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It's another end of the month and it means that is the Rewards time ٩(⸝⸝⸝◕ั ௰ ◕ั⸝⸝⸝ )و

But, first of all  I want to give some special Greetings to the patrons who supported me this month:

This month felt longer than other, this could be because compared to last month we have 3 more days. As I told you in a previous post last days I've had a small mental stuck, I'm pretty sure that you have had this same issue regardless the area in which you work. There are some times when you feel that everything you do is not enough or is  kinda meaningles and this is something that, depending on how you take it, can change the whole way you do things from that point on.

It usually happens to me once a year for this season, and this year it has not been the exception. Past years I've even thought on left all of this and do something else not related to this job, but this year is totally different. I feel like I'm going throught the correct way but I'm kinda missing something to progress more. I've improved a lot in my style, I do a lot of variants to all artworks I do and I'm improving in the speed I finish each work. At this point I must say that I feel proud of what I've done, but I still feel that I'm missing something.

That's why last days I've been so dispersed, thinking what could be this that I'm missing and I must say that this is not a bad thing at all, it usually happens when you are about to make some greater progress, In previous years It meant the change of the  way I work, the software I use, and recenlty the kind of rewards I give.

Right now, after reflexing a lot and seeing other kind of works from other artists I have some ideas that could let me to grow more. First one, I want to express better the scenes of my artworks, I've even thought on put some text to make a sequence taking advantage that every work has at least 9 - 10 variants in which I could tell a short story. 

Another Idea rounding my head is alike to last one but it could take a bit more time is to make some more doujins, I've had this idea for some time but I think that I could do it much sooner than I was expecting.

Another Idea rounding my head is alike to last one but it could take a bit more time is to make some more doujins, I've had this idea for some time but I think that I could do it much sooner than I was expecting.  I have some other Ideas like the dakimakura I want to do since the beginning of the year  or I even have thought on do some animation (This idea is projected to long term but is not imposible) anyway I am thinking too much things to do which I  believe that will make me grow. Wish me some luck because this year will be a roallercoaster to me.

Sorry for talking too much but I think that I needed  talk all of this with you to make clear all thinks I'm passin throught and for you to make a clear idea what could be happen in next months. After all it's thanks to you who see my artworks that I've been able to be here. (If you read all of this I must say that you are masochist, but I love you ♥).

After reading this bible...

Previews of March (2022) rewards:

- Kokomi: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/96807343
- Lumine: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/97068036
- Asuna: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/97232041
- Sirius (Draft): https://www.patreon.com/posts/sirius-draft-64495903

Here is what you can find on this month rewards:

  • $1 - KOUHAI:
Kokomi  -  Lumine  -  Asuna  -  Sirius(Draft):
-  Sketches and source files (PSD)
-  Full Resolution Image
  • $5 -  SENPAI:
Kokomi  -  Lumine  -  Asuna  -  Sirius(Draft):
-  All Kouhai Tier content
-  Full Process
-  Bonus Versions (X18~)
-  Images without background (PNG)
  • $10 -  SENSEI:
Kokomi  -  Lumine  -  Asuna  -  Sirius(Draft):
-   All Kouhai and Senpai Tiers content
-  Bonus Versions (X35)
-  Source Files (PSD)




Good luck Oniilus! I really like your art and seeing how it has progressed over the years, it would really suck to see you go if it happened anytime soon (of course it's your choice at the end of the day). About the story stuff, does this means that you want to move away from solo artworks? Your bibles are interesting reads! it provides insight. 😌


I wont stop doing solo artworks, but I want to add some variety in what I do, I think it could give some fresh air to my content and of course in what you will get