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31/10/22 Status and November Poll

  • A 'What If' where Lori is a Magical Girl instead of a Whisperer 6
  • A 'What If' where Lori is an Isekai protagonist. 7
  • A 'What If' where Lori is a Horotract instead of a Whisperer 3
  • A 'What If' where Lori is a Deadspeaker instead of a Whisperer 4
  • A 'What If' where Demesne is, UGH, a LitRPG setting, complete with levels, menus and all the shit 5
  • A Mikon POV showing the current harem shennanigans 16
  • A Rian POV, which will again show he is NOT an isekai as that would be wrong and very silly 7
  • A Karina POV, because why not? 33
  • An Yllian POV 19
  • A (NON-CANON!!!!!) Ryan the isekai POV, which is wrong and very silly, but would probably be fun 7
  • A 'What If' where Lori is a generic, charismatic, all-loving, super-capable, extrovert Main Character-type 2
  • 2022-10-31
  • —2022-11-20
  • 109 votes
{'title': '31/10/22 Status and November Poll', 'choices': [{'text': "A 'What If' where Lori is a Magical Girl instead of a Whisperer", 'votes': 6}, {'text': "A 'What If' where Lori is an Isekai protagonist.", 'votes': 7}, {'text': "A 'What If' where Lori is a Horotract instead of a Whisperer", 'votes': 3}, {'text': "A 'What If' where Lori is a Deadspeaker instead of a Whisperer", 'votes': 4}, {'text': "A 'What If' where Demesne is, UGH, a LitRPG setting, complete with levels, menus and all the shit", 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'A Mikon POV showing the current harem shennanigans', 'votes': 16}, {'text': 'A Rian POV, which will again show he is NOT an isekai as that would be wrong and very silly', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'A Karina POV, because why not?', 'votes': 33}, {'text': 'An Yllian POV', 'votes': 19}, {'text': 'A (NON-CANON!!!!!) Ryan the isekai POV, which is wrong and very silly, but would probably be fun', 'votes': 7}, {'text': "A 'What If' where Lori is a generic, charismatic, all-loving, super-capable, extrovert Main Character-type", 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 20, 15, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 31, 8, 24, 14, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 109}


All right, here is this month's poll! We have some of the options from last month, and some new ones as well.

For a change of pace, I was thinking of writing some of the 'what if' ideas instead of a numbered chapter, because it seems fun. Tell you guys what, in the comments, tell me which of the what ifs you guys want me to write and I'll remove it from the poll and put it up next week. You guys have until Thursday to comment. It will also go into RR and SB (in 2 weeks), so for those reading this but can't vote, don't worry. 

EDIT 1: It's looking like next week's 'What If' is going to be either Charismatic!Lori or Isekai!Lori. Comment today to be a tie breaker or change the winner entirely by getting three votes into a different What If! Today is the last day for the 'what if' comments so I can write it in time for next week!

EDIT 2: All right, Looks like I'm writing Charismatic!Lori next week. Maybe Wednesday. The canon story will continue on Friday.



Of the whatifs, Lori as an isekai protagonist seems the most interesting. Having said that, I'd be extremely excited for a Yllian POV. What does he think of Lori? What of Lori saying how she planned to get rid of Shanalorre later on, and how if he messes up she'll kill him and Rian's response to that? It'd be real juice


The newest What If option fills me with interest, but also trepidition. I'm torn between voting for it or not.


Incidentally, 'What if Lori was an Isekai' is the one I'd like to see most for next week.

Justin Case

For the public 'What If' I'm interested in either the LitRPG or Lori as a generic charismatic all-loving protagonist.

matticide FOWD

I'd be keen to see any of them but my real question is "Is Lori on the spectrum?" She has aversions to noises and can't deal with people much, is good at what she knows but flounders in new situations


She wasn't written with that intention. I don't see why an aversion to noises is a symptom. Imagine living next to a crappy garage band.

matticide FOWD

Thanks for the response! Yeah I dunno I'd just read it as over stimulation response, plus she doesn't remember faces/names well cause she never looks at people, doesn't wanna engage in social things because they seem pointless and overwhelming...i've been following this story since the start and love the cast it just made me wonder. P.S karina is best taxpayer girl. If lorian gets an aristocracy she better be in line due to seniority of fealty dues


Once upon a time, those traits would mean she was a 'goth loner', not 'autism spectrum'. Or possibly 'Uchiha Sasuke'. My how stereotypes have changed.

matticide FOWD

Yeah I see your point, though I'd disagree with sasuke. He wasn't Goth he was just the worst bloke. Lori has way more depth of character. I'm not sure I've ever despised an anime character more than sasuke before or since his creation, including ridiculous One dimensional Hentai characters.

matticide FOWD

Haha don't even get me started. Anyways thanks for the story so far, I'm loving it! Even though I glare at the screen when Lori doesn't learn new magic's, someone in the Canon should harass her about it! 😋

Justin Case

I am summoned by the insults to Ranma. I read *soooo* much Ranma fanfiction. Ranma got me into manga and then into fanfiction. There was definitely a lot of supercharging him to make him fit into other settings though.