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Hear ye, all citizens,

As the title says, I am currently ill with the cold? flu? (not sure yet), but I can't concentrate on work at the moment and it hurts to look at anything bright. In the meantime, I will be inwardly brainstorming more ideas so as not to take off too much time. 

The momentum for my work has been pretty great, and I don't want to lose any progress I've made. 

For now, give me your favourite audio settings! The last time I asked what your favourite tropes were, but this time, I'd like to know locations, and with what kind of person (not necessarily from Sakuverse, but any kind of character)! 

I know y'all have some good ones, because you always do!



awh i’m also sick atm so definitely feel u😭 hope you feel better soon!!<3


i’m a little late but feel better saku !! hopefully you’ll get over your sickness soon not for the sake of your content, but for your own sake !! we all care for you and wish the best <3 locations locations.. personal faves are bookstores, homely areas like the kitchen, living rooms, bedroom, etc. but i know some of those have happened. for smth different maybe a porch or backyard ? or (wink wink nudge nudge) a photoshoot set 😁 … yeah i’m talking about alex