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Hello hello!

If you're reading this, that means you're a new patron, and I'd like to welcome you! can't thank you enough for your support, and I'm very eager and excited to both meet and work with you. I wouldn't be able to do what I love full-time without your help and this community. No matter what tier you've pledged, you have my gratitude. 

If you haven't yet, you'll very shortly be receiving a personal message from me, and you can submit your reward request immediately. If you already know what you want, more power to you, but please don't hesitate to think about it for a bit. You have until the 20th to send your prompt in; as long as you do that, I can guarantee it's completion this month. 

This first post is just to get things kicked off the ground, and put down an idea of how I'd like to start things out here. As time passes on, I'm sure things will grow and I'll start getting the right idea of what my patrons would like to see here more often. But for now, let's start off with an introduction on what to expect.

For now, the biggest thing you'll be seeing posted on this page will be commission WIPs, YCH sketches, and maybe some personal art now and again. Of course, all of my reward requests will be uploaded here too for everyone to enjoy. 

I've been trying to think about the best day to do a weekly poll. A bit torn between Monday, the first work-day of the week, and Friday, the last. Monday would give everyone a fresh start to think of new ideas for content or other, but Friday would also allow me to look back on the week and see where we're at and what I'd like to do for the future. I'm leaning more towards Fridays as an option, but if my patrons have an opinion on this, I'd be glad to hear it! 

That's all for now! Within the next couple of days a decision on this will be made, but in the meantime, thanks again! Looking forward to hearing from you!

~ Lee 🐕💖


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