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Hey guys!

We're rolling up to the end of June and the start of a new month and I just wanted to end this one by saying thank you to every single one of you, once more~

The support from each and every one of you is something I just couldn't even being to describe in terms of just how much I appreciate it.

I never thought I would reach nearly the half-way goal so quickly but here we are and to say I responded emotionally would be an understatement, haha.

I'm happy to have you all here with me on this crazy patreon Journey and so far things seem to be working out okay! I'm keeping a good balance between this and my usual commissions to scrape by and it's something I'm so blessed to have.

Thanks to every single one of you I'm able to use the patreon money to almost pay for all of my rent!

I could spend paragraphs upon paragraphs saying all this but I truly am just an emotional blue boy right now so I'll just stick to simplicity to avoid sounding like a bumbling fool, haha.

Thank you all.

Thanks so much for the pledges, from 1 dollar to the highest possible amount one can spare. It means the world that you are all here to support me and my work.

I hope this place can keep growing and I can keep on pushing out some great work for you all!

You're fantastic, and I hope you have an amazing week

With Love,




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