating down the other divine creatures in the fight, tugging on the thighs of her skirted, spandex one piece they'd given her for the match. She shook out her red-pink hair until it whipped and forth between her booted legs, ready to let loose her demonic instincts against her foes.

Aunt Gertie was an odd one for the match for her own reasons. She was the manifestation of the spirit of Germany, but a rather apologetic sort as of late. She was trying to shed the Nazi image she'd been stuck with over the last century or so. The busty, thickly-build blonde wore a snug brown uniform that could easily be associated with SOME extremist political parties, but clearly was not. She had gone over the armbands with a sharpie to show off the windmills that were so popular in her homeland.

Gabriella and Casey were odd in that they had no real powers to speak of whatsoever. Their popularity had landed them in the fight, though with implications of seduction and bribery involved in the rumor mill (Sharona had muttered about how she would have done the same "if it were THAT easy!"). They were both dark-haired college girls, though Casey was taller with big alluring eyes. Gabriella was shorter with a toned and perky ass.

"You think we can really do this? I think that one chick's a robot," Casey muttered to her teammate. The fight was a battle royale, but they'd made a point to both get put together in the fight so they could double team and use their numbers to their advantage. 

“Just don’t let em see you sweat. And go for the little one instead,” Gabriella instructed, pointing towards the cute little succubus. “And watch out for that one.”

Kym Jane leaned in one of the corners, still smoking a joint and clad in her fishnet two-piece that hardly covered anything. Enyo would scowl at her for being allowed to wear that little as she exploited the technicality that she was wearing SOMEthing over her tits and ass. The girl had plenty of each, and she planned to use them and every dirty trick in the book to bring down the rest of her fellow lunatics.

A quick rundown of the rules made it clear; any ladies giving up, knocked out, or pinned for 5 seconds was out. With that out of the way, the bell rang and the girls rushed in.

Kukulkan and Enyo went right for each other, the battling godesses grabbing each other's hands and pushing against each other with gritted teeth. Enyo shifted and rammed a knee into Kukulkan's stomach, getting a grunt from the dragon goddess. She soaked up the hit, but grabbed the Greek fighter's attacking leg before hefting her up into a perfect suplex, drinking up the cheers of the crowd at the impressive maneuver.

Sharona dove for Aida, but the AI caught her by the neck and threw her aside. Sharona's back bounced painfully off one of the turnbuckles with a sharp groan while Kym went charging for the synthetic woman. She threw a punch for Aida's face, but she easily caught the fist in her hand and squeezed. The fetish model gave out a shrill scream of pain, but didn't grab for Aida's wrist. Her other hand was too busy holding her lit cigarette, which she jammed into Aida's eye. However robotic, Aida let out a scream and clutched for her face, wiping the ash from her face while Kym Jane slammed her in the crotch with a low kick. "At last some part of you's natural," Kym grinned as she rubbed her sore knuckles. "I thought you were all silicon tits and silicon chips."

Valentina drew and aimed her gun over at the approaching Auntie Gertie. "I'd watch your step there, kraut. You'll want to be careful who you make an enemy out of."

"Please!" Gertie gasped in her thick and rich German accent. "Kraut is a deragitory term from an older time, and I always work towards putting the past behind us." She flexed one thick hand to crack her knuckles. "I vill not, however, let such an obvious villain go unpunished."

"Suit yourself." Valentina fired, but was surprised when Gertie  thrust out her palms towards her. There was a loud noise of rushing water, but yellow-brown beer sprang from her hands and rushed towards the bandita. Valentina's bullet struck in between Gertie's impressive bosoms, sending both girls flying back. The Western villainess was blasted back over the ropes, tumbling from the ring and landing awkwardly on the outside.

Gertie rubbed her stinging chest for a moment before her eyes widened. Fear overtook her, seeing Valentina's dark clothes as spreading shadowy wings. "AHH!! Hilfe!!" she shrieked, turning and running from her downed foe rather than pursuing. She grabbed the cornered Sharona by the shoulder with panic in her eyes. "Dis woman! She is... a demon!"

"I have some bad news for you," Sharona said grimly as she grabbed Gertie by the hair.

Valentina had started to get back up, groggy and sticky from the blast of beer. "I always thought I was one to hold my liquor," the bandit grumbled, wiping some wet hair from her face. She was suddenly "helped" to her feet as Gabby grabbed her by the hair and pulled, leaning through the ropes and tearing at her dark locks.

"Got her!" Gabby reported as Casey slid out under the ropes. Casey punched Valentina in the stomach a few times, getting winded grunts from the trapped outlaw. Even as a thieving bandit queen, at least Valentina had always fought her opponents one on one.

Valentina kicked Casey in the stomach to shove her back into the guardrail. "Doesn't seem a little unsporting to you slutty smallfry?" she growled as she elbowed back into Gabriella's stomach.

"All's fair in a brawl. Too bad you don't have anyone worth teaming up with!" Casey crowed back.

"Then I'm sure you'll appreciate this." Valentina drew another of her Cupistols and fired a quick shot into Gabriella's thigh. The coed yelped from her higher ground as the bullet for betrayal kicked in. She growled and pounced over the ropes, tackling into Casey and the former allies starting to slap and claw at each other on the arena floor.

Enyo drove a few punches into Kukulkan's ribs as they grappled along the mats. "Foolish dragon! The Greeks invented wrestling!"

"Then it was the Mayans perfected it!" the redheaded dragon laughed back, rolling sharply and bending the war goddess into a boston crab. Enyo cried out in pain as her back was bent, the dragoness' powerful arms stretching out her leg muscles. It was starting to seem hopeless when Sharona threw Auntie Gertie by the hair, the husky woman colliding with Kukulkan and sending them both tumbling into the ropes.

"You immortal types should pay more attention to your surroundings," Sharona taunted as she moved after them. Kym had bent Aida over and started pounding on the back of her head when the AI thrust a hand into her big tits and released a blast of electricity. Kym went flying right between Sharona and Enyo, but the demoness didn't even alter her pace as she went over to the divine warrior.

Aida went to intercept her, just as a few loud pings sounded off against her back. She turned to find Valentina had pulled herself back into the ring, her emotional weapons leveled at her.

"You picked the wrong enemy to make, cowgirl," Aida growled at her.

"Then I picked the right kind of bullets for you." Valentina had switched it to affection, so Aida felt a strange rush of warmth as she focused her gaze on Valentina. "Now go fight those girls for me, won't you, sweetie?"

"Of... course," the artificial woman muttered dizzily, rubbing her head and turning back to face Valentina's foes instead. There was a shaky smile on her face as she pursued everyone but the bandita.

Enyo had already locked up with Sharona, the Greek goddess punching Sharona across the face to bring her to one knee. Sharona quickly bypassed the warrior's defenses with a punch to the crotch, surprising the goddess and flipping her over her shoulders. Enyo landed hard, but hooked her arm around Sharona's leg and dropped her to the mats with her, the two rapidly scrambling for position on top of each other as they kicked and clawed.

"My hair! You bitch!" Gabriella yelped, grabbing Casey's shirt and ripping it open to expose her bra.

"Dirty skank!" Casey hissed back, pulling and ripping Gabby's pants to reveal her thong panties to the cheering crowd. The bullets had easily overpowered their weak minds, leaving them obsessed with their own battle rather than the match itself. Just inside the ring, Kukulkan had shoved Gertie off of her and gotten her in a chokehold from behind. The busty blonde pulled and thrashed, face turning red from the dragoness' stranglehold.

"You grapple with gods and demons, woman! Submit!" the dragoness demanded.

"Ya," Gertie grunted, tugging at the arms. "But you face ze collective might of Germany's indomitable spirit!" She couldn't overpower the goddess' arm, but she could lean forward and shoulder-toss her to the mats. Kukulkan landed with a loud slam, Gertie quickly following up with rapid stomps to her abs and chest. "How does zat feel for a non-racially specific strength?!"

Kukulkan curled up defensively, blocking some of the stomps but impressed by the overly-German woman's strength. She caught her by the foot and shoved her back, Gertie flopping into the turnbuckle behind her. Kukulkan sprang up in a quick somersault, charging at the blonde to follow up but Gertie yelped and dove aside. Kukulkan bounced her big chest off the ringpost with a grunt, but before she could turn Gertia had already grabbed the back of her costume and hurled her high over the ropes.

The acrobatic lucha was well at home in the ring, and so reflexively lashed out a hand to grab onto the top rope. She was ready to slingshot herself back at Gertie, but looked down in time to see Casey and Gabby still bickered and attacking each other outside the ring. They had stripped each other down to their underwear, with Casey on top as she spanked Gabby viciously. Gabby was screaming but leaned up enough to pull on Casey's hair in return. Deciding that two heads bashed in were better than one, Kukulkan swung herself straight down instead and landing in one big body splash across their backs. Casey and Gabby were easily crushed by the incoming divebomb, flopping into a heap beneath the redhead as she raised her fists in sweaty triumph. She locked her powerful legs around both of their heads at once, leaving the bullies breathless and gagging as the lucha goddess let the audience count out their pin, causing them to vanish from the arena.

Sharona heard the crackling behind her and readily dove out of the way, leaving Enyo to be blasted by the lightning coming from Aida's hands. The Greek was blasted into the ropes, bouncing off in a smoking heap as she coughed on the mats. Sharon glared at the powerful robotic woman, unsure if she should clash with her when she could be more strategic instead... or go after one of those damned goddesses. Kym indifferently leapt onto Sharona's back, reaching over to claw at her tits. The redhead shrieked in pain, but had to duck down to avoid another blast of lightning from Aida.

"I'm getting real tired of this electric shit!" Sharona snapped in frustration as she struggled to get Kym off of her.

"It's why I always go battery-powered with my toys," Kym grinned, grabbing both of the demoness' breasts and leaning back, lifting her front up in a kind of twisted surfboard hold. Sharona howled in pain, but as Aida readied another blast for them, she was cut off by Gertie. She gave another thrust of her hand, beer-bending a wave of amber liquid into the cybernetic woman. There was a lot of smoke and fizzling as it surrounded her in a thick bubble of beer, shorting out her hands' generator.

"Ah, beer. Is zere nothink you cannot fix?" Gertie grinned. Aida appeared to choke on the stuff for a moment before she suddenly vanished in a burst of light, teleporting to the other side of the ring. "Ach du lieber! Zis is bordering on cheating now!"

"Just glad she's on my side," Valentina chuckled. Kym looked up just as she threw a roundhouse kick into the model's face, knocking her off of Sharona. "What do you say, red? Work for me until we clean up the rest?"

Sharona nodded, Valentina helping her up and going back to back with her as they moved towards a corner. Sharona spoke up briefly. "You should read your demon lore a bit closer. Hell was built on treachery..." With that, she reached over and grabbed Valentina's guns, crushing them to bits in her hands.

"What?! You hellborn bitch! I got those from cupids!" the outlaw seethed.

"Really? Even better. Fuck those chubby little angel bastards," Sharona scoffed.

Aida had frozen on the spot as the angelic weapons' powers faded. She blinked slowly and held her head, pulling at some of her hair. "You... you made me love you!" she seethed. "You manipulative... awful... you made me love! Do you know how much I HATE love!?" she barked furiously. An intense heat radiated off of her as steam started to rise from body. "I can't stand those in love... I'm going to end all of you... and me for doing such a crime!"

"Nice one!" Sharona snapped, shoving Valentina towards the steaming and crackling AI. "Stop her!"

"How?! You broke my guns!" Valentina snapped back, throwing a kick back into Sharona's stomach. "You get her!"

Gertie ran to hop out of the ring and hide behind the ring apron. "I know when I'm in over my head! I've learned my lesson! Don't start a land-war in Russia, and don't pick a fight with exploding robots!"

Enyo and Kym Jane tried to escape, but were too busy punching and clawing at each other to get out. Kym hit her with a kidney punch, but Enyo headbutted her back in their race to escape. With the girls all too tangled with each other to escape the blast radius, no one was able to stop Kukulkan from rushing into the ring and spearing Aida right in the chest. The two crashed down outside the ring, Aida grabbing for the dragoness but getting grabbed by her arms and pinned instead.

"Let me destroy them!" Aida snarled at her, but unable to overpower the Aztec goddess.

"No can do," Kukulkan said with a wry smirk. "A match where no one wins... that is no fun for the audience." Her one-liner got a quick cheer from the crowd as she shouted out over them. in a booming voice. She dramatically counted to five, just before Aida self-destructed outside the ring. It rattled the arena and shook the ring, knocking the girls over, but the light faded and Kukulkan was still in one piece, but slumped against the ring from the point blank blast. She and any remains of Aida were warped from the ring while the crowd cheered her noble and badass sacrifice.

The fighters slowly realized what had happened, taking a moment to recall that they were still fighting before getting back into it. Valentina threw a straight kick into Sharona's stomach, launching her back and away. Enyo picked up Kym by the hair and spiked her hard into the middle of the ring, bouncing her off the mats before the brunette clutched her back in pain. Enyo tried to pursue her when Gertie grabbed her leg from outside the ring, tripping her to the mats flat on her chest.

"Always with these meddling mortals!" Enyo growled, kicking at the blonde.

"Germany shall live forever!" Gertie declared. "Hail... er... freedom!" With that she pulled hard on Enyo's leg and drove her crotch into the hard elastic of the ropes. The goddess howled and struggled with her while Kym grabbed the Greek by the arms, pulling in the other direction. Enyo only briefly considered that it might be a rescue, but quickly realized Kym was only helping to torment her by pulling her in both directions like they wanted to split her in half.

Sharona brought herself to a stop, glaring back at Valentina. Before she could launch another attack on her, she saw Enyo trapped in the painful double hold. Unable to help but pick on a bound goddess, she grinned and switched her attention away from the cowgirl for her favored target, jumping up and driving her knee down into Enyo's stomach. The Greek grunted as she was squashed to the mats, groaning and holding her crushed abs. Gertie tried to crawl back into the ring while Valentina grabbed Kym from behind, driving a knee into her lower back just above the model's ass.

"I think I can handle you bunch now that the exploding bitch and the lucha monster are gone," Valentina smirked, latching her claws into Kym's scalp. The model was holding her aching back while the outlaw dragged her away, leaving Sharona to enjoy her latest victim. She split the war goddess' legs open and slammed her heel into Enyo's crotch. The Greek goddess screamed in pain and tried to cover up her groin while the bitter demon grinned sadistically.

"Nothing I love more than taking you righteous cunts down to size," Sharona taunted, raising her foot again and keeping Enyo's legs spread out. "I hope Ares wasn't planning on using this any time soon!"

"No! Please don't!" Enyo wailed, trying to shield her privates clumsily.

Sharona shrugged. "If you so say," she conceded, slammed her foot into Enyo's face and knocking her out cold instead of crushing her cunt. The bell sounded and the goddess vanished from the ring. The demoness gave a satisfied sigh, but hardly turned a step before she Auntie Gertie slammed bodily into her, squashing Sharona into a corner.

Kym was dragged by her hair by Valentina, the bandit queen kicking her in the stomach. "I don't need guns to deal with some bitch who acts tough and doesn't get her hands dirty," Valentina hissed. Kym Jane clawed at her attacker's arms, but took a moment to adjust her top. It was another quick gesture to slip on the brass knuckles she hid in her cleavage, intent on winning at any cost. She threw her metal-lined fist at Valentina's stomach, but the outlaw caught her wrist before it connected.

"Don't think you can surprise me that easily," she taunted, twisting Kym's wrist and getting a pained yelp out of her. "I practically invented fighting dirty back in my time."

"Yaaaagh! Well... I hope you invented pepper spray!" Kym had pulled her other secret weapon as well just in case, twisting and blasting its contents into Valentina's face. The outlaw screamed and tried to shield her burning eyes, Kym breaking free and hammering her with a few hard gut shots before flinging her across the ring. Gertie was leaning into a boob smother that had Sharona cornered and squirming in the corner, but she ducked aside when she heard the screaming Valentina flying towards her. Sharona and Valentina crashed into each other with a clumsy grunt, Kym following a moment later with a clothesline aimed for Auntie Gertie's head.

Gertie ducked under it, letting her hit the stumbling Sharona instead. Kym and Gertie traded quick glances, but the others made desperate grabs for them. The solid German lifted up Valentina, body slamming the blinded criminal beneath her to the mats. Kym threw a high kick into Sharona's head, sending her bouncing back and her head rebounding off the turnbuckle with a dull clang. Both of their foes flat on the mat, they each leapt onto them and pinned them for the 5 count with little more than a groan from Valentina and Sharona.

The last two fighters rose back up, the punkish model Kym Jane grinning across at the overly German Auntie Gertie.

"I've got to hand it to you," Kym taunted. "The whole Nazi thing was the best thing to happen to the S&M scene."

"Please! Zat is behind us! It is tasteless scum like you that keep us all from moving on," Gertie defended huffily.

"Ha! I don't need taste to kick your Auschwitz!"

"Too soon!!" Gertie erupted at her, clenching her fists and taking a swing at the model.

Kym ducked under the blow, sending a sharp slap across Gertie's bulging chest. The German gasped as her hefty boobs jiggled around, but she slammed her own fist into Kym's breast. The model yelped as her jug was crushed into her chest.

"Ow! Watch the moneymakers!" she snapped, hugging her chest. Kym went back for her pepper spray, but Gertie summoned a burst of beer to fire from over her shoulder. It caught Kym right in the face, making her drop the spray and crashing back against the ropes. Her arms grabbed onto the top for balance as Gertie summoned the beer into a dense bubble around her head. "Ho ho! Had enough, party girl?" she taunted as she waited for her to run out of air.

The bubble started getting smaller until Kym swallowed the last drop and gave a loud burp. "Good shit. I've have worse," she taunted. The German was surprised enough that Kym bounced off the ropes and dropkicked her in the chest, sending Gertie slamming to the mats. Kym mounted her back while the German was reeling, grabbing the top of her uniform and pulling it up and off.

"Nooo! My majestic mountain landscapes!" Gertie wailed miserably, but the cackling Kym tore it and her bra off, whirling the uniform over her head and flinging it to the audience. Gertie blushed and covered her chest, rolling over and firing off several more blasts of beer. Kym dodged around them with the clumsy short-range shots, grabbing Gertie by the legs and twisting on one. Gertie let out a quick cry, starting to power her way out of the move as her thick leg pulled Kym along with it. Kym dropped one more dirty trick as she shoved her hand under Gertie's skirt, burying her nails into her pussy.

"AGHHHH! Neiiiin! My Partnach Gorge!" Gertie wailed. It's a canyon in German. I Googled it. She flailed and reached for the ropes, grabbing onto them desperately. There was no rope break in the rules, and even if there were Kym probably wouldn't have stopped the combination cunt claw and leg-breaking hold.

"You can give up!" Kym laughed at her. "That or I rip you a second pussy to match the old one! You know you're ready to crack, fatty!"

Gertie had tears in her eyes as she glared back. "Dummkopf! Did you think I was holding onto ze ropes because of you?" she snapped.

Kym looked at her in confusion, but she saw a gleam of strangely yellow light go across the ring. She looked up and saw a whale-sized bubble of beer floating overhead, starting to block the spotlights. There were all kinds of excited fans in the audience, and sexy sporting events meant lots of beer for her to pull from. Combined with her own summoned supply, she'd been building it up for some time. "Enjoy some German hospitality! Have a refill!"

Kym let go of her to try to run, but what crashed down was a waterfall of booze that flushed over the entire ring. Gertie held tightly onto the ring, not immune to her own torrent but braced for it unlike the panicking Kym. When the last of it fell, Kym was in a puddle, coughing and dazed against the guard rail. She clumsily pulled herself back upright, but the wet, beer-covered, topless blonde climbed the turnbuckle by then, and when she stood back up, Kym was treated to a flying belly flop that crushed her back to the floor with a thick splash. Kym bounced hard on the floor while Gertie leaned with her hands down on her shoulders. Even with the childish pin, Kym couldn't get up from her crushing weight and the jarring splash. The bell rang out as the announcer boomed overhead.

"Here is your winner! Auntie Gertie!" The busty blonde sat up, smiling awkwardly at the delighted audience as she tried to shake off her fatigue. She started to wave, with calls of "Danke! Danke!" before she froze and slapped her arms around her chest. The crowd whistled and cheered, and with a heavy blush she conceded to lower her arms. "Ze tourism board is paying me extra for zis," she muttered under her breath.

“That’s all for tonight, everyone! Tune in next time for the Multiversal Wrestling League for Greta Gravity vs She Hulk, and your character vs that guy over there’s character!”



SWEET! Great fight and my character won!

William Duan

wow, did not expect to see this one so fast. Great story!


Well the trick was making her decently powerful but not OP while a fun personality to write


Work on it was pretty scattered but came quick once I got the personas down (however inaccurate)

A R HuffnPuffn

Noice. Glad to see that Sharona lasted so long


if nothing else, her "wrath of the gods" envy made her worth keeping in there