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A bit belated, but yesterday I’ve started writing Volume 3. Expect it on June 2nd, my time. 

Editting for all the written parts of the first volume is done. Realistically, I should give it one last read to check for typos (there‘s always another typo), so…. Anyway, I still have to write 3 new chapters, some scenes that need to be added because of the editing (mainly having to do with better clarifying Lori’s building speed in the early parts of the story, since as the story went on her building speed got slower due to me putting in more ‘realism‘ factors. 

Also still need to figure out illustrations, which will mean actually trying to draw Lori so whoever I hire has a frame of reference. 

Speaking of which, can any of you suggest possible illustrations for volume one? Besides the map, all I can really thing of that would be cool to draw is Lori seeing a dragon for the first time. 

So, in conclusion, while the publication of volume one is a bit slowed down, though I can hopefully release it in June, new chapters will resume as planned on the usual MWF schedule. Thank you for your support and see you all then!



Scene ideas: angry Lori Rock drowning unfazed Rian. Lori cheating at seeling. First game of sunk with umu/mikon. Discovering Happy fruit. The interrogation of the riverfront refugees "do you play music after sundown?"

Justin Case

Will the book chapters appear on patreon or will I need to buy the book too? It is still weird how Lori's construction speed got progressively slower when I expected it to get faster as she got used to the raw power she could throw around as a dungeon binder. In particular the dike should have been real fast as just something she could throw a ton of power at. Have you revised down her talk of the infinite power of a dungeon binder to match the much lower power it actually conveys? For pictures, a picture of Coldhold might be nice. I'm not really clear on how big it's supposed to be. A picture of Covehold might also be interesting just for a perspective on what Lorian might come to be.


The book chapters won’t be put up here. As to her construction speed, it’s been adjusted to reflect to be more in line with the ‘Quick, good, cheap, pick two’ principle. Infinite power doesn’t mean infinite skill.