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Hi my Patrons,

Here the TF idea 63 to 74.

Slots Complete!!



Two members forgot to send his/her TF idea... please, try to do it in a short time.


Why not a scene where kazumi takiura from devil lady turns into a devilman herself. this is supposed to be a comic version of episode 21 and 22.


I will open again slots when some ideas are complete or some member decline.


Basically it involves a lady knight templar with pink hair going to a village of werewolves, she arrives there all ready to do battle, but in their human form they cast a spell that reveals more and more of her true nature as she starts to change as do the people in the village. At first she's afraid to have her humanity stripped away slowly but surely as the pure knight she's identified as for so long starts to be stripped away for the werewolf underneath. She's sad and frightened by the transformation, and she actively tries to fight back against it but to no avail at the end she accepts her true nature as a gorgeous white wolf, she cries knowing that she can no longer return to humanity... but the werewolf villagers howl along with her. The final page occurs a long time later as she is running with her fellow wolves.