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Hi, everyone! Just here to update you all about the coming month and then some. 

First and foremost, unless something happens, I will be on break on the last week of March AND first week of April due to a combination of IRL matters. I know I usually take only a week off, but... well, circumstances. Break will start March 27th, and posting will resume April 10th,  my time. The Patron Exclusive Chapter and and April Fools chapter will come out on schedule, or at least that's my intent. It will depend on the internet situation. 

Secondly, Demesne Volume 2 (which I have to think of a name for) will hopefully be coming to a close. I hope to get it wrapped up before the break, but... well, I know how I write. At which point, I might put the story on hold to either finally get Nightmærangers back on track and finished, or go over Volume 1 so I can get it up on Amazon. 

If I don't put the story on hold, I might slow down the posting schedule, as I need a change of pace. Most likely, I'll start a new story, which will be either the Magical Girl Mecha Pilots Fighting the Kaijuu Apocalypse one, or the Magical Girls V Cultivators one. 

Either way, there will continue to be new content for patrons as I start commissioning artwork for the inside of the book (and probably a new cover). 

As to Volume 3, I'm debating changing the format of the story. Instead of Lori being the only POV, I might do everyone BUT Lori (because I'm a twisted person). Problem is, this will radically shift the story away from the sort-of-engineering focus it's had and move towards small town drama, the minutiae of other professions, most likely more of Shana being completely fine why do you ask, and whole chapters from Rian's POV that will show he is not an isekai, as that would be wrong and very silly.

Honestly, I'm not very confident about being able to pull it off very well, so I might simply add one new POV. It will most likely be Shanalorre. 

Finally, I know I've been putting up polls for the Patron Exclusive chapter lately... but not this month. I figure I'll finally do it. Someone's getting ravished. 

But, just to be clear, it won't be Shanalorre or Karina.

So, we'll see where this month is going to go. 


Mason Bially

I feel like a part of the original "promise" of the work way back at the beginning was seeing Lori learn the other three branches of magic and engineer with them. Maybe even having to learn entire new non-magical domains to properly engineer with them. I can see that happening from other PoVs just fine, but it might be more difficult to get across. I'll probably be sticking around regardless, but just thought I'd toss out what I expect to see from Demense as reader.


I think adding more that one or two POVs would be a mistake. But in general, I have a feeling that lately (since cca chapter 200) there is not enough stuff happening. And I love slice of life stories. In the beginning, the "daily grind" stuff has been interesting, but now there is so much stuff in need of description, that I am not sure what should be done. I am afraid it will be necessary to start skipping stuff or making some of it happen off screen. What did work as a small Lori+Rian centric story in a new world we were exploring through it is getting clogged by minutae caused by the cast getting larger. It seems to me that in web novels, multiple POVs are often used for "fan porn" reasons - they overlap at least partially (extreme is the extras of this story which offer great perspective and are very fun, but in general they serve for adding more colour, not for moving the story). And it will be extremely hard to balance it to keep the pace, in the situation when the story is getting more and more stuck. I wish the author and us all luck as I love the story and I do not want it getting dropped; but I also feel that something needs to change, and bad change could drive it into a wall.


In general it seems to me that the story hit a speed bump since Shana's demesne getting under Lori. It has more than doubled the amount of content that needs to be told. And it seems to me that it is pretty hard to "solve" River Fork cleanly; IMO the people there are simply suicidally stupid. I would just kill them off or run them out, but that is not an option in this type of story. So I guess stabilise them and ignore them. But that does not help with the fact that even without it the amount of stuff that needs to be described will not shrink. IMO it will simply be necessary to do cut scenes and concentrate only on the important bits. I mean, in the last chapter, so much space has been spent on describing how Lori clears the area... what did it accomplish? I understand it must be fun to write, but even with several chapters a week released we will simply crawl forward and lose readers.