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Doing a review of my latest works I've noticed something.

The artworks I've done last months have now between 5 - 9 alternative versions differently to Jan - Mar when  I was doing between 3 - 4 alternative versions.

In some words it would sound really good but in those months I was doing bettween 3 - 4 works per month, now with more alternative versions of every work I've noticed that I'm doing just 3 works per month (sometimes I can do one sketch more before the month ends).

Im sure that in time I'll be able to work faster and do more artworks with more alternative versions, but while it happens I want to ask you 

What do you preffer? 

more artworks but less alternative versions or More alternative versions but less artworks? (take on account, it won't variate too much from what I'm doing right now since there's a difference of one artwork per month) 


As I told you I'll work in some pages from random short stories, I could do between 1 - 4 pages per work, and depending on how it goes I will consider on continue doing it in the future or just let the idea.

I was planing on strat doing it in the first September week but I think I'll do it on third september week to get more ideas and priorize some other content with all things that are happening on socials.

If you have some idea or you want to see a specific character(s) don't doubt on telling me  and I'll consider it.

Last but not least, I'll release rewards tomorrow as usual, as soon as I can.


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