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Hello, everyone!

It's the end of the year, and I'd like to thank everyone who's supported me this year by subscribing! it's thanks to you all that I can write full time.

Now, back in the middle of the year, I took a month off to prepare the first book of Demesne to publish in Amazon. And... well, I still need to prepare some more. Holes need to be patched, extra stuff written, art commissioned... people talked to to commission that art... I wish I had a Rian...

So, anyway... yeah, I'll probably be spending this month to either resting or getting book 1 pushed further into completion.

You know what's funny? All the stuff I've already written... in my head, it's supposed to be the material for the FIRST book of this series. To be exact, we're only about 2/3rds of the way through what i had originally conceived of as the first book.

No, it's NOT because of the engineering stuff. I simply underestimated how much story had to be told. Admittedly, the originally idea didn't have Taeclas and Lidzuga showing up, but I can hardly blame them.

So, look forward to more story, and hopefully I can get the ebook out next year. Thank you for your support everyone!

P.S. If I do manage to get out a Patron exclusive, it'll probably be Mikon harem stuff, I know I've been ignoring her.

EDIT: Ah, I forgot to mention, last story post of the months is on the 15th, after which i go on break. Ypdates resume on January 8th. It's a bit longer than usual, but I need the time to recover from Christmas and... well, everything else I mentioned.


Justin Case

I was wondering what happened to your effort to sell part of this on Amazon. I didn't realize you'd been able to move to being a full time writer though. What's the period of your break this time? I don't recall you saying when it would be from and until? You would need to write a lot differently for this to be 2/3rds of a book. Books are usually like 100-200k words.


Yeah, i GROSSLY underestimated how long it would be. Or how much I'd write. one or the other.

Kitty kat

Thanks for letting us know! I'm stoked that you get to do this full time, you're an incredible author and deserve to let that talent shine! Lolilyuri is such an interesting character with an unusual view of the world and you capture that so well, I'm glad you are remembering to take breaks and not short-change yourself on the time needed to recharge after holidays, its a very important part of staying true to your stories.