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So, quick update. We're coming closer to the end of volume 3, at which point I intend to take a short break from writing demesne. However, I don't know how much longer it will be until that end, as I still have some more to write for volume 3. I'm talking content, not word count, as there are some things i want to get written down before I take my break.

That being said, if volume 3 is still ongoing in June, then i'm announcing that I will be taking 2 breaks that month. One will be my usual anti-burnout (catch up) break on the last week of the month, and a break on the second week of the month because of a family thing. it's one of those family things that will be very stressful and I will probably see myself being 'volunteered' to do things, so best not to try to write around it.

On the end of Volume 3 itself, I plan to take another month off from writing demesne before getting to Volume 4,. During that time, I will FINALLY get around to properly commissioning a cover for Volume 1, write some bits that I probably should have already written, and give it a final spell check, and hopefully finally get it up on Amazon. In addition to that, I'll finally have time to work on some other projects, like the Magical Girls-Cultivators story, a project tentatively titled 'The S**ls-like Boss Is Reborn In An Otome Game!', and Nightmaerangers.

If any of those projects gain traction, I might need to shuffle my schedule around as needed . We'll see if I actually accomplish it.

Everything but the breaks in June is fluid, so we'll see how it turns out. I'll put up the poll for May's Patron exclusive soon.

P.S.: Everything up to now was supposed to be Volume 1. I clearly have problems estimating scale.


Justin Case

It's kind of hilarious that you somehow thought that everything through this would be volume 1. Over a million words in one book, certainly value for the money.


Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson have given me very skewed ideas of what constitutes a normal wordcount. To be fair, things were added during writing. There was meant to be only one trip to Covehold, Shana was originally not going to subordinate herself to Lori... but yeah, in hindsight i severely underestimated how much book it would be . Lori should be ruling the continent from her flying demesne by now.

Ryan Schuurman

Great to hear that you're working toward an Amazon release! I'm looking forward to seeing where the story goes in the next volume. I appreciate the story so far, and I've read it a couple of times now.