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Well well well, if it isn't the first of May! Back at it again with more JoCo references than you can shake a stick at. Hello! Can you believe we're nearly halfway through 2019 already?? YEAH. SHIT'S WILD.

I'm just here to wish you all the most loveliest of weeks and hope your month is super super lovely! This month Is gonna be very new to me as I wont be taking on any commission work as I'll be focusing on contracted art projects. Your small blue boy is getting a relatively cool sized piece to work on! :D 

It's only for this month, though; so commissions will be back in full force during June and naturally, rewards and polls here will still be going up as usual so dont worry about those being effected!

Also I made a new oc! Posted her to twitter c: Her name's Petal and she's a tired panda mom. Go say hi to her, she'd love to see you!! Maybe I'll include her on one of the polls this month, that is, if y'all would want that!

Right, time for me to get stuck into some more art. Hope you all have a lovely day and I'll be posting something for the Advisors tomorrow~

Have a lovely day!! And thank you all so much again for helping support me and keep me afloat~ I'd kiss you all if I could ; ; 

With love,

- Kili 


Emi Kasumi

Ooh, congrats on the contract! I hope everything goes well! 🌺