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Hey to everyone who's reading this and not in the chat! And sorry again for being so bad at using the site.

Sorry for still not using the main site much - a chat is just far easier for me. That being said, the $5 pledge is being removed today and I will be focusing on these three tiers as those are the most popular. I didn't feel like you got really anything for the original first tier and it sort of just...was there as a tip jar and people are probably expecting more and was honestly just misleading. Sorry about that :<

That being said, you'll notice that the tier names have changed and I will be adding some new icons to those soon! This is still up for discussion but for now these are the names I will be going with.

To everyone who has been patient with me while I catch up on art/get my IRL situation together, thank you so much for being so patient. And to all of you who are still around, I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate you. Hopefully September will be a much more chill and fruitful month to come.

- Lee


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