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Ominous title I know, but after seeing Smiley off back to Iceland for now, I think the crushing reality of my current situation has now weighed in. We agreed the time apart would do both of us good in the long run, but right now I'm not in a good place at all. 

I'm sorry again if work gets delayed or if I vanish for a week but right now I'm extremely vulnerable. Work may help take my mind off it, or I may sleep the days away. I'm not sure.

Either way I'll still keep doing my best to work on all the owed pieces of work. I'm sorry again about the delays. Know that in this time I'm still gonna make sure all of them get done no matter how long it takes.

Thank you for baring with me during this incredibly trying and honestly downright terrifying moment in my life. 

Love y'all.

- Kili



It's ok kili, take some rest. We can wait.

Rawk Manx

take it easy bud :(


Take it easy mate, hope you feel better soon. It's very tough but you'll get through it 💜


take it easy, friend


Time to rest

Emi Kasumi

Do what you gotta do, Kili! Put on some nice music and treat yourself to some takeout! I hope you start feeling better soon! ❤️


It'll be alright, Kili. Have as much you-time as ya need - we'll all be here to support and help ya out where we can. Stay strong, good buddy.


Take all the time you need bud, in these vulnerable times it's understandable to need to take easy, and i'm sure everyone will understand it too

Mecha Kaiju X

OOF I can relate to this mood! Take as much time as you need and don't sweat it if things are going a bit slow right now. Stay cool dude we believe in you ^^