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Hey everyone!

So, to keep you guys up to date on the progress of the revisions, I'm about a little under halfway through. 45% at the very least. Unfortunately, this doesn't include the Patron Exclusive segments that I have to space around as interludes, and some chapters where I have to rewrite some whole new stuff to fix some Early installment Weirdness. And that's not counting the ebook-exclusive segments i want to write that aren't just rewrites but actual new segments.

All in all, it's looking unlikely I'll be able to release the ebook this month as I planned, though I can probably finish the edits in that time. And I still haven't been able to commission the art I wanted. However, the process IS coming along, just not as quickly as I hoped. Many, Casualfarmer makes this stuff look easy...

However, when I get all the edits done this month, it's mostly downhill from here (he said, cursing himself). Hopefully at the very worst, the book can come out next month instead.

All that aside, at my current rate, I'm all set to come out of hiatus as planned, with the first part of volume 3 to come out on June 2nd for everyone here on Patreon. I was afraid I'd have to announce I'd need to throttle back updates to only twice a week, but happily it seems like that's not necessary right now, though I might go that way if anything schedule-ruining happens. In which case, I'll tell you guys as soon as I can, and try to minimize the amount of time I have to do it. However, all this means there will be no Patron Exclusive chapter for May. Sorry, everyone.

So, to recap, my things left to do include:

  • edit the other half of the book.
  • edit the Patron-Exclusive segments
  • Commission artwork, at LEAST a new cover (meaning I need to sketch out the cover's layout...). And yes, I will TRY to sketch out a map, but frankly I suck at those, so no guarantees...
  • Write some ebook-exclusive segments

At least the book won't have the same problem where readers think that Rian is an isekai, which is just wrong and very silly. That's mostly been a product of the forums and conversations.

Volume 3... well, will hopefully get around to letting me do things I've been wanting to do. With the foundations set by the first two volumes, I'm almost free to handwave some stuff happening in Lori's demesne. Additionally, I've learned my lesson. I'll start editing volume 2 gradually, so that I don't stress myself with a short time frame.

I'd like to thank you all for sticking with me and this project. I originally (I was delusional!) thinking of starting a new series during this break, the Magical girls vs Cultivators one (DELUSIONAL!), but between lack of time, dissatisfaction with the introduction chapters I've written so far (the magical girl intro chapter has been rewritten FOUR TIMES), I've decided there's no rush.

Sadly, I was also unable to restart Nightmaerangers, but I've decided to give it a reread and see if I can at least end the current volume this year. I know that people aren't as into it, but it's like in the last 90% of the arc! I just need to end it...

Anyway, thank you all for your support, and see you all in June!


Justin Case

So I have a question about the billing pause. Patreon normally bills at the start of each month. But when you have billing set to resume on May 29th will it bill for the month of May at that point and then bill again on June 1st? Because if that's the case we'll have ended up paying for the month of May anyway. Will patreon not be getting the new ebook segments? Also why is this the 9/6/23 update? It was on May 8th or maybe 9th for your time zone. But May is the 5th month.


No, it will bill only for June. Basically, all billing is pushed to the next month. The date is a typo.