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So, this month's Patron Exclusive is in the can. Normally, I'd post it ASAP, but this chapter is sort of a direct continuation of another chapter that's still to come out, so I've scheduled it to release on Tuesday the 21st (my time) so it comes out AFTER that chapter. I hope you enjoy it.

Just a reminder, there will be no updates from the 27th until April 10th, because of my break crossed with IRL stuff. The April Fools chapter will still come out on schedule (my time), though given the time difference it will likely come out before April for some of you.

This volume is definitely coming to a close soon, and I intend to FINALLY take the time I need to get the first volume ready for publishing and sale, get illustrations done, etc, I'd decided that instead of going full hiatus I'll throttle it down to a slightly longer chapter a week, and hopefully the stars will align and I can revive the Nightmaerangers from their deathlike sleep in dread Ry'leth to terrorize the world once more, as well as get started on that Magical Girls V Cultivators thing.

For those interested in that, details and discussion can be found here, For those who haven't heard, the short high concept is "Magical Girls V Cultivators culture clash as they occupy the Dark Kingdom/Demon Lands after the latter raided them both in an unprovoked first contact attack."  The LONG high concept is: Cultivators by way of Dark Souls and Unseen University, and Magical Girls by way of Bloodborne and Nanoha have just finished a war as victors, and do a Berlin Wall on what was once the capital of the hegemon of the Vampire, Werewolf, Dark Elf, etc early modern war-happy Europe Dark Nations. The Cultivators and Magical Girls are wary of each other, because the FIRST thing they saw of each other was high level members of both tearing apart the battlefield against their then-mutual enemy. BOTH sides have to work together to occupy and pacify a continent filled with countries full of very old grudges and alliances. And of course, there are people who don't like the fact they're occupied, while others have just want to not draw the attention of the new overlords, the same way they didn't want to draw the attention of the previous ones. Also, this war and occupation has caused some things to slip in their respective home countries due to lack of manpower, Magical Girls and Cultivators, so Dark Magical Girls and Demonic Sects are on the rise, trying to take advantage of the current circumstances.  I figure with that concept, I can take it anywhere. Counter-insurgency investigations, politics and various flavors of face-slapping, magic R&D, some kind of Chosen One prophecy, lots of fights, slice of life cuteness as a Cultivator, a Magical Girl, and a Dark Elf compare each other's brothels, er, cuisine...

I intend to write several chapters that will be released here first (hopefully you all like it), then a staggered release on RR and Spacebattles as usual. At the very least, two Demesne (Volume 3) and one Magical Girls v Cultivators (Season 1) a week is likely once I get things started up. Or maybe one Demesne, one Magical Girls v Cultivators, one Nightmaerangers a week. We'll see.

Please give your thoughts on this schedule, the new story coming up, the old story hopefully coming back, and the current story in progress in the comments below! don't forget to like, subscribe, and ring that bell to receive notifications and as always thank you for watching this video! I'm SCM2814, you can't follow me on twitter @SCM2814 because I don't have one, and we'll see you tomorrow when the next chapter of Demesne pops up!

PS: please fill out the poll below on what you'd generally like to see more of in future Patron Exclusives.



My Demesne withdrawal is going to suck but the artworks will be sweet.


Will we finally get a ... locks at his rock... Ylian PoV?