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A Halloween that I will remember in the Eternity? ♥

You can get the full sketch, variations and the source file (PSD)  on the Kouhai Tier


As I mentioned in previous post, I wanted to take some time to talk about the first Genshin Impact anniversary, the polemics, and what I think about what will come after it (Of course this is a completly personal opinion and you might differ from it).

I was waiting for some time while all of this get calmer, It's not a new that in those days the socials were literally on fire and a lot of things were said from the comunity and from Mihoyo, so personally I think that we must think coldly about the anniversary.

Mihoyo has commited some mistakes, mistakes that they could avoid, doing the things in the correct way from the beginning. 

After a lot of new and great content  given to us in versions 2.0 and 2.1(Inazuma islands, main story, new characters, and events with a lot of rewards) people were really hyped with the anniversary, but things became really weird when Mihoyo announces the contests. I mean that was a great idea to give some people special rewards and to publish more the game in the socials and comunity. But we were not getting no even one announce about the anniversary, it continued until the date of the anniversary and in the end all the comunity explode in the rage that almost all of us saw that day. 

Some Devs from Mihoyo got angry saying that in every gatcha game the anniversay is not celebrated in the exact day of the anniversary but some days after it and this words are not a lie, but you could avoid all of this rage just publishing in socials some messages like "we are preparing something big, wait for it" "something great is coming" or some messages that let the people know that you will not give us something on a specifical day. They just remained in silence publishing things about the contests and giving us more contests just for the 5% of the comunity to win something. An anniversary is to celebrate with all the comunity all the support they are giving you all the year not just to celebrate with a few of them and I think that this was the first and the biggest mistake 

For other side, as a gatcha gamer (I've already played some gatcha games like Granblue Fantasy, Fate/ GO, Azur Lane, Project QT,  Love Live! school Idol festival and even Honkai Impact 3rd) I can totally say that all of them don't celebrate the anniversary in the exact day but in the whole month,  giving a lot of rewards to all the players, including between 50 - 100 pulls on the gatcha banners, big discounts, special skins, materials, ingame events, or even a special character. 

We can take some excuses like "the game is kinda new, so you will not get all of this rewards", but it's not a secret that the enterprise was not interested on giving us more than the 10 free pulls that they gave us in the daily rewards and some resourses. More than that, it's really sad that they took the decision of giving us some content already prepared for another event without even apologize after all the censorship they did in the anniversary date.

Personally right now I'm calmer but really dissapointed of the bad management of the Devs in this important date, and it's really understable that some people had let the game after this.

Of course it concerns me since I've been working with a lot of their characters for my artworks since the game was published. 

Now for the future and after all this polemic I have not much hope in Mihoyo when it's about the special dates, they demonstrated that they are not interested on giving something really special to the comunity. Of course I will continue playing the game, it's a beautiful gamewith a great story, graphics and an excelent sound band. But I will think 2 or 3 times before spending some money on battle pass or moon blessings.

I want to apologize with all this text but I think It is important to give my opinion as content creator and part of the comunity and whats more, I think you should know what I think, because it doesn't mean that even when I'm dissapointed, I wont stop working with this game characters (at least not soon) because the love I have for it.

Thank you for reading all of this. Love you ♥



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