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The next audio will be this Thursday! I'm glad that I did it way in advance because I'm feeling a little sick, but I've been doing quite a bit of scriptwriting in the meantime!

Because of that, I'd like to know what tropes you all like to see! Because a lot of the series having huge collabs, I'd like to keep a decent amount of ideas for the rest of the characters so nothing becomes stale.

So, in the comments, please write what sort of tropes you like! I may use them, subvert them, or do something inspired by them, but I'd love to see what you're all wanting as I'd like to provide!



rivals in any form to lovers and grumpy/sunshine are probably my absolute favorites


I can't think of a trope specifically though lately been into the reincarnated/time travel genre having a second chance feels enticing, when they come back find I interesting what path they would take.