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I want to share with you a sad notice about my personal life.

I had a dog named Ollie from 2010 until now, she was one of my most precious things on my life.

When she was young she had a very proactive life, she liked to go to the park and play a lot, running from one side of the park to the other one in some seconds, she had puppies a few times and she was very noisy since she was a Schnauzer and you could expect her to be barking for almost everything.

Unfortunately today 13 years later my family and I took the decision to put her to sleep, it was (as I think) the hardest decision on my entire life . At this point of her life she was blind, deaf, she had senile dementia, a big problem in her hip (due a problem on her ovaries years ago that increased her weight more than usual) and last days she was not even eating since she had no any power on her mouth to munch.

It has been very hard seeing her dragging her hind legs and leaning on the walls to not to lose her composture last months. She stoped being noisy and she started to emite some weak noises to let you know that she was there.

She depended only on her nose to know where the things or people  were and once she found something she just layed near to it to not to lose it again. Sometimes (due her sennile dementia) she thought she was young again and tried to run or jump but her legs didn't response as she want and it always concluded on her falling in the floor. But even in her last days she never stopped being indulged, she liked laying next to you and moved her head to get some petting (you can be there petting her for hours)

It was heartbreaking when a vet told us that her problems were chronic meaning that there was nothing to do but to see her being deteriorated day by day. We gave her some medicine to her ache for some weeks but it was expensive and its effectivity was just for 2-3 days.

In the end, after passing through a lot of things and seeing her state so deteriorated we took this hard decision.

Right now even if my family and I feel totally destroyed inside we know that we did a necessary decision for her. I know that right now she's resting and she might feel much better wherever she is. If there's a heaven for dogs I hope she's there running, jumping, barking, eating a lot of delicious things and being petted as she liked.

I know this is not related to my work at all and it might not be the site to do it but I wanted to share this experience with you since I feel that I can trust in you who trust in me and the things I do. Love you all and thanks for reading this to the end, a very resumed testimony about the 13 years I lived with one of my biggest treasures.



Dart Feld

Did you keep any of her pups?


my condolences, i know theyre like a family since they come to our life. She is resting now and stay in your most happy memories with her. Take your time to recover from this, we can wait for your artwork :)


Maybe draw a cute picture with her and yourself. That may also help you a bit. Either way, I hope you heal from this. Don't rush it. Grieve and let it out. It's a terrible occurrence but remember the great times. She wouldn't want you sad. :)


Right now there are many mixed feelings, I'm trying to be positive as much as I can and thanks to this kind of messages I think that I'll be able to endure ❤️


I'm sorry to hear what happened to Ollie. She is resting now with all the happiest memory she has with you and your family in paradise. I'll be sure that she wants to see your smile again in paradise so take your time to recover from this, I can wait for your artwork :3.


I’m so sorry to hear this, I hope Ollie found peace and happiness wherever she is.