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So after several attempts at sketching followed by many angry words said to myself; I feel as if I might not meet this month's goal of the patreon lewd set. 

I try my best never to miss these and I recall it happening once before my first Christmas on patreon where I needed to miss out on a Lucario set; and I'm really sorry to say it seems like I can't meet the goal again this month. 

I took on a lot more work than I intended to this month; accepting 15 commissions rather than my planned 9, and with some of them being large pieces, it lead me to being far more exhausted than I usually am. This, naturally, is no excuse. I should've planned my time far better around the work and also stuck by my own word of only accepting so many. I guess I just have a fear of letting someone down who was looking forward to commissioning me. 

I'll still do my best to try and release it this month, or maybe at the beginning of April, but I don't think I can make any promises for time. 

I'm sorry if I'm letting anyone down with this news. I know the lewd sets are one of the things people really look forward to on my patreon and support it for the reason of gaining early acess to it. And while I did put out the Bastion set, I'm still sorry to disappoint you all with throwing the Pokemon lewds into what seems to be an unknown.

I'll do better next time, for all of you and for me. I'm sorry.

- Kili


Isaiah Herd

Don’t be sorry Kili! Take care of yourself and can’t wait till you can do it~! Well I can wait but we all understand! Good luck friend!


It is quite alright Kili


It's okay Kili, You work super hard for us and we all appreciate it so much! ;v; We understand it can be a lot ;3; You take all the time you need for your sets, we're not gonna rush you 💖

Emi Kasumi

These things happen!!! Please don't beat yourself up so much about it, it's okay! '^'


Don't blame yourself dummy. You work hard af no need to be sorry


Hey. You're alright Kili. You take care of you! Everyone's always learning, no matter what or when it is! We'll still be here to support you. You just keep being you. You're an awesome guy, and we know you always try your best! 💖💪✨


Dude if you took on a bunch more work than you usually do it's only natural that you might fall behind on other things, so dont worry to much about it!


You work hard, and a break is well-deserved. Even then, breaks are good regardless and it's better that you're healthy rather than over-extend and burn yourself out. No worries!

Timur Yazid

Disappointment is minor compared to someone being overworked, you just take care of yourself.


It's all a learning experience, even if we think we had everything figured out. What you can do now is focus how to prioritize on the following months. It's good to keep communication with your fans!

Karrie (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-29 05:08:10 Take care of yourself before your work, my friend! No one here'll blame you for it, it's okay! <3
2019-03-25 16:11:05 Take care of yourself before your work, my friend! No one here'll blame you for it, it's okay! <3

Take care of yourself before your work, my friend! No one here'll blame you for it, it's okay! <3