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So, a reminder that the last update of Volume 2 will drop this Friday, and that I will be pausing billing on Sunday as I get to work editing Volume 1 for publication to Amazon... and get new cover art... and get internal illustrations. 

I know I'll have character half-bodies of Lori, Rian, Karina and the girls, and I'd like an illustration of Lori seeing the first dragon of the story (if the artist can manage it), but do you have any suggestions for scenes in Volume One (Everything BEFORE Rian goes to Covehold) to have illustrations of? Right now I can't think of any more, but that will probably change as I essentially reread the entirety of Volume 1 for the editing. 

Volume 3 will hopefully resume in June, though the first few weeks might be low-output as I get back into the swing of things. See you then!



Last one, and there hasn't been a major climactic event recently (Shanna's ploy feels so long ago)? Oh dear, is it time for a plot twist cliffhanger? Edit: oh right, Rian got laid. I forgot.


And there was also the thing with the metal alloy they weren't expecting?

Justin Case (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 10:32:22 I would suggests a map of what the settlement looks like as an illustration. I've wanted one so much.
2023-04-27 17:25:26 I would suggest a map of what the settlement looks like as an illustration. I've wanted one so much.

I would suggest a map of what the settlement looks like as an illustration. I've wanted one so much.