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So some personal going's on in my life lead me to delay my work for my own health and sadly it means the Easter set will be up tomorrow rather than today. I'm very sorry guys.

In related news; I'll be heading back into therapy ASAP due to everything that's been negatively effecting my head and incidentally my work output. So here's to that starting up again!

In the mean time; as an apology; here's a little Kili fox bun for a small easter sketch~

Much love, guys~

- Kili  





Adorable foxbun! <3 And don't worry, take care of yourself, that's what's most important. <3

Emi Kasumi

Aaa, what a cutie! Also It's Okay?????? Please take care of yourself Kili! Your health comes first, always! ❤️


Take care of yourself kili!