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"We need to talk," Rian said as soon as they were all back in the house.

"About what, Rian?" Mikon said as she started to undo her blouse.

Rian—he wasn't her man, their man, yet, not realy—made a gesture that encompassed everyone in the room. "About us. This. The four of us—um, Mikon, could you please keep your clothes on for a moment? It's very distracting." And he was staring up at the tops of the walls again.

Rian exchanged mildly exasperated looks with Umu and Erzebed, even as the other weaver stopped undoing her own blouse. Erzebed, for her part, didn't stop taking off her boots and socks as she smirked. "Rian, you've already seen us all naked. There's no point in being bashful now."

"I know that, but I don't want to be distracted. Please? If we don't talk about this now, we won't be able to for another five days."

Erzebed counted on her fingers. "So you don't think we'll be able to talk about it when you get back from the Forks?" Her smirk grew, and Mikon found herself smirking as well. Even Umu let out a smiling blush, which Rian matched, even as he continued to stare fixedly up at the walls

"I think we all know the answer to that," Rian said. "Please. I think this is something we all need to discuss now. I mean, sure, we could just ignore it and continue on as we've been every night that we can—" Umu buried her face in both hands, making a quiet, keening sound, "—but if we're going to… be together like this… then I think we should talk about how we want this to work."

"You've already shown you know how this works, Rian," Erzebed said, still smirking. "A lot better than some bellboys I know."

Rian blinked. "What, really? Shouldn't they be better? I mean, they do it for a living…" He shook his head hard. "No, no, not getting distracted! We need to talk. Important talk. Please?"

"Of course we can talk Rian," Mikon said, trying to be both gentle and firm at the same time.it was a lot harder than her aunts made it seem when trying to wrangle her and her cousins. "If there's something you think is so important, then we should discuss it." She looked toward Umu and Erzebed. "Don't you agree?"

For some reason, Rian grimaced slightly, and actually looked down to look at Erzebed and Umu directly. "Look… I'm not going to force you. If you don't want to talk, then just say so now, we'll all get naked, continue the night like we were going to, and I'll try again in five days. But I think it's really important we talk about this. Please?"

Erzebed's smirk finally relaxed, and she got a thoughtful look on her face. "How long will this take?"

"I don't know. If you all think it's not worth talking about after I explain, I'll drop it and we can move on. Otherwise…" Rian shrugged. "It might be a while."

"You can lie down on my lap while we talk so you're comfortable, Riz," Mikon offered brightly.

Rian glanced at her, looking mildly exasperated. "No napping, please."

"But I can lie down?"

"Yes, just don't fall asleep."

"All right then," Mikon said, nodding. "Umu, will you help me lay out the bedrolls so we can sit on the bed?"

"Only if you put on your blouse back on first."


Once the bedrolls were put in place, and then the fire had been tended to since they'd left it banked, everyone sat—or in Erzebed's case, lay down—on the bed. Mikon sat at near the head so she could lean back while Erzebed lay down with her head on Mikon's lap. Predictably, if sadly, Umu sat across from her at the foot of the bed. Despite the fact they had all been intending to disrobe and do carnal things with Rian only a short time ago, the blonde weaver was sitting primly with her blouse sealed up to her neck, and even her bare feet covered were by the hem of her skirt.

Rian was settling himself at the other corner of the head of the bed, his feet also bare as he crossed his legs beneath him, letting out a sigh of relief when he leaned back. "Aahhh… all right, so… I don't know a good way to start this, so I might as well say it." He turned to look at Mikon. "Mikon, you keep flirting with Riz, Umu and me and pushing us all to be together. I think need to talk about that before things progress any further." He glanced down towards Erzebed in her lap, whose eyes had snapped open at those words, and then towards Umu. "Unless you two think it's not worth talking about?"

Inside, Mikon flinched a little when the feeling of Erzebed's head on her lap disappeared as the other woman sat up. She'd been hoping everyone would continue to not really speak about it, but… well, if someone like Binder Lori noticed what she was doing, then of course Rian would as well. Why had he decided to speak of it now?

"No, we need to talk about that!"  Umu said. "I don't care when you're trying to seduce Riz, if you manage it I'll be happy for you two, but lately you've been getting… touchy… with me!"

"She's not seducing me," Erzebed interjected.

"Oh please, she's been all over you when we're going to sleep, and you let her!"

"That doesn't count! It's just keeping warm while sleeping, that's normal!"

"Is it normal to let her rest her chest on your face when she's kissing Rian?"

"It's either that or move, and if you think I'm going to move—"

"All right, all right, no needed to get heated," Rian interjected, trying to be soothing. "There's no need to argue about all this when Mikon can just tellus why. I'm sure she has her reasons." He hesitated. "And while you might have issue with some of her actions… it was her idea to get naked, and…" He coughed, looking away and towards the floor. "I think we'd all be lying if we said we didn't enjoy what happened because of that." One hand reached towards the shelf above the bed, grabbed his pillow and dropped it down on his lap in a rather silly attempt to conceal how hard the memory of it was making him.

Mikon, more used to carnal matters, merely smiled and shrugged, while Umu buried her face in both hands again, her blush clearly visible on her exposed cheeks.

Rian coughed again. "So, uh, let's not give Mikon a har—bad time because of it." He turned to face her. "That said… I'd still like hear why."

"Does it matter, if we all enjoy what's come of it?" she said. Mikon knew it was just a way to buy time.

"Would you be able to keep enjoying it if you're always worrying it'll just fall apart?"

Mikon flinched. Then she frowned. "Is that why you're asking? You're afraid we're all just going to leave you?"

Umu and Erzebed looked surprised as they turned to look at Rian, who shrugged and actually managed to look bashful. "I think I've made it clear that I feel any one of you is far too good for me, let alone all of you. And admittedly, uh…" He looked down at the pillow on his lap. "Yes, I do enjoy it, so… I know it's selfish to bring it up because of that, but I…" he coughed and looked away again, "I… do…want us to keep doing it. But Mikon…as much as I acknowledge that what you've been doing pushed us to this point… I'm worried if we don't actually talk about what you're doing, it will also push us apart."

They all sat in silence, the only sound the crackling in the fireplace.

"If it helps," Mikon said slowly, staring down at her hands. She didn't have the courage to look at them as she spoke. "I don't hold it against you for being selfish. If wanting to continue to sleep with us is selfish… then I suppose I'm as selfish as you are."

"Huh, she's actually admitting it," Erzebed said, sounding surprised.

"So you planned all this?" Umu said heatedly.

"It wasn't really planned. I had a goal and I saw a way to reach that goal. And there were other, smaller opportunities along the way."

"And what goal was that?" Rian asked.

Mikon turned towards him with a smile, and if it was slightly nervous… well, she was. "I wanted the three of us to sleep with you."

There was a moment of silence.

"Wait, that was what you were doing?-!" Umu exclaimed. "All that shameless flirting with both Rian and Riz a-and me, and it was all so the three of us would sleep with Rian?"

Rian winced, looking at the walls. "Not so loud, please?"

"How does all that leaning on me and the sudden hugs and the… the random kissing on the cheek supposed to lead into sleeping with Rian?" Erzebed retorted, but more quietly.

"Well, would you be comfortable sharing a bed and Rian with women you weren't willing to at least do those things with?" Mikon said, smile bright and much more confident. She took a deep breath. "So… it's a bit late, but… Umu, Erzebed… would the two of you like to be friends with me?"

They stared at her.

"You want us to be friends," Erzebed said, voice flat in a very Binder Lori way.

"You want us to be friends?-!" Umu exclaimed.

Rian frowned. "Why do you need to ask them to be friends? Aren't you all friends already? I mean… I don't see why Mikon would let Riz nap on her lap or Riz being comfortable napping there if you two weren't friends. And you and Mikon are always together when you're working on weaving. And… well, the three of you ares-sharing me… you're telling me you all did that without being friends?"

Umu and Erzebed hesitated, actually glancing at each other before they seemed to realize what they were doing and looking away.

"We don't always get along," Erzebed said.

"So? Arguing and being competitive and teasing each other doesn't mean you're not friends. My brother and his friends did that all the time, it was their way of having fun with each other. Uh, admittedly, they never slept together... at least, not that I knew of…" For a moment, Rian made the same face Binder Lori did when she mentioned her mothers flirting and shuddered. "So! Even if you don't think you're friends… from where I'm standing, you seem well on your way there."

The two of them stared at him. "I don't think it's as simple as that, Rian…" Erzebed said.

"Friends don't go after the same man," Umu asserted. "They support their friends and help them!"

"Like helping them sleep with their man?"

"Yes, exact—that doesn't count!"

"If you say so…" Rian said. "And I might be biased as the man in question… but if that doesn't count… what does?"

Umu looked away, a stubborn expression on her face.

Rian turned towards Erzebed. "What about you, Riz? You don't think you're friends with Mikon and Umu?"

Mikon saw Erzebed glance at her, than back at the still averted Umu, then shrugged almost carelessly. "Well… I don't really have anything against you two. Not really. And… well, I suppose flirting with me isn't so bad. Just don't expect me to let you go too far."

"Don't worry, Riz," Mikon assured her with a smile. "I won't go any further than what you're fine with."

"Good. And if you tried…" Erzebed stretched her arms up, and they all saw the lean, cordlike muscles on her arms.

It made Mikon smile a little wider. "Well… do you want to say anything, Rian?"

For a moment, Rian looked at her. it was… slightly unnerving. It wasn't the shy, embarrassed and lustful expression when shewas naked, or the earnest, attentive face he showed to people when he was talking to them about what they needed, or the almost fond look he got when he and Binder Lori were discussing things over their meals. It was a dark, piercing look, as if he was seeing through her…

And then he closed his eyes briefly, his shoulders relaxed, and he was the Rian she knew again, the one who was both so innocent as to blush from her simply starting to undo her blouse but could do that with his tongue… and his fingers, oh, his fingers… "I think that's all that can be said for tonight. Unless there's anything else?" He looked around, but Mikon and Erzebed just shook their heads. Umu did so as well, her face still averted. "All right then…" Rian looked down, twiddling his fingers. "So, I guess we should go to sleep now and—"

"I thought we were going to get naked?!" Umu exclaimed, finally looking up again.

And now Rian was back to being shy and looking away. "A-are you sure? I mean, after what we've just talked about—"

Umu scuttle across the bed and practically threw herself at Rian, her mouth seeking his, trying to undo her blouse one-handed as her other arm wrapped around his shoulders.

"Tah, don't get ahead of yourself!" Erzebed said, crawling towards the two of them.

Mikon made room at the head of the bed, and started to undo her blouse.

It would be their third night together, and she was looking forward to when she could lose track of how many times it's been.

Perhaps this time Rian would actually use his manhood all the way to the end.



Hooray for (probable) friendship! >to be both gentle and form at the same time.it was form -> firm >been hoping everyone who continue to not really speak who -> would (?) >can just tellus why >Wait, thatwas what you were >of you ares-sharing me >expression when shewas naked spaces missing (after: tell, that, are, she) >"So planned all this?" ->So you planned

Justin Case (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 10:32:23 >One had reached had->hand >I saw an way an->a I'm a bit confused about Mikon's goal being the three of them sleeping with Rian since I thought previously even in her interludes she was intending to seduce all of them. Riz's comment about Mikon actually admitting it was funny though. Riz and Mikon at least have seemed like friends for quite some time. Their relationships with Umu are still a bit more rocky though. Based on Mikon's thoughts, sounds like Rian really is very good at sex.
2023-04-25 17:36:37 >One had reached had->hand >I saw an way an->a I'm a bit confused about Mikon's goal being the three of them sleeping with Rian since I thought previously even in her interludes she was intending to seduce all of them. Riz's comment about Mikon actually admitting it was funny though. Riz and Mikon at least have seemed like friends for quite some time. Their relationships with Umu are still a bit more rocky though. Based on Mikon's thoughts, sounds like Rian really is very good at sex.

>One had reached had->hand >I saw an way an->a I'm a bit confused about Mikon's goal being the three of them sleeping with Rian since I thought previously even in her interludes she was intending to seduce all of them. Riz's comment about Mikon actually admitting it was funny though. Riz and Mikon at least have seemed like friends for quite some time. Their relationships with Umu are still a bit more rocky though. Based on Mikon's thoughts, sounds like Rian really is very good at sex.

SCM2814 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 10:32:25 ->I'm a bit confused about Mikon's goal being the three of them sleeping with Rian since I thought previously even in her interludes she was intending to seduce all of them. Naturally, she's omitting her full intentions.
2023-04-26 02:47:48 ->I'm a bit confused about Mikon's goal being the three of them sleeping with Rian since I thought previously even in her interludes she was intending to seduce all of them. Naturally, she's omitting her full intentions.

->I'm a bit confused about Mikon's goal being the three of them sleeping with Rian since I thought previously even in her interludes she was intending to seduce all of them. Naturally, she's omitting her full intentions.

Lucy Severine

Honestly I'm pretty annoyed at Mikon here. This feels pretty... Manipulative? It's one thing to not show all your cards when no-one seems ready for it, but it feels very different if they're explicitly trying to sit down and have a conversation about boundaries and you're explicitly underselling what your goals are

Lucy Severine

Like, yes, maybe Riz and Umu aren't ready for that yet, but they deserve to be treated with enough respect to let them make those decisions for themselves, even if it causes strain in the short term