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2/1/23 Update and Patron Exclusive Poll

  • A Mikon POV of shennnanigans 14
  • An Umu POV of shennnanigans 6
  • An Erzebed POV of shennnanigans 12
  • A Shana POV 23
  • An Yllian POV 22
  • A Rian POV, which will again show he is NOT an isekai as that would be wrong and very silly 11
  • A Young Lori POV 8
  • Mikon/Umu/Erzebed/Rian GFE 16
  • 2023-02-01
  • —2023-02-12
  • 112 votes
{'title': '2/1/23 Update and Patron Exclusive Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'A Mikon POV of shennnanigans', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'An Umu POV of shennnanigans', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'An Erzebed POV of shennnanigans', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'A Shana POV', 'votes': 23}, {'text': 'An Yllian POV', 'votes': 22}, {'text': 'A Rian POV, which will again show he is NOT an isekai as that would be wrong and very silly', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'A Young Lori POV', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Mikon/Umu/Erzebed/Rian GFE', 'votes': 16}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 2, 12, 19, 16, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 2, 1, 9, 15, 15, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 112}


So, on the subject of the 'What If’, it looks like it might be a four- or five-parter. When it's done, I'll compile it together into a single post to make it easier to read for everyone.

Most of the length is a result of the show-don't-tell nature of the writing, as well as the fact we're seeing events in GLORIOUS LORI-VISION, so any hints need to be something she would legitimately notice in her Lori-ness.

Many of the characters in question are from planned works or unpublished works that I still need to clean up. One is basically a Dresden Files Storm Front copycat, plot-wise, while another is something I wrote for Nanowrimo a few years back and really need to get around to cleaning up, revising, decluttering and streamlining. The rest are from planned series that I've mentioned before: Magical Girls vs Cultivators, Post-apocalyptic Kaiju-fighting Magical Girl Mecha Pilots, more vanilla Magical Girls, 'Mara Clara of the Observatory Belltower'. I've been meaning to write them when I get some breathing room in my schedule, but...


This February is the anniversary of Demesne's second year of publication, which falls on Valentine's Day.  I don't think I'll be able to post anything special then, since the date is so close, but we'll consider this poll to be for the 2nd Anniversary Special.

In honor of the Anniversary date, I will include some dirty options.

UPDATE: So, the poll is finished, and a Shana POV wins by a hair, with the dirty option coming in third. Look forward to it next week or so!

I'll be taking a vacation next month or so, around late March/early April. It might be two weeks, we'll see. So there will be no updates then, as I won't be writing.

Next month, we'll have a new 'what if' poll again.



Every time Shana is mentioned I wonder what background would make such a perfect hero.


Voted Mikon and Erzebed because I think they are more likely to give me character descriptions. I know Lori has dark Purple Hair and that's it.


She's not the Binder they need... She's not the Binder they deserve... she's the Binder they need to deserve!


Very nearly ended up voting for every option, but fortunately realised that would be wrong, and silly.


Went for Erzebed because I want another view of the harem shenanigans, and Shana because we always need more Shana. A Yllian POV sounds fun to.


And now, RANDOM DEMESNE TRIVIA! =>Lori is a year older than Rian. =>She's also about three inches shorter than him. All those mentions of her looking up at him were because she's usually seated. =>Rian was about 22 at the start of the story. =>Erzebed was 26 =>Shana's dad was one of those highly charismatic, main-character types. While he didn't create the Golden Sweetwood Company, he was part of the first wave because his contemporaries knew he'd be good for morale. =>Shana's uncle was less of an asshole when his brother was alive. He was post-death Raistlin, as opposed to pre-death Raistline. =>Karina has 4 younger sibling, two boys and two girls.

Sam Oppy

Honestly - would just prefer more chapters but 🤷‍♂️