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So you think I'm not flexible at all? I'll show you what can I do Commander ♥

I'll release a public preview tomorrow

You can get the full resolution Image (6K), the drafts, a bonus version, the lineart file (.JPG) and the source file of the Draft (.PSD) here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/anis-81055354


Just as I told you some days ago, I was about to finish this work sooner, I got a bit stuck since I didn't know if the can were going to be a beer can or a soda can. I think I gave too much time to think on it that in the end I decided to just eliminate the can. /(@゚ペ@)

For other side, as I've anounced in the Discord server I might give you some great news in some days. I just need to put in order some things (I'll finish it tomorrow ASAP) and once all is prepared I'll let you know.



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