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In this part, Marshall catches another teammate and takes on the next Pokedojo to move his way up the ranks. We even get a glimpse into his motivations for a minute there, completely by accident. Just sort of came up as I wrote it... also got the art sketched and paid for, so it's on its way.

White City was a lot of things that Marshall's hometown wasn't: big, clean, tall, and very densely populated. The place had a real way of making Marshall feel like a country boy. He knew a bit about the place from travelers and his Pokepad, but most of all, it had a place to spend the night and a Pokedojo.
The dojos were where some of the more charismatic or talented trainers ended up being set up by the pokegirl league. They battled the passing travelers and register their victories on their profiles. Gathering eight or more meant you qualified for the pro leagues. There was a kind of unspoken code for trainers to keep the secrets and techniques of the dojo leaders under their hats, but Marshall's digging had found that he was an expert on grass types.
"So..." Marshall mused in his hotel room (they came dirt cheap to trainers, thanks to league discounts). He'd let out his pokegirls to rest and hang out while he ran the numbers in his head. "That means fire, bug, poison, ice and flying are our best bets." He looked over at his team and frowned a bit. Squirtle was going to be an uphill fight, with water as the definitive expertise of grass pokegirls (she was busy happily paddling around in the bathtub). Snorlax and Mankey would be a pretty even split overall (Mankey was climbing and hopping merrily along the furniture, and Snorlax had promptly claimed the bed). Ekans would have a slight advantage, the snake pokegirl squeezing herself into a corner of the room and smoking. She seemed pretty content, despite her perpetually grim sneer.
"So nothing ideal here. I would have thought there would be more bugs out in the woods on the way over. Maybe you all scared them off." He teasingly poked at Snorlax's belly, which wobbled but didn't seem to disturb her at all. He flicked through his pokepad, checking the local reports. A few scout towers reported a few sightings of Cricketunes and Growlithes on the next route, so it seemed worth a look. He took a few hours to rest and by the time it was nearly dark out, he set out again with his girls ready on his belt.
He did leave Ekans out to lead the way. Especially in the dark and after the incident with the Mankeys, he didn't want to get ambushed again.

The night hunting didn't quite go as planned. He thought the bugs would be more active, and he knew some of the pokemon were nocturnal, but anything he found just fled before he could direct his pokemon at any of them. He was getting ready to give up when Ekans pointed ahead.
"Hmm? What's up?"
"Going down," Ekans reported. Marshall gave her a strange look, and she did point at a lower angle. He shrugged and followed her lead, finding a spot in the ground that seemed to collapse and lead into a cave underneath the roots of a large tree.
"Yea. Totally not spooky," Marshall assured himself, sucking in a breath and turning on the flashlight app on his pokepad. He shone it around the surprisingly spacious cave, even if he had to duck his head under a low ceiling in the entrance. He looked around and didn't see much. More roots, more dirt, a few rocks and old bones, and what looked like... a mask? He went over and picked it up once he confirmed it wasn't some kind of skull. It looked like an ancient Egpytian mask or statue of some kind, left in a bunch of pieces on by one of the walls.
"The heck is something like that doing under a tree?" Marshall thought aloud. He imagined Ekans had something snarky to say, but it was... quiet. Dead quiet. And dark... dark enough that even his flashlight wasn't going as far as it should. He shook his Pokepad and turned around. Ekans was gone entirely, and the shadows were now a deep, concerning blackness. There was a creak like an opening door, and some of the shadows parted. A woman with an Egyptian headdress stepped out. She was olive-skinned and beautiful, with a silk loincloth of a skirt with a golden belt. She looked like she belonged wrapped in bandages, mostly because she had them wrapped around her legs and enough of her chest that it acted like a top.
"Well well... a cute little boy come into my lair. Were you the one to disturb my tomb?" she cooed in a throaty, sensual voice.
"I'm not a kid," Marshall insisted, hand going to one of his pokeballs as he aimed his Pokepad at her. The flashlight flickered like a sputtering car, but the scanner still worked.
"Cofagrigus: the mummy pokegirl. She controls shadows to manipulate the emotions of her enemies. Lurks in dark tombs and pyramids, but caverns and tunnels will do."
"When you're as ancient as I am, you humans all start to look like children," she mused playfully. "So why don't we play, child? Just you and-"
"Ekans! Digging Attack!" Marshall barked.
The mummy paused with a confused look before Ekans burst out of one of the earthen walls. She tackled Cofagrigus into the opposite wall hard enough for dirt to trickle from the ceiling. He hadn't recalled Ekans to her ball, so she must have gone into hiding. Ghost pokemon weren't especially useful against Grass, but he wasn't letting something his strong and rare slip away.
Cofagrigus' strange shadows had retreated a bit, but she floated back away from the walls.
"Poison Dart it!" Marshall ordered, and Ekans slid a couple small, bright purple knives from her hoodie. She whipped them towards Cofagrigus, but several long limbs made of shadow appeared to slap them aside.
"You're a fool to poison that which is already dead!" Cofagrigus gloated and pointed regally towards Ekans. The shadow hands lunged for her and the punky pokegirl darted around the first few. She bared her fangs and lunged for the real opponent, but the hands looped around to grab her from behind.
"Ah shit!" Ekans hissed, thrashing around but more shadow hands joined it. They slipped down into her sweat pants, getting a sharper gasp from her as the poisonous pokegirl froze up. She shivered as the hands proceeded to gropd and finger her, swarming around her as Cofagrigus watched smugly. "Slippery... bitch..." Ekans stammered unsteadily as her eyes glazed over.
Marshall drew out his pokeball and with a quick flash of light, called Ekans back. He knew his stuff, and a pokegirl who had the Horny condition was a real liability. It was like Confused and Paralyzed combined, and the status affect was a real pain to plan around without a pokegirl with a slutty enough nature. "We can't get to close to it, so my two muscle ones are a stretch. So... Squirtle! Go long!"
Marshall tossed out his starter, who barely popped out of her ball when she opened fire with her squirt gun. The bursts of water pierced the shadow hands and blew them away like wisps of smoke. Cofagrigus gave an annoyed growl. "Another puny sacrifice set before me."
She cast out a hand and fired a ball of darkness at her, but Squirtle dove under it and hit her dead on with another spray of her water gun. Cofagrigus shrieked and sputtered, wiping herself off and seeing that her wrappings and regal attire was soaked and clinging to her skin. "You... you pathetic peasant!" she shouted in outrage.
"Yea! Get dunked on!" Squirtle taunted back, sticking out her tongue at her opponent. The mummy girl clenched a fist and the shadows of the room pooled together, forming a single huge shadow hand. It lunged out for Squirtle, who froze up and squeaked in surprise.
"Quick! Use Double-Take!" Marshall ordered. Squirtle nodded and braced herself readily just before the shadow hand smashed into her. The fist squeezed around its prize before opening up to see... a backpack and too-small t-shirt. It had taken the decoy as a stopless Squirtle popped up to run up the shadow hand's wrist, breasts bouncing as she leapt and grabbed onto Cofagrigus' hair to hang from her floating body. The mummy girl yelled in pain, but Squirtle just popped her water gun into her mouth and pulled the trigger. Cofagrigus gagged loudly and pulled back, choking on the sudden mouthful of water as the shadows around her started to fade.
"Alright! Let's get wet!" Squirtle cheered, shifting the grip on her super soaker to pistol whip the stunned sorceress across the face. Cofagrigus spiraled dizzily towards the ground when Marshall tossed out another pokegirl.
"Snorlax! Finish it with Squash!" The big tanned pokegirl appeared in a flash, giving the dazed Cofagrigus just long enough to widen her eyes before the newcomer's huge butt crashed down on her. The mummy coughed for all sorts of reasons to be short of breath, letting Marshall step up with a smirk. "Who's the kid now?" he gloated before tossing his ball casually, sucking it up and finishing the catch.

Marshall stopped by the healing center to refresh his pokegirls and slept in extra late the next day. He had been up all night chasing literal ghosts, and he wanted to be fresh for his dojo duel today.
He had a quick lunch and with his team back to 100%, he headed downtown to the dojo. The dojo was marked by the big pokeball shaped sign with the neon lights flashing (even in the middle of the day...). Some bass music thumped inside the big building, a rectangular structure that looked like a proper league-sanctioned building before someone put a lot of spray paint, bumper stickers, seedy ad posters, and Ratata scurrying down alleys. There was a neon outline that as he got closer, he recognized as the shape of a Lilligant lounging backward, leg raised in the air and flipping up its leafy skirt. A big guy with tanned skin, a dark suit, and sunglasses (again, middle of the day) stood in front of the door with a short red carpet leading towards it.
"You on the list?" the man asked as Marshall got closer.
The young trainer almost answered before he made himself think about the answer. He saw pokeballs on the belt of his suit and a keycard, but no sign of any actual list. "Yes I am." He was an ambitious trainer, but he was more clever than headstrong. He wasn't afraid of taking a few shortcuts where the rules allowed it.
"Ah. An early bird then. The place doesn't really get jumping until sundown. So..." The big bouncer drew one of his pokeballs. "Let's make sure you've got the stuff to party with Isaac."
Marshall grabbed his ball as well, the general courtesy of starting an official battle. It kept things fair by choosing your fighters in advance rather than countering their choice.
"Go, Ludicolo!"
"Fuck 'em up, Mankey!"
His karate monkey girl popped into view while the bouncer's pokegirl manifested. Ludicolo had the appearance of a mature but sexy Spanish woman with a long green dress and a broad sombrero made of palm leaves. She took up a dancer's pose across from Mankey's combat-ready one.
"You haven't got a Fire-type, huh?" the bouncer asked a bit sheepishly.
Marshall smirked, knowing that the Water/Grass mix would have messed with that kind of strategy. "Nah. Not yet."
"Well shit... Razor Leaf 'em!" Ludicolo entered a whirling dance, flinging sharpened little leaves at Mankey.
"Bring it on!" Mankey boasted, diving into the spraying attack. A few sliced at her gi, but she slapped or punched many of them away. The tomboyish pokegirl ended up in front of Ludicolo, the bouncer giving a panicked order.
"Use Double Slap!" he barked, and Ludicolo rapidly slapped Mankey across the face with fore and backhands.
"Puta stupido!" the overly Spanish pokegirl snapped as Mankey threw up her arms defensively. The smacks kept going through, but the fighting pokegirl grit her teeth.
"You're startin' to piss me off!" she growled, suddenly ducking under the next attempted slap. Ludicolo looked down just in time to see Mankey rise up and throw a double uppercut to smash into her opponent's bigger breasts. The Grass-pokemon gave a sharp gasp as her bosom slapped into her own face and popped out of her dress. She hugged her chest to make it stop jiggling around and provide some cover, but that just left Mankey time to wind up.
"Sweet moves! Now give her a Power Punch!" Marshall ordered. Mankey's fist glowed with a brief flash of white fire before she slammed her radiant fist into Ludicolo, sending her flying back and smashing into a wall hard enough to crack it.
"Ca... caramba..." she stammered before falling out of her indentation in the wall. She glowed briefly before she was sucked back into her ball.
"Damn..." The bouncer lifted his shades to look at Marshall and Mankey. He looked at his other pokeball, but held up his hands. "I get the picture. I won't take any more of your time." He swiped his keycard over a panel by the door and unclipped the velvet rope in front of the door. "You know the rules?"
"I can use up to six pokegirls, swap all we want, one pokegirl at a time, no items in battle?"
"And no touching the girls. Enjoy your stay, sir."
Marshall flashed him a proud grin and strode inside.The thumping music clearly came from inside the place, walking down a rather lavish hallway for how beat up the outside of the dojo was. The main room had a large stage on the far side away of the entrance, and smaller platforms throughout. They all had pokegirls poledancing on top of them; a short but curvy Chikorita wiggled her green hips against the pole to the beat, wearing nothing but leaves. A thin Snivy gyrated around the pole, her flexible body clinging and hanging from it. A Weepinbell ground her crotch against another, moving up and down as she licked the pole and kissed her big, pouty lips at Marshall as he walked by. The young trainer blushed. He'd known pokegirls were into two things, but them being outright tempting and flirty like this was new to him.
There were tables and chairs about the place that were all empty, but at the head of the room at the back of the stage, there was a cheap mock-throne of a seat. A slightly pale guy in a a thick fur coat, pink sunglasses, and broad hat smirked at Marshall as he lounged back in his form seat, taking his eyes off the girls to look at him. "Welcome to my club, son. You stand before the Pokepimp Isaac. Now are you here for the show? Or here for business?"
"I'm Marshall Baller," he declared, holding out his Pokepad so that it flashed his holographic ID. "I'm here to challenge your Pokedojo and claim your seal."
Isaac lowered his shades to look over the hologram a moment before he scoffed. "Another Rank Zero," he muttered, seeing the blank spot on his ID's number of badges. "Why do I always get the smallfry coming to me?"
"Because your online ranking of your gym is for Rank Zeroes. Carlton and Kayla over by Neon Town and Scarlet City are Rank 1, so I thought I'd warm up on you." Isaac frowned at him. Marshall was a kid to do his research, after all. "Maybe if you beefed up your team and cleaned up your dojo they'd rank you higher."
Isaac sneered back and stood up, snapping his fingers. "Girls, step out. Daddy's got work to do." The pokegirls on his stages stopped their routines and walked to some backstage area. Isaac hit a switch on the arm of his chair, making the stage extend to form a wide bridge-like arena in the middle of the room. It attached to one of the smaller stages, apparently where Marshall was expected to stand, but eying up the pole still mounted there, he decided to stay on ground level.
"Alright, little man. You think you're hot stuff? Let's see if you're hot enough to power through the dopest, dankest batch of hot-ass Grass pokegirls around."
Marshall grabbed his first pokeball with a smirk. "Yea, keep talking like that. I'm sure the Pokegirl League loves it when their trainers are creepers."
"Then let's dance!" Isaac snapped again, and his first pokegirl came down from the ceiling spiraling around one of the poles. "Show your stuff, Tangela!" The pokegirl was a dark-skinned woman to a point of being an unnatural shade of black. Her hair grew out of control in long blue curls of thick strands running down to her broad hips. She wore red hooker boots up to her knees, and a thong and skimpy bikini made of blue elastic that resembled her hair. Her hair stretched and curled to grip the pole as she descended, leaving her hands free to blow Isaac a kiss before she hit the ground and faced her opponent.
"Maybe you should try training instead of learning dance routines. Then maybe you could beat... Snorlax!"
The big pokegirl manifested on the platform, briefly adjusting her sweatpants and snorting across at the shorter Tangela.
"You call that a pokegirl? I've seen Wailords with better curves than that," Isaac chuckled.
Snorlax scowled at him angrily. "Do you know what time it is!?" she barked at him, clearly not happy with the weight jokes. Marshall decided not to mention that technically Snorlaxes weighed more than Wailords on average and went on with the fight instead."Tangela, use Bondage!" Isaac ordered. "Make sure that fat lump doesn't move!"
Tangela cooed out "Yes, big daddy! Let's whip it up!" Her hair lashed out like tentacles and grabbed Snorlax around the arms, tugging and making her stumble a half-step... but that was it.
"You woke me up for this?!" Snorlax grunted with a cocky grin. Tangela looked started for a moment before the hefty pokegirl yanked back and flung Tangela to go flying off into a set of table and chairs, making them crash down around her. The vine pokegirl pushed herself back up dizzily, but Snorlax was stomping after her as she hopped off the stage with a ground-shaking jiggle.
"Uh..." Isaac muttered, clearly a bit put off by his success so far. "Tangela! Give her the chair!" The grass pokegirl grabbed a few chairs with her tentacle-hair, hurling them at Snorlax. She punched and smashed them out of the air as she advanced, one even just breaking to pieces on her belly with little more than a casual grunt.
"Hey, Snorlax? Want to show her how you work a pole?" Marshall called to her as she passed one of the stages. Snorlax grinned wickedly and grabbed the aluminum rod, tearing it up from the floor and swinging it like a baseball bat.
Tangela let out a squeal of surprise. "Not the hair!" she squeaked before it smacked her in the head, sending her flying off into the stage and slumping down.
"Take a nap, bitch," Snorlax chuckled as she tossed the pole aside.
Isaac frowned at his loss and recalled the girl into his pokeball. "Alright, so you're a man with taste. Show him how it's done, Lilligant!"
Some pyrotechnics went off as his next pokegirl strode out from backstage. The pink-skinned girl wore some sort of trashy version of a regal gown, a long leaf-green skirt with high slits in the sides. A large red flower was stuck into her green curly hair, and long legs helped her strut her way down to the battlefield.
Marshall didn't know as much about that pokegirl, something of a reliably plain but sexy grass-type. No reason not to finish it quick. "Give her a Power Slam, Snorlax!"
"Girl, give it some Sleep Powder!" Isaac's Lilligant bound out of the way of the charging Snorlax, but she kissed her palm in midair and blew it at the bigger pokegirl. It released a sparkling pink powder at the bbw pokegirl, who sniffed and stumbled for a second before simply falling off the stage. She crushed a table beneath her before she started snoring as loudly as her name implied.
"5 more minutes..." she mumbled.
Marshall winced at the easy defeat. "So much for sweeping the gym..."
"Good catch, junior," smirked the self-proclaimed pokepimp. "Snorlaxes have a lot of power, but they're suckers for sleep-inducing attacks. Now Lilligant! Use Draining Kiss!"
The slender and pseudo-elegant pokegirl smirked at the dozing Snorlax. "How unladylike," she scoffed before striding over and locking lips with her. Her tongue rolled with the bigger pokegirl's as the two started to glow faintly green, and Marshall knew his stuff enough to know she was just going to steal her health away.
"Alright, I get it," Marshall conceded, beaming back his first fighter. "Ekans! You and me! Let's do this!"
The punky snake pokegirl appeared in her sweats and hoodie, smirking grimly at her opponent. "Yo, bitch."
"Ugh. Disgusting," Lilliant huffed back at the underdressed foe.
"You said it, Lily. You've got some nerve bringing in a bunch of ghetto-looking 'girls into my club," Isaac taunted.
"Maybe we're just too good for this place. But if we seem too dirty... show em how dirty we can be, Ekans!"
Ekans and Lilligant both lunged for each other and tangled in a quick and catty struggle. Lilligant pulled off Ekans' hood and slapped at her face. Ekans pulled on her foe's long green hair and scratched at her face, clearly cruder but more painful in her attacks.
"Now, Ekans! Cheap Shot!" The snake pokegirl grabbed Lilligant by the shoulders and drove a knee under her skanky dress and nailing her in the crotch.
"OHHH! My petals!" Lilligant moaned, stumbling back and clutching her privates as her booty wobbled behind her. Ekans grinned and hit her with a quick punch to the jaw that drove her backward.
Isaac frowned at the comeback and snapped his fingers. "Give her another dose of Sleep Powder." Lilligant kissed her hand again and Marshall thought fast, knowing it could be another game changer.
"Use Poison Gas!" As the sparkling dust came out, Ekans drew a cigarette from her coat to her lips. She sucked a deep breath in and spewed the purple smoke back at Lilligant, the two strange substances mingling between them. The smog and glitter mixed into a strange fog in the middle. Neither of the trainers wanted to see what happened if you went in the middle of that.
"Lilligant! Work the pole to get around!" Lilligant bound nimbly too the nearest stripper pole, grabbing it with one arm and her long legs to twirl around it. She hopped to the next one, moving over and around the questionable cloud. She turned towards Ekans, but she drew several purple pins and flung them at the dancer pokegirl. Lilligant pulled her hand away from the pole, letting the poison needles dig into it instead of her fingers, but she was left to hang upside down by her legs. Her leaf-green dress flipped up, flashing her flowery panties. She flailed and tried to right herself, but Ekans hopped up onto the stage and drove her fist straight down into Lilligant's pussy again. The grass pokegirl gave a long shriek before she fell to the stage, curled up and clutching her groin.
"Damn, son... alright. Lilligant, get your ass back here." Isaac recalled her and frowned over at Marshall. “I got one more fighter with me... but damn if she's not a doozie. I think it’s time you met the real bouncer of this place.” Isaac snapped his fingers and Marshall could actually feel a rumbling going through the floor that wasn’t from Isaac’s music. It wasn't quite as much as when Snorlax stomped around or fell over, but it was still significant enough to get his attention. From backstage came a huge woman, her skin deeply tanned. She wore a Hawaiian grass skirt and a coconut bra with smiling faces painted on them. She stood at least 9 feet tall as her frizzy green hair brushed the ceiling, and her body was lean but muscled. It made her look like some kind of freaky island war goddess. "You needed somethin', boss?" she asked in a thick but vague islander accent.
"What... in the...?" Even Marshall's studies didn't bring up anything about this. The build and the outfit told him Exeggutor, but she was ridiculously tall even for the already monstrous pokegirl. He drew out his Pokepad and let the scanners run.
"Exeggutor - Alolan breed. The Palm tree pokegirl. The tropical sunlight they absorb allows them to grow to massive heights. Its large breasts are considered sacred in some ancient cultures. Grass/Dragon type."
"Alright... we can do this," Marshall managed to say with some confidence. Ekans, Poison Sting!" The smaller pokegirl grabbed more of her throwing needles, whipping them at Exeggutor. They stuck into her skin and clothes, but they almost seemed to vanish on the towering woman's dark skin. The island pokemon brushed them off casually and lumbered after her. Ekans sucked up and blew out another cloud of smoke, but Exeggutor swung a big hand that blew it away with the wind of her swipe.
"Well shit," Ekans hissed as she stared almost bored at the giant pokegirl.
"Ekans! Dig for it!" Marshall called. She wasn't one to fight head on anyway, but this matchup in particular. Ekans smashed a fist through the floor and dove under, kicking up dirt and gravel as she vanished into her hole.
"Exeggutor, give em an Earthquake!" The huge woman stomped the floor of the club, shaking it again and even knocking a few tiles loose from the floor. Ekans couldn't stay down for long with everything caving in, so she was forced to resurface. Unfortinately, her spot was right next to Exeggutor, who caught her by the hood and pulled her back out. "Now give her the Egg Drop!" The giant pokegirl bearhugged Ekans, who kicked and squirmed against her bulk helplessly before Exeggutor hopped into the air and piledrove her into the ground. The smaller of the two quickly fell limp as a ragdoll, Exeggutor tossing her aside callously towards Marshall.
"Not all my girls may be pretty, but they sure know how to fight," Isaac said with a smirk.
"You're wrong..." Marshall growled softly, running over to Ekans. He made sure she was just unconscious from the fight when she started to groan dizzily. Isaac looked at him quizically as Marshall continued to speak softly but surely. "Every pokegirl is sexy. The fat ones, the short ones, the flying ones, the ones with tentacles... they're ALL hot in their own way, and that's why I'm gonna get 'em all and show them that they're loved!" He recalled Ekans after his dramatic speech left Isaac speechless (and slightly confused), drawing one more pokeball. Isaac had said Exeggutor was his last pokegirl, despite the backup dancers around his club/dojo. That meant that Squirtle was even less useful than he'd planned, since both dragons and grass beat water. Mankey was a long shot in a physical fight with something so huge. Luckily, he'd just gone hunting the day before. It was time to make his late night trip pay off.
"Cofogrigus! Make em pay!" An aura of shadow burst from the pokeball as soon as the flash of light faded, the mummy pokegirl floating in the middle of it all.
"Another puny sacrifice," she chuckled haughtily before glancing back at Marshall. "Good evening, my pharoah. So good to see you."
"Heh. You didn't come ready for grass types, did ya kid?" Isaac chortled. "Time to learn why you should take us dojo trainers seriously. Use Coconut Guns!"
Exeggutor cupped her big breasts in her big hands, squeezing until the coconut bra fired its shells out like missiles. Her tanned breasts bounced into view as they soared in like rockets, complete with firey trails. Cofogrigus just smirked and yawned as several shadowy hands appeared from the darkness of the shady club and swatted the projectiles aside. They crashed into small explosions against the walls before flying back to Exeggutor, who caught them and popped them back onto her breasts. "Hoho! Great pharoah, I thought you'd summoned me for a real challenge," Cofogrigus gloated.
"So ranged is no go... get her with your Egg Drop!" A few more shadow hands sprang up from the ground, grabbing and slowing Exeggutor, but she powered through the spectral grip and grabbed onto Cofogrigus's bandages at her breasts.
"Use Shadow Clone!" Marshall ordered, and Cofogrigus grinned in her foe's face. She rippled for a moment before a dozen of her appeared around the towering Exeggutor, leaving her looking around in confusion.
Isaac gave a frustrated growl. "Just attack them all! Use Spinning Lariat!" Exeggutor threw out both of its long arms, punching through two of the illusions before she spun around, disappating them with a whirling strike. When she stopped, they were all gone but there was no sign of her mummy foe. Even Marshall had to look around before spotting her twirling casually around one of the stripper poles.
"So slow! And I thought I was the one who was dead here! Hohoho!" Cofogrigus haughtily laughed as she played around on the pole.
"You tiny little slut!" Exeggutor growled and hurled a table at her, but a wall of shadows appeared in front of her to shatter the piece of furniture. Marshall had scoured Pokepedia for strategies on her the night before and it was paying off quickly. Cofogrigus wasn't a terribly heavy hitter and couldn't take a punch, but she was a slippery foe with all sorts of evasive maneuvers. The bulky opponent like that would be kept running in circles.
"Now! Earthquake!" Isaac shouted, clearly getting annoyed himself. The giant pokegirl stomped the floor, collapsing the stage that Cofogrigus had settled on. She gasped and fell to the floor. "Now use Stomp!" The island pokegirl leapt high in the air, one of her massive feet ready to stomp down on top of the startled ghost.
"Quick! Use Shadow Wall to make a ceiling!" Marshall called. Cofogrigus gave a wave of her hands and a shadowy platform appeared above her, shaking but holding strong.
"Thank the gods for your misfortune," Cofogrigus grinned before the shadow wall shifted, snaking several of its inky hands from its surface and up Exeggutor's muscular legs. Her primitive attire left little to the imagination, and her eyes widened as the magical fingers probed into her nethers. Exeggutor stumbled, and it hardly took a slight push to topple her over onto the ruins of the stage she'd collapsed. She moaned and writhed as the shadowy hands rose higher, groping over her chest as well as they consumed more of her body.
"Fight back, bitch! Give her a Stomp!" Isaac ordered angrily. Exeggutor threw a kick out that knocked Cofogrigus back a few feet, but she kept weaving her shadows to manipulate her foe. The towering grass-type was jiggled and moaning as the shadow hands pinched and pulled on her nipples while fingering deeper inside the powerful pokegirl. She resisted as long as she could before giving a loud, deep howl and cumming over the club's floor.
Marshall pumped his fist excitedly as she wheezed for air, shaking her head pathetically as it made her breasts wobble around in the shadow's grip. "Do you yield, peasant?" Cofogrigus demanded, floating over her and out of her grip as she lounged in the air.
"I... I am a goddess," Exeggutor huffed weakly.
"I hold nothing sacred," Cofogrigus grinned. She raised one of her actual hands and clenched her fingers, making the huge and deep-voiced Exeggutor shriek as it made her shadow pinch on her clit.
"Alright! Fine!" Isaac snapped, withdrawing his last pokegirl rather than watch her squirm some more. Few things took the fight out of a pokegirl quite like a huge orgasm. "You win, kid."
"Yessss! So how's this work now?"
Isaac held out a hand and gestured for him to hand it over. Marshall realized he meant his Pokepad, so he passed it up to the pokepimp as he walked to the edge of the stage. Isaac typed in a few codes while Marshall recalled Cofogrigus and passed it back. "There. You're officially the owner of the Weed Badge. You've also proved yo'self worthy of accessing the Hyper Ball system."
Marshall opened his ID, seeing the indicative three-pronged leaf at the bottom. Not exactly stylish, but it was something. "Thanks, I guess... but what's the Hyper Ball system?"
"You know how you're only able to carry six pokegirls at a time?" Isaac pointed out. "You can switch what girls you have on your team at any time by linking the ball you want to your Pokepad. Give you access to your entire roster any time you want."
"Well shit..." He checked his belt and confirmed he still had a sixth pokeball that wasn't even used yet. He patted his belt proudly and nodded. "You heard him, girls. Let's go get us a bigger team.”


William Duan

Solid impressive work, really, really solid. Would love to see a Milotic v. Gardevoir sexfight since the two are genenrally considered the most beautiful pokemons


Gardevoir's pretty much gotta show up somewhere, just for how much stuff there is for her... I've got some direction for the next part to hit up the next gym, but definitely some catching on the way, so we'll see how that goes, and what pokemon people might want to see


Was there a part 1 that I missed or is this a prequel sort of thing?


Sweet, Lilligant got in. Too bad she didn't know quiver dance. Solid work as always


missed part 1 somehow! updating that one's tag to include "pokegirls" <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/pokegirls-8522348">https://www.patreon.com/posts/pokegirls-8522348</a>