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This time I have some notices and updates to talk about and It could be a bit extensive so I'll try to resume some ideas and I'll talk about some other in another posts

First 2020 half

This first half of 2020 is coming to its end. Therefore  I, as last year will create a new folder in which you will can find all my works from January to June of this year. It'll help new patrons and old patrons to get an easier acces to my content.

Doujin Pages

As all of you know, I'm currently working on some doujin pages, but I will not be able to release it with the rewards of June. Probably I'll be able to release it between July 5 and 10. 
I'm doing it because after you saw the drafts of the work, I don't want to release a work half finished. It would be awful not just to me but to you as well. I'll release some sneak images in some hours to let you know how it's going on.
Once it's finished I'll release it here ASAP for all my patrons and I'll think on an appropriatted date to release a free version to other public (maybe at the middle of the month or a bit later). I'm just thinking now how I will release it depending on the tier level, but I'll give more details about it very soon. 

2017 and 2018 Content

For last since I have some content which is not interesting or is not seen right now for people, I'm taking out some 2017 and 2018 content  from my rewards.
The content selected from 2018 which will be still accessible can be found in a special folder I made and the end of 2019. You can get more Information here: 
I'll do some polls next days to select the 2017 content which will still be available (If there's no images that take the interest of people all the 2017 content will be take out).
I'll do a special post and I'll pin it to the top of my page to make easy the access to my patrons to this rewards.

That's all for now. I'll release rewards in some hours so stay tunned to it. Thank you for reading all this post (If you did xD), I know there's a lot of thinks and I still need to talk about the taxes changes on the Patreon platform, but I'll do it on a different post.



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