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Ginger starts to behave aggressively, grow hair from her wounds and sprouts a tail. Ignoring Brigitte's warnings, Ginger has unprotected sex with a classmate named Jason and kills a neighbour's dog. Brigitte and Sam agree that Ginger was attacked by a lycanthrope and is in the process of turning into one...


-Pages: 24 + 1 Cover + 2 Bonus pages
-TF: Werewolf / Multibreast
-Digital comic
-Only for adults ( 18+ )

-Idea by Locofuria copyright 2014
-Cover, Art and 2 Bonus pages by Bruno Díaz arqueart.deviantart.com/ www.mueganitos.com.mx/
-Colors by Akriel akriel.deviantart.com/ akriel.blogspot.com/



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