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So, this isn't the usual poll. I want to leave this month's Patron Exclusive chapter open. However! I'm at something of a crossroads.

As you all know since you've been reading Demesne, we're about to add to Deadspeakers to the cast. Now, I've committed a writing... well, not cardinal sin, but really annoying thing. I've come up with multiple character possibilities, and like them all equally.

So, this weekend only, I'm offering everyone the chance to try and vote on what kind of new characters we're going to get! As such, I'll leave you all with a vague description of each new Deadspeaker, as well as the story baggage attached to them, and let you all vote over who seems more interesting. I don't promise to adhere to the results of the poll, but it will heavily factor in my final decision.

Now, presenting out new characters!

Option 1 is an older person (late 20, early 30s or so?), with a spouse and child. They're basically a tired salaryperson who has the option of either going with sure, reliable thing of a new job or accepting Rian's recruitment offer. They're tempted by the promise of a rent-free home and other amenities.

Option 2 is a cheerful young person (mid 20s or so), married but no children yet, who is a skilled Deadspeaker but works a little too slowly for the constantly rushing world of carpentry. However, their Deadspeaking is high-quality as a result, and they're thorough in their work. They're a bit reluctant to uproot themselves, since they have a lot of friends in the neighborhood they live in, but Rian considers them an almost perfect recruit.

Option 3 is an industrious young person (also mid 20s or so) who is the sole bead-winner of their family, and has three cousins they have to take care of. Their uncle and aunt died recently, leaving their cousins a little traumatized, and so they haven't been able to hold regular hours at a job since they've been taking care of said cousins.

Option 4 is skilled young Deadspeaker (around Rian's age) who is a part of the Mysteries of Alknowledge, and has been saving up beads to move out to a demesne far from Covehold. This is so they can continue the adventure they've always wanted, which is to start scientifically cataloging the local flora and fauna of the new continent, which they can't really do in Covehold because of industrialization. They're the most enthusiastic after hearing Rian's recruitment pitch. They also have a sibling.

There's more to their character than that, but those are what I could reduce their characters into. Vote on who seems most interesting for you! In addition, please leave a comment saying what you think!

EDIT: Thank you all for participating, especially all your comments. I've fond the comments very helpful. I'll probably use 4, but I need to  think of the other one some more. In this, the comments are a big help as I judge which one I want to use. 



Perhaps Lori's fears come true when Rian returns with all four?


There are many reasons that won't work, but on a practical story level... They won't all fit in the boat.


Option 1. I want to have more world-building and think that POV of experienced workforce will better reveal and contrast life of an average wizard on the old continent. Admittedly, I tended to skip over Patreon specials designed exactly for that as they felt too distracting from the main story. With a more relatable character, the exposition might be comfortable.