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EXCITING NEWS! I had a talk with my boss, and he had a talk with the boss boss... and they gave me a different position at the dealership (I was in car sales) and brought me down to part time like I wanted! The position is called "Delivery Coordinator" which basically involves me going over the customer's new vehicle so they understand how it works before they leave the dealership. The job works out nicely for me because I actually get paid hourly with a small bonus for every car I go over. 

My new schedule now allows 3 or 4 days off with alternating Saturdays! Should help me with getting some projects finally wrapped up. For the first week or so, I think what I'm going to do is organize myself and figure out things I would like to achieve in the next half a year and give everything a sort of priority rating. That way I have clear goals that I can work towards. I might also utilize Trello more (yes I actually do have one). I also have a small tablet I got for an old job that I never really use anymore so I might figure out how I can use it for my art stuff. Maybe as my organizer or something. 

I want to thank you all for joining me on this ride while I transition to my full time art goal. My move out date for my apartment is towards the end of May and that's when I'll be fully transitioned to art. (that's the goal anyways). If any of you have any ideas or suggestions on how I can get organized or things I can do to improve the layout of my website or how I offer my content, LET ME KNOW. I'm all ears like a fennec right now <3




Wilco Whiteheart

No feedback, but good job man!! I still need to break into part-time/full-time work... Ecpensive hobbies and dreams dont pay themselves...: New PC Rally Car Sim Racing Gear Renting a place... The list goes on. But hey, good job, and good luck for the future!


If you have the time and the funds, I suggest get some plastic tubs with lids, they help with storage and I find that they hold up better than boxes when moving, and can stack better if you get a moving truck, or have to move on a rainy day. Best of luck


Lol I mean, a rally car would be pretty damn cool XD Thanks for your support!


Heck yeah. I have a couple of plastic bins but they can be expensive. Definitely keeping that in mind though, thanks! &lt;3