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Heya Guys! First apologies for the early monthly post, I know it's still the 31st in the American region but over here it's a good 3 hours into the month before Halloween! Spooky month is gonna be a blast and I can't wait~ 

Also! The Full colours for patreon are set to go up later, I messed up my thumb so couldnt work on the last one today and I wanted to post all 3 together rather than just 2 so I hope you understand!

Lots planned for this month! Mainly completing the NSFW comic for all your lovely eyes and reopening commissions! I also have a friend from the states visiting on the 7th so I'm super looking forward to that <3 

Sadly I needed to cancel going to MFF this year though. As I'm sure you all saw on my twitter, but for a TLDR: mental health isnt all there and I think making a giant trip like that into an area where I feel socially scared aint such a good idea rn. 

Hey; that means more time to do stuff for you guys though! c: So it isnt all bad.

Anyway I should probably sleep, haha. I hope you're all having a lovely weekend and that September treats you all super super well~ 

Not sure what kinda theme we should go for pinups but I guess we can save the themes for spooky month and just throw whatever characters we'd like on the polls :D

Thank you again, all of you, so much for the support~ and let's kick ass this month <3

With love,




Hell yeah Kili, let's have a great September!! 💖 Happy to keep supporting ya man ;u;

Emi Kasumi

Totally missed this post when it came out but YEE HAW SEPTEMBER 'w' ♥