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Well holy shit, we're at the last month in the year already eh? Christ something about this year made it go by immensely quick in comparison to previous ones safe to say this year hasn't been my best in terms of performance but we'll chat more about that during the end of year reflection! 

Oh also! Decline reminders: since sometimes peoples cards get declined in batches, please make sure things are sorted so you can get your benefits from the patreon c: 

This month is gonna be a flexing back into action for the holiday theme! And things are gonna get done much quicker as to meet a deadline of completion before Christmas, as I'll be away celebrating with my family until the start of the new year onwards. So that's good news for the reward tiers! Expect stuff to be uploaded before the 24th :D

The Polls will be starting much earlier too, as things will be happening quick this month. This means that the post to recommend characters for the polls will be going up later today


From me to all of you; I'll be making the character suggestion open to everyone for this holiday-spirit-filled month! 

Yup, that means everyone in the first 2 tiers are also free to welcome characters and ideas/themes for the pin up and smut polls :D 

Hope you all have fun with that and I cant wait to see what you all have for me to potentially work on! 

With all that said, I think it's time I get right back to work. My mental state has for sure been slowly improving to the point were I can work consistently again, but should anything happen I'll for sure be letting you guys know,

Let's end this year with a positive bang~

Take care of yourselves, guys! Thank you as always for the big big support; I honestly would be in a dire situation if it wasn't for your generosity.

With love,

- Kili


Emi Kasumi

Happy holidays Kili!!! 💕💕💕


Whoop whoop!!

Richie-Rich (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-29 05:07:27 Hell yeah Kili, happy holidays~! ;w; <3
2019-12-01 21:43:42 Hell yeah Kili, happy holidays~! ;w; <3

Hell yeah Kili, happy holidays~! ;w; <3