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HI everyone! It's August, and I would like to thank everyone who has been supporting me all this time. I know I can't offer as much as other Creators, but I'm thankfu land grateful for everyone who decided they liked what they saw and decided I was worth reading.

Demesne is, according to my master copy, over 220K words long, and is somewhere between halfway and 2/3rds done. The first major arc, anyway. There's still a lot of story to tell in the setting, more character development of Lori, and Rian is most definitely not an isekai. that would be wrong. And very silly. 

Demesne's cast is about to (admittedly very slowly) start expanding. The new additions are obvious, and the story is headed in a direction that might force me to make a radical change: I might have to add a SECOND regular POV besides just Lori. We'll see how it turns out. 

Future additions will tentatively include: pirates, things inspired by San Francisco Bay, more dragons, fight scenes, and Rian and Lori experimenting with each other. 

Also, I promise that Lori will figure out how to do other magic before this arc ends. 

Am I trying to replicate the so-called 'Sanderson Avalanche'? No, what am I, crazy? I'm not nearly that good. However, hopefully my attempt to use everything I learned in the good 'ole storytelling toolbox can be executed in reasonably good order. I just want people to get to the end and go 'huh, wait, he set that up', then go back to the start just to make sure that I did, in fact, set things up early, fair and square, without retconning. I admitted to the only bit of retconning I did.

If all goes well, I hope to wrap up this Book 1 arc by the time this story is a year old, next February... so it will probably take longer than that. I hope many of you will still be with me when I get to that point, or at least still reading the story. 

After that, a short break from this to let me rest and try writing something else. Maybe something with Magical Girls and Mecha... 

Hope you all enjoy the chapters coming this month! 

PS: for the sadly few people who read and enjoy Nightmærangers, it will keep chugging along. This week, I hope to actually start getting them to call themselves Nightmærangers in-universe. After the Kim POV chapters will be the Willy POV chapters. Suffice to say I intend to crank the horror throttle WAY up when we get to her... 


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