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I am a busy bee this month which is why there's been very few updates!

For now, I am focusing on Isaac's finale and trying to get this finished as soon as possible. I'm currently only prioritising the SFW version so that it uploads in time for Christmas on YouTube, so the NSFW will come out later.

I'm also making another audio alongside it (albeit slowly), so I'm hoping that comes out in December as well. Either that, or I'll keep it as a special gift for January. We'll see!

In the breaks I have, I'm also doing up my room so there may be fewer posts in general. I hope you all understand and are looking forward to what may be the final audio of the year!

Take care of yourselves~ <3



Thank you for the update! I hope you accomplish what you want in doing up your room- reorganizing stuff always makes me feel better! I’m psyched to hear what’s happening with Isaac!! I hope you’re taking time to enjoy the holidays. Looking forward to your new audios and updates as always!


Thank you Saku, make sure to take care of yourself as well ♡