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Patreon is now asking to remove all minor contents from Pixiv, Twitter and Pawoo even I don't have any direct link towards their site.

I sent complaint about difference between their last guide mail from my last suspend.

But since this is happening to almost every nsfw artists in Patreon recently, It won't go well I guess.

I will NOT give up my Freedom of expression for myself and my followers. So I'll leave Patreon if they keep holding my patron's support as hostage.

If you're willing to keep the support, please move your monthly support to Pixiv Fanbox

I'm really thankful for your continuous support. Be proud of being patron of exotic hermaphrodite art and culture.



will be moving my subscription there then.

Jeff Simple

I shall move too!


Well then... Given that steaming pile of horseshit, I'll be pulling up stakes from any Patreon that has alternate accounts. It is one thing to regulate their own site, but to try shouldering in on other sites, gets the same response my first job got when they demanded I 'friend' them on social media so they could monitor my life outside of work... "Get fucked, set on fire, and die screaming, you worthless sack of shit. Have a nice day." I'll catch all of you on Fanbox. Sorry this happened to you Sinensian, but good to know you aren't kowtowing to this Thought Police bullshit.


Time to move from patreon. Shit company shouldn't be forcing you to remove your art from other sites.


You have my support. Enough of this.


Definitely subscribing on fanbox instead. Fuck patreon lmao


Woo, the age of censorship!

Digital Slug

What the **CENSORED**


I already subscribe there, will be adding what i pay here over there! Your work is worth it!

Agate Pris

Thanks Sinensian. I have decided to stop all support on Patreon.


I'll be moving to fanbox next month. My question is do you plan to do polls over on fanbox in some form? That was one of the more amusing reasons I stuck around to patreon.


Honestly I'm not really sure what should I do with poll. Too bad Fanbox doesn't have any poll fuction.


We love you Sinensian!

An Actual Dragon

Gone ahead and moved over, really not happy with patreon trying to police your content outside of this place. Looking forward to enjoying your content over on fanbox!


Going to Fanbox then cause your work is great. You could try strawpoll for the polls.


I shall switch to fan box right away. Sad patreon is being like this.


Wellp, its time to create pixiv account i guess


I prefer patreon as a platform, but the day you're forced to leave is the day I subscribe on fanbox.


yeah same, patreon is convenient but they themselves keep making things hard..


No more patreon, I guess. Off to pixiv I go...


I Love Patreon but it's really not fair how they treat you. But I still don't know if I would switch to Pixiv Fanbox, so I don't know very well.


Yeah, no, fuck this site, honestly. They did the same to Eigaka recently, so I guess I'm cancelling my subscription to the two of you here and pledging on fanbox


Reminds me of when we lost JLullaby, he got kicked off Patreon and seemed to just slowly lose the will. It’s fucked up man. I’ll support you on Pixiv too.

Han Pol

Personally I would guess that patreon isn't really the one to be blamed here. Explanation If a site like patron gets big. authorites from different countries will look at the site to check if the site has something untowards the law. And if for example Germany or Italien authories say, The display of content XY is a problem for us and will mean that we ban your site fully from our banking if you don't comply It means that a site like patron will comply. As NSFW content is a smaller potion of their overall income then the income they receive from nation X specially the kind of content meant here. meaning the artistic showing of cannon characters who in the cannon are below the age of majority. Will be a problem for all such sites Of course such insitutions work slowly, but eventually they catch up when a site get's big or was working for long enough. . Still pretty annoying that the full content anywhere.. .


Will we get link to the monthly Mega archive at pixiv fanbox as well?


Yeah I understand, but still Patreon monitoring my other webs are annoying ;_;


Just switched over to fanbox. Love your work, sucks to see Patreon taking such a hard line approach to this.

Icarus Media

Have you considered Subscribestar as an alternative?


Copy that. Let's move. I hope the poll continues somewhere.


Shifted to fanbox already. Keep up the good work lad!


Is your fanbox censored?


I uploaded MEGA archive link directly to uncensored original files so no need to worry :)