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Oh god, is it already august?! TIME'S GOING TOO FAST, HELP ME. 

Hope you're all having a lovely summer so far! :D I managed to get my ass sunburned super bad when I went away for that week in brighton but I guess that just goes to show just how often I get a chance to spend time in the sun. 

Exciting things planned for this month!! For one, I still have those rewards to do for the end of this week and the start of next (ty again those who are in the reward tiers, your patience is so so generous~) but also this month I'll be continuing work on the nsfw comic!! 

I'll be gradually posting finished page after finished page here until it's entirety is complete c: Then after a bit I'll put it all up for the world to see! I'm nervous but super super pumped for you guys to see my first nsfw comic finished ;u; if it's received well you bet your ass I'm gonna do another one.

Anyways! Advisers, look out for the post tomorrow for sending me ideas and then all y'all look out for the polls coming this weekend! I cant wait to see who you'll all want me to draw for you this month :D 

Have a lovely rest of your week and keep on powering through! Friday is near, baby!! 

Love you guys~ Thank you so so much for the continued support throughout all this time, be you old or new to the patreon, you're helping me keep the lights on, keeping me fed and keeping me drawing and doing what I love and I can never NOT be thankful for all you do to help me <3 You guys are honestly the best 

With love,

- Kili 


Emi Kasumi