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This month has ended but it's still time to do a review of the works done


But, first of all I want to give some special greetings to the patrons who supported me during this month:

 looking back I think this was a good month. The Acheron image went really good and I think that the Mona image is one of my favorite I've done in some time. I might be exaggerating since Mona is one of my favorite characters and I got really exited with the outocome of this image. I don't want to exclude the Anis image since I was thinking in a very erotic pose for her and I'm very satisfied with the result.

I'm glad to have the opportunity to keep experimenting with every image, I can improve a lot what I do and still giving you more and better images.

For other side some people who are in the Discord server might had noticed about a conversation I had with another user. I was talking about the idea to introduce some text to the images and make some kind of CG (taking on account the quantity of variants per image). It might be usefull to express some things and give more live to the image (as you can see in doujins and CG made in this format).

But I have to take on account some important things to do this. First of all the quantity of variants per image, it would be hard to put text to each image and more than that, it would be very exhasusting. That's why it would be mor comfy to make less alt versions and let fly the imagination with the text.

There are some other things I've been thinking last days but I think I'll explain it better in another post to not to do this post much longer. If you have any idea, suggestion or question, you can always talk with me (if you can do it via Discord it would be much better since I'm always active there) I'm always open to receive your suggestions.

Review of April (2024) rewards:

- Acheron: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117792083

- Mona: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/118114239

- Anis: TBP

Here is what you can find on this month rewards:

$1 - KOUHAI:

Acheron  -  Mona  -  Anis:

-  Sketches and source files (PSD)

-  Full Resolution Image

$5 -  SENPAI:

Acheron  -  Mona  -  Anis:

-  All Kouhai Tier content

-  Full Process

-  Bonus Versions (X25~)

-  Images without background (PNG)

$10 -  SENSEI:

Acheron  -  Mona  -  Anis:

-   All Kouhai and Senpai Tiers content

-  Bonus Versions (X122)

-  Source Files (PSD)



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