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You seem to be in a hurry tabibito~

Our date is just starting ♥

I'll release a public preview tomorrow

You can get the full resolution Image (6K), the drafts, a bonus version, the lineart file (.JPG) and the source file of the Draft (.PSD) here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/eula-79303795


I must be totally honest, I thought that I was not able to finish this work on time and I'll explain why. 

Last week I was a bit ill, I had some stomach ache (I think it could be caused for some food that I didn't cooked correctly). This ache persisted for 2 days and once I got better I was totally confident that I would able to finish the Eula's artwork on February 29th... yeah, once I started working again was the moment that I realized that this month has 2-3 days less than the other months.

I don't know how, but I started working faster unconsciously and yesterday afternoon I was able to finish, I just needed to save the main images and the variants (I did it today). 

Tomorrow I'll do the usual post to give thanks to the supporters and to do a "review" of the works made in the month and to let the new supporters know the rewards of the month and get the link to those rewards.



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