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So, I'm angling to end Volume Three soon. Now, by 'soon' I don't mean in the next two weeks, but more like... on this half of the year? I've stopped trying to forecast how long it'll take me to finish any part of my stories anymore. However, it's unlikely to happen in March, so April at the soonest. Maybe. 

I'm telling you all this because once i finish Volume 3, I thought i'd take a little break. I've been writing Demesne 3 times a week since 2021, which... well, thank you all for keeping me employed! However, in that time, I've started having... urges. At first I've tried to suppress them, sate them by writing little notes,  but they've been growing. 

I... want to write new stuff. 

it's not that I've gotten tired of Demesne. I still have a lot about it I want to write, like [SPOILER] and [SPOILER] and [SPOILER]. But i have ideas i want to write or at least test the waters on, and I have to finally admit I won't have the time for that while writing Demesne. 

Also, i kinda still have to put Volume 1 of this on Amazon...

So, once I finish volume 3, I might take a short break from Demesne to write other stuff. Most easily, i can restart Nightmaerangers again, finally finish the climactic arc. I can get room to really start that Magical Girls V Cultivators story. 

If i can get into the swing of writing something else, I'll hopefully be able make it a regular work, and Demesne would have to be reduced down to twice or even once a week. Thats the hope, anyway. 

Also, I should probably give up all hope of drawing Lori's character art myself and simply just commission it. My drawing isn't what it used to be, and it wasn't very good back then,  either. 

If I decide to finalize these plans, i will of course let you all know. 



I like Demesne because of Lori. Make another character like her and I'll read anything you post :)

Kitty kat

Twice a week is fine haha, once a week is.... we'll I can't really demand more but don't do it on Friday! Hahaha