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Firstly, thank you all so much again for your patience with me; there will be a slight delay on when things are going up so I made this new lil roadmap for you c: Hope you all are doing ok~

Tonight: Petal Pinup
Wednesday: Yvette Pinup and Glaceon lewds ( The Glaceon pieces Will be sketches but with a background etc kinda like THIS)
Thursday: Blue friend rewards
Friday: Sketch rewards
Saturday: Full colour reward
Sunday: Set reward

You guys are saints for dealing with me during this time where I'm everywhere with my art rn and I cannot thank you enough. 

I was actually thinking as a way of saying thanks I'd host a single stream at some point next month that would be patreon exclusive and take requests and sketch stuff for you all there as a way of showing my thanks. Would you all be interested in that? 

Take care for now!

With love,

- Kili 


Piano Boy

Sunday is the 31st, right? Patrons are only charged at the beginning of the month, right? I'm just worried cause I may not be able to pledge next month but I don't want to miss the set


Of course! And keep it up man we are always proud of you

Richie-Rich (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-29 05:07:02 A patreon stream sounds super fun! ;u; and we're more than happy to continue supporting you! take all the time you need <3
2020-05-26 19:43:10 A patreon stream sounds super fun! ;u; and we're more than happy to continue supporting you! take all the time you need <3

A patreon stream sounds super fun! ;u; and we're more than happy to continue supporting you! take all the time you need <3