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June has finished and I'm here to do a review of the works done this month


But, first of all I want to give some special greetings to the patrons who supported me during this month:

 June... at the beginning it seemed to be a good month but last 2 weeks (especially the last one) has been really hard.

I had to deal with a hacking attack that made me change all the links and add passwords to the new content, fortunately I found a easy way to make the links a bit more secure. I know it's not a deffinive solution but it's very useful while I found some other solution.

For other side, it seems (and it will sound very ironic) that someone has reported my facebook account on last days for DMCA and as I have read when it happens facebook removes all permissions and kick the administrator of the page, and yeah, in this case I have been kicked from my own page. Fortunately I have a friend as the second administrator so I already solved it.

It makes me think in how easy is to report and take out the control of a page in facebook and how easy some people is putting NSFW content without any repercussion and when I do it I just get banned for 30 or more days.

Shifting to more positive topics, next month will be very moved, there are a lot of games I want to work with, NIKKE (summer themed girls), ZZZ (new game and a lot of new waifus), HSR (step on me Jade), GI (There is not too much but is my main content).

Anyways I'll take tomorrow to rest and decide the next character and I'll be back working hard on July 2nd so you can expect the draft for the next work on that day or next day.

Review of June (2024) rewards:

- Furina - Bunny girl: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119593723

- Clorinde - Bunny girl: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119955410

- Firefly X Stelle: TBP

Here is what you can find on this month rewards:

$1 - KOUHAI:

Furina (Bunny girl)  -  Clorinde (Bunny girl)  -  Firefly X Stelle:

-  Sketches and source files (PSD)

-  Full Resolution Image

$5 -  SENPAI:

Furina (Bunny girl)  -  Clorinde (Bunny girl)  -  Firefly X Stelle:

-  All Kouhai Tier content

-  Full Process

-  Bonus Versions (X20~)

-  Images without background (PNG)

$10 -  SENSEI:

Furina (Bunny girl)  -  Clorinde (Bunny girl)  -  Firefly X Stelle:

-   All Kouhai and Senpai Tiers content

-  Bonus Versions (X103)

-  Source Files (PSD)



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