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The next day started as a perfectly ordinary morning for Lori. Specifically, it started with her in her demesne. When she finally came down, it was to a full dining hall, as she had come to expect on mornings, and which she found she had actually missed in the last week and half. Everything was as it should be, everything was as she expected it to be…

She was home.

The only thing to mar the occasion was the fact that when Rian came carrying breakfast to her, Umu, Mikon and Shanalorre, there was no one at his side. Lori found her gaze lingering slightly on the empty space next to the pink haired weaver, where Riz would usually be. Then she shook her head, putting her foolish sentiments to rest.

"Have you made the arrangements for the stonemasons to come with us?" Lori said. Talking about demesne matters in the morning over breakfast was also wonderfully familiar, and she'd even brought down the sunk board. As she made a move in response to Mikon's opening, she could almost pretend it was the year before…

"I told them we needed them to come with us before I left yesterday," Rian said as Shanalorre quietly ate next to Lori, "and we managed to talk again in the baths this morning. They're willing to come and can get all they need together right after breakfast, but they're not comfortable with the idea of being gone as long as we were."

"That shouldn't be a problem," Lori said as Mikon made her move. "Staying so long was a mistake. From now on, we will be doing four day shifts, with a day in between to arrange any new things we need as well as dealing with demesne matters here. Perhaps two if something urgent comes up."

Rian sighed in relief. "That would be wonderful. I'll tell them after breakfast. I haven't told the carpenters about needing a new door yet, so I have to take care of that before we leave. Are they still going to come with us, or will they build the door here?"

"At least one of them needs to come along to take measurements for the door, and to find out what work, if any, the carpenters in River's Fork has already done."

"It'll need to be one of the carpenters from there, then," Rian said thoughtfully.

"We also need at least one of the hunters to come along," Lori said as she reached over to the sunk board, her hand hesitating a moment before she picked up all the stones in one bowl.

Her lord paused at that. "To help get more food for River's Fork, right? They'll need some of the people from our regular hunting parties then, people who know how to get as much of the meat off the bone and packed up before the blood draws more predators— wait, maybe not…"

"What is it?"

"If you're willing, we can send the Coldhold and its crew to help with gathering food. All of us learned how to butcher meat quickly, and in the confines of the surface deck, if need be. It will limit the area they can hunt to along the river, but beasts have to drink eventually. If we add some extra people to help with dragging the carcass close to the boat, they should be able to manage it."

Lori frowned as she finished her move. The idea of the Coldhold not being there in case she needed a quick escape should uncivil unrest and violence erupt… "Are any of the other boats ready?"

Rian shook his head. "Not yet. Lori's Boat is still in storage, as far as I know, and Lori's Ice Boat is notably lacking in ice. And I don't think you've checked on their waterjets lately, so those probably haven't been imbued." Shanalorre looked up at the names, her face confused for some reason.

Ah. Right. "We'll do that in four days," Lori declared as Mikon took a moment to consider her response. "Make arrangements for the wood to be inspected in the meantime, and have the carpenters prepare to make any replacements if necessary." She hummed in thought for a moment, then sighed. "Have one of the hunters come with us anyway, to see how viable the idea is. Also, have the potter begin production on large water vessels."

Rian blinked. "Large water vessels?"

"If there's a more specific name, I don't know what it is," Lori said flatly. "Regardless, we need something that can ideally be carried by one strong person that can hold a lot of water for the dragon shelter in River's Fork. While I can fill any reservoir I build in the shelter with water from the river, that water will need to be used and replaced, lest it become undrinkable. I know they probably have buckets and at least one barrel there, but that demesne will need a means of filling the reservoir with enough water for fifty people for at least three days in the few hours they might have before a dragon arrives. That requires vessels."

Rian sighed for some reason. "The barrel, you remember." He shook his head, then nodded. "I'll see what we can do. Though I think we've reach the point where we can actually make our own barrels now, which would be lighter and easier to move than clay pots, even when filled. I'll need you to authorize the use of the copper for it, though."

Lori considered that. "Shanalorre," she said as Mikon made her move, fingers dropping the stones into bowls one at a time as she went around the board. The other Dungeon Binder looked up from her meal, which was almost finished. "Since this project will be going to be for your demesne, we'll be taking the copper from its stores."

"Understood, Great Binder. How much will be needed?"

Lori turned back to Rian. "Find out how much copper will be needed to make five barrels to start with, then get it back to Shanalorre."

Rian hesitated, glancing at the other Dungeon Binder. "Uh…"

"If I may, Great Binder?" Lori turned back to her bench companion. "If Lord Rian can direct me to the person to ask, I can find out the details myself, as well as any others I might need to learn."

"What she said," Rian said hastily. "Not that I'm not willing, but I'm sure there are other things I'm going to need to be doing, and this will help familiarize her with the people of the demesne that she'll need to remember when it comes to these kinds of matters in the future."

Lori frowned. "Fine. Umu, take Shanalorre to meet the people in question after breakfast."

The blonde weaver gave a start of surprise from where she'd been leaning against Rian's side. "M-me, your Bindership?"

"If you don't want to," Lori said, her voice dry, "then I'm sure Rian can find a volunteer. Rian, you find someone to—"

"I-I'll do it, Rian!" Umu said immediately. "I never said I wouldn't!"

Lori's gaze happened to meet Mikon's. The other woman was smiling fondly. Lori simply rolled her eyes. Shaking her head, she made her move. "Well, with that dealt with, are there any other matters that need to be brought up?"

"Well, there was nothing immediately urgent," Rian said thoughtfully. "No one felt they had something they needed me to know right away, after all. But I'll probably find out some minor matters after breakfast, so I'll get back to you on that later. Ah! Five of the houses are finished now though, and the other three are almost complete. Does that mean those who petitioned for it can move in now?"

Lori waved a hand dismissively. "Fine, fine. I'm sure I can leave handling that matter to you. Do they have enough beds, or are they going to ask for having beds that fold into the wall?"

"The latter, I think, and maybe a loft floor to give them some more space to spread out and not crowd each other," Rian said.

"Fine, have the carpenters prioritize that for the moment. In the meantime, have them move in so we can clear some space in the shelter."

Rian chuckled. "At this point, the people in the shelter have more space than anyone else in the demesne, including you."

"Not for long. Over the next four days, we will be moving in the children from River's Fork."

"Ah. That… might be problematic. We might need to arrange for chaperones. At the very least, it would be very irresponsible for us to just stuff all those children in a building without any adult supervision to make sure they'll be all right."

"Won't the ones they'll be sharing the shelter with be enough supervision, if it's actually needed?"

"Spoken like someone's who's never had to keep more than one child out of trouble, or go to bed on time, or…" Rian shook his head. "If you'd be willing to have it be part of their apprenticeship, I'll ask some of the newlyweds to do it. It will be good for them to have experience dealing with children."

Ah, a sound idea. "Ah, a sound idea," Lori agreed. "Arrange it, and tell them to expect the children to arrive with us in four days or so."

"Ah, if I may, Rian?" Rian, and Lori both turned their attention towards Mikon. "If it's for watching over children, my aunt may allow some of my cousins to move into the shelter for that reason, especially if there are going to be fewer people there now." The weaver gave them a bright smile. "I'm sure they'll be eager for an acceptable reason to get them out of the house."

"We'll see," Rian said noncommittally. That seemed to satisfy the woman though, who gave one last smile and went back to her food.

"You're a lord now, you know. Nepotism is expected," Lori said, reaching for the sunk board to take her turn.

"I'm trying to start a tradition of ethical and non-nepotistic lordship. Granted, I know it's probably not going to catch on, but I need to at least make the effort."

"It's what people expect of their lords."

"Well, yourexpectations would be difficult to meet if I acted like that. A lord like that would be trying to manipulate you for his own convenience. I'd rather not be a dead man."

"Yes, you'd be hard to replace," Lori agreed. "Is there anything else?"

Rian tilted his head thoughtfully. "No… no, I think that's everything right now. It's been a year, people know what to do now, and you've pretty much built everything they really need. Anything after this is just to make things easier or to make money. You can probably rest up while we're getting things ready."

"In that case, I'll be at the docks. The Coldhold needs exterior lights."

Rian smiled for some reason. "Have I told you recently you're the best Dungeon Binder ever?"

Lori stared at him. "Not lately, no."

"You're the best Dungeon Binder ever."

"Yes, that's obvious. If there's nothing else, then finish eating, Rian. You have a lot of work to do."

"Yes, your Bindership!"



What is Riz problem? Did she had a falling out with the others? Even Lori is realizing that there is something wrong.

Anton Shomshor

Rian smiled for *some* reason. Lol. Love Lori’s social ineptitude